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aleollLhlc Age Also known as Lhe sLone age Lhe flrsL 2 mllllon plus years durlng whlch our

ur specles
has exlsLed uurlng Lhls Llme perlod humans have Lamed flre and acqulred Lhe ablllLy of maklng and
uslng Lools and would hunL for food or gaLher frulLs and berrles ( before agrlculLure) page7

Pomo erecLus Cne of Lhe earllesL forms of humans flrsL found durlng Lhe aleollLhlc age who has an
erecL ( uprlghL ) sLaLure and blgger braln capaclLy whlch allowed beLLer Lool use 1hey developed and
spread ln Afrlca Asla and Lurope page8

Pomo saplens saplens A more advanced Lype of humans Lhan Lhe homo erecLus buL also orlglnaLed ln
Afrlca abouL 120000 years ago durlng Lhe laLe aleollLhlc ages All modern humans Lo day are
decendenLs of Lhe homo saplen saplens page8

MesollLhlc Age Also known as Lhe Mlddle SLone Age ls around 12000 Lo 8000 8CL ln whlch human
ablllLy Lo fashlon sLone Lools and oLher lmplemenLs and flshlng lmproved CreaLlon of poLs and baskeLs
for sLorage and even Lhe domesLlcaLlon of anlmals have appeared Powever Lhe growLh ln populaLlon
lead Lo more dlspuLes and vlolence among humans page10

neollLhlc Age Also known as Lhe new SLone age and also Lhe flnal sLone age ln whlch humans have
beLLer Lool use somewhaL elaboraLe soclal organlzaLlon and mosL lmporLanLly Lhe lnvenLlon of
agrlculLure whlch foreshadowed Lhe creaLlon of clvlllzaLlon (10000 4000 8CL) page10

neollLhlc 8evoluLlon uescrlblng Lhe lnvenLlon of agrlculLure whlch changed Lhe old hunLlng and
gaLherlng LradlLlons wlLh crop culLlvaLlon and Lhe domesLlcaLlon of anlmals 1hough some reslsLed Lhe
ldea aL flrsL buL gave ln for agrlculLure can supply much more food page11

PunLlng and CaLherlng 1he earllesL form of supplylng food for humans was hunLlng anlmals and
collecLlng frulLs and berrles from Lhelr surroundlngs 8ecause food had Lo be soughL ouL Lhe spread of
humans lncreased greaLly page11

8ronze Age CrlglnaLlng ln Lhe mlddle easL Lhe creaLlon of meLalworklng made new and useful Lools
made of copper Lhen developed Lhem ouL of lron several years laLer 1hls was meanL Lo replace Lools
made of sLone wood and bones page13

ClvlllzaLlon A socleLy wlLh a hlghly developed soclal and culLural organlzaLlon page13

Slash and 8urn AgrlculLure 1he comblnaLlon of a nomadlc llfe sLyle and a somewhaL moderaLe level of
accepLance for agrlculLure A sysLem ln whlch people would burn Lrees ln an area farm lnLenslvely for a
few years unLll Lhe soll ls depleLed and move onLo anoLher plece of land ready Lo bleed lL dry of any
nuLrlenLs page13

CaLal Pyuk A neollLhlc vlllage ln souLhern 1urkey founded ln 70008CL LhaL ls one of Lhe mosL early
examples of clvlllzaLlon unusually large wlLh houses made mud brlcks seL ln Llmber frameworks wlLh
few wlndows and lavlshly decoraLed wlLh lmages of hunLlng and rellglon page14

Cunelform An early form of wrlLlng based on wedge llke characLers ln Lhe mlddle easL around 33008CL

8arbarlan 1he word glven by Lhe anclenL Creeks for prlmlLlve nomads Lhey were prone Lo regard all
nonCreeks as 8arbarlans page 13

nomads Croups of vagranL people who do noL seLLle lnsLead Lhey roam freely from land Lo land and
Lhough Lhey are colned Lhe word barbarlans Lhey learn much abouL agrlculLure and oLher useful skllls
from Lhe people and vlllages Lhey encounLered 1hey are greaLly responslble for passlng on varlous
useful ldeas and skllls LhaL lmprove Lhe llfesLyle of many groups of seLLllng people page 13

MesopoLamla Lhe flrsL clvlllzaLlon founded LhaL ls developed compleLely from scraLch wlLh no example
from anyplace Lo lmlLaLe MesopoLamla ls a Lerm meanlng beLween Lhe Lwo rlvers Lhe 1lgrls and Lhe
LuphraLes rlver whlch alded Lhelr farmlng by provldlng lrrlgaLlon 1he people ln Lhls clvlllzaLlon had
meLal Lhe wheel for LransporLaLlon poLLery and arLlsLlc forms lL also had a conslderable coordlnaLlon
ln acLlon among communlLles LhaL ls Lhe basls for complex pollLlcal sLrucLures page 16

Sumerlans lnvaders of Lhe MesopoLamla who had lnvenLed a cunelform alphabeL and showed poLenLlal
for sclence and maLhemaLlcs (because of Lhelr lnLeresL ln asLronomy consLellaLlons Lhe calendar
calculaLlng weaLher and developlng a number sysLem) and are very rellglous and adopLed sllver as a
form of currency

Sumerlan AlphabeL A serles of plcLures Lo represenL dlfferenL Lhlngs buL soon shlfLed Lo geomeLrlcs
shapes Lo represenL spoken sounds and changed from 2000 symbols Lo 300 Cnly a small mlnorlLy of Lhe
people were llLeraLe page17

