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NCAS07 Embedded Systems

An Overview of Embedded system, Requirements, Challenges issues,
and trends in software development.

Application market segments, control system and industrial
automation, Data communication, Networked !nformation
Appliances, Telecommunications.

Hardware Architecture: Processor, Nemory, Latches and buffers,
ADC S DAC, Application specific control, Display units, keypads, DSP.

Nicrocontrollers and their applications, Communication interfaces:
Serial interface, !EEE 1334, USB, !nfra red, Ethernet and PC! bus.

Embedded system development process: requirement , system
architecture, operating system and processes. Development platform
and tools, HLL support Cross compilers, Linux and Windows CE
based development Tools. Nobile/ handheld systems.

Basic idea of embedded system application like mobile networks,
CPS, Real time system, Database applications, Networked and ]AvA
enabled information appliances, Nobile ]AvA applications.


Uverview of embedded system:
An embedded sysLem ls a compuLer sysLem deslgned Lo perform one or few dedlcaLed Lasks An
embedded sysLem can be descrlbes as ooe cooslstloq of o ptocessots ossocloteJ petlpbetols ooJ
softwote oseJ fot o speclflc potpose or example I|re A|arm's embedded sysLem ls used Lo
alerL/noLlfy Lo responslble aLLendanL when lL senses smoke
Llke any oLher compuLer sysLems Lhe embedded sysLem ls a comblnaLlon of sofLware and hardware
buL Lhe hardware and sofLware requlremenL ls cusLomlze for embedded sysLems for Lhelr speclflc
purpose or example Lhe hardware requlremenL for a Mob||e's embedded devlce wlll deflnlLely
dlfferenL Lhan Lhe requlremenL of a CD p|ayer's embedded devlce Accordlngly Lhe sofLware
requlremenL wlll also be dlfferenL Lo meeL Lhe funcLlonallLles
Lmbedded sysLems are ofLen requlred Lo provlde Lhe kea|1|me kesponse A kea|1|me System ls
deflned as a sysLem whose correcLness depends on Lhe Llmellne of lLs response 1he delay ln
response wlll cause Lo serlous problems or example I|re A|arm Sensor system |n nuc|ear system
Powever relaxed verslon of kea|1|me System ls also Lhere where small delay ls accepLable
Lxamp|e of embedded system
1 lglLal camera
2 Moblle devlces
3 MulLlLasklng 1oys
4 LlecLronlc home Appllances such as Mlcrowave Cven Washlngmachlne
3 AuLomaLlc englnes
6 1ransporLaLlons eLc
equirements of Embedded System:
undamenLal requlremenLs of embedded sysLems are
1 ellablllLy
2 CosLeffecLlveness
3 Low power consumpLlon
4 LffecLlve use of processlng power
3 LfflclenL use of memory
6 ApproprlaLe execuLlon Llme

ke||ab|||ty 1he embedded sysLems are resldes ln machlne and are expecLed Lo run
conLlnuously for years wlLhouL any errors and lf any error occurs Lhen recover by
Lhemselves or example ls an embedded sysLem halL due Lo hardware error Lhen lL should
reseL lLself wlLhouL Lhe need of human lnLervenLlon 1hus Lhe embedded sysLem developer
musL make Lhe rellablllLy of Lhe hardware as well as LhaL of sofLware
Costeffect|veness n compeLlLlve markeL segmenL such as elecLronlc home appllances
moblles eLc Lhe cosL of embedded sysLem ls ma[or facLor Chooslng Lhe rlghL processor
memory devlces and perlpherals LhaL meeL Lhe funcLlonallLles and performance requlremenL
whlle keeplng Lhe cosL reasonable ls of crlLlