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Cosmic Cube Circuit 9.

1 To Harvest Gods Earth Harvest desire swells within the human breast as a longing for completion. The harvest function is to bring about fusion in each individual aspect of the Godhead. God has provided many ways to help us bridge the dimensions of consciousness, giving each sincere heart a set of unique tools, fashioned to fit their specific talents. Now He calls upon each and every one of us to use these talents to their maximum potential for the good of all, our combined forces together fashioned as the massive out raying of an illuminating Light Wave electrically charged with the dynamic currents of Gods Spirit through His manifesting Word. Implementing the Universal Event of the Cosmic Harvest is something no mortal mind would dare, or care, to do, alone. Nor is this possible, for it is written "Only the Father in Heaven knows the timing for the Harvesting of men".

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