ZlgguraLs Masslve Lowerllke Lemples operaLed by professlonal prlesLs made by Lhe Sumerlans Lo
please and honor Lhelr Cods as parL of Lhelr complex rellglous rlLuals whlch also lncluded polyLhelsm
page 18

olyLhelsm 1he worshlp of bellef ln more Lhan one delLy such as Lhe Sumerlans seelng gods ln many
aspecLs of naLure page 18

ClLy SLaLe A slngle soverelgn area surrounded by many smaller ones dependenL on lLs soverelgnLy
used ln a Sumerlan pollLlcal sLrucLure ruled by a klng who clalmed dlvlne auLhorlLy a mlllLary force
LradlLlon of slavery laws and a clear dlvlslon beLween classes page 19

Akkadlans 1he Sumerlan reglon was hard Lo defend and vulnerable Lo lnvaders Lhe Akkadlans who
Look over Lhe MesopoLamla Look lL for Lhemselves buL sLlll conLlnued Lhe Sumerlan culLure page 19

8abylonlans 1he second Lo lnvade Lhe Sumerlan reglon Lhe 8abylonlans who conquered Lhe
Akkadlans 8abylonlans exLended Lhelr clvlllzaLlon Lowards many oLher parLs of Lhe mlddle easL page 19

Pammurabl klng of Lhe 8abylonlans who lnLroduced Lhe mosL famous code of law 1he Pammurabl
Code page19

yramlds Splendld bullL Lombs made for pharaohs of Lhe LgypLlan clvlllzaLlon from 2700 8CL onward

haraoh AnclenL LgypLlan ruler of Lhe LgypLlan clvlllzaLlon page20

kush A klngdom near Lhe LgypLlan ClvlllzaLlon who was one of Lhe many LhaL lnvaded Lhe lL buL
succeeded and caused Lhe LgypLlan clvlllzaLlon Lo decllne page20

LgypLlan ClvlllzaLlon 8efore falllng Lo Lhe kush Lhe LgypLlan clvlllzaLlon was a norLhern Afrlcan
clvlllzaLlon along Lhe nlle 8lver formed by 3000 8CL and had undergone a serles of lnvaslons 1he people
are ruled by a pharaoh and had a wrlLlng sysLem and asLronomlcal knowledge Lhough noL as elaboraLe
as Lhe MesopoLamlans Lhey had a beLLer undersLandlng of maLhemaLlcs whlch separaLed each day Lo
be 24 hours long and had greaL developmenLs ln arL age20

lndus 8lver A rlver LhaL supporLed clvlllzaLlon of many clLles durlng 23008CL malnly Lhe Parappa and
Lhe Mohen[o uaro whose houses even had runnlng waLer page21

Parappa and Mohen[o uaro ClLles LhaL lle along and are supporLed by Lhe lndus 8lver 1hough Lhey
have Lradlng conLacLs wlLh MesopoLamla Lhese people have developed a dlsLlncLlve alphabeL and
arLlsLlc forms of Lhelr own varlous lnfllLraLlons and naLural calamlLles made Lhe confldence of Lhelr
culLure and naLure hard Lo declpher Lhrough Lhelr wrlLlng arL of Lhelr culLure had beeen relnvenLed by
lndoLuropean mlgranLs who have comblned ldeas of boLh Lhe groups page21

Puanghe (?ellow 8lver) ln chlna Lhls rlver supporLed lL people wlLh waLer for lrrlgaLlon and Lhe
clvlllzaLlon was prone of floodlng 1he people of Lhe Puanghe clvlllzaLlon llved ln lsolaLlon wlLh Lhe
excepLlon of Lradlng conLacL wlLh lndla and Lhe mlddle easL buL Lhey have and elaboraLe concepL of
Lhelr remoLe orlglns and are capable of horse rldlng poLLery meLal maklng arL undersLandlng sclence
and have developed Lhelr own wrlLlng age 22

ldeogram A symbol or marklng belonglng Lo a leLLer sysLem whlch represenLs a word used ln Chlnese
and !apanese alphabeLs page22

Chlchlmecs Meanlng sons of Lhe dogs Lhe name colned by Lhe Chlnese Lo Lhe barbarous and
unclvlllzed lnvaders of Lhe Puanghe clvlllzaLlon page23

hoenlclans A group of people who around 1300 8CL had creaLed a slmpllfled alphabeL of only 22
leLLers LhaL lnfluenced and lmproved Creek and LaLln alphabeLs and Lhe LgypLlan numberlng sysLem
wlLh lLs creaLlon page 23

MonoLhelsm 1he bellef LhaL Lhere ls only one Cod page27

Shang klngs LhaL ruled Lhe clvlllzaLlon of Lhe Puanghe valley and durlng Lhelr Llme had lnsLrucLed Lhe
creaLlon of greaL Lombs and palaces lrom 1766 1027 8C

!ews and !udalsm lrom Lhe Mlddles LasL Lhey spreaded and developed Lhe flrsL ldeas of monoLhelsm
whlch became exLremely lnfluenLlal Lo Lhe people ln Lhe mlddle easL page 27

aLrlarchy early form of governmenL ln whlch males play a superlor role over women and domlnaLe ln
maLLers such as pollLlcs auLhorlLy and famlly

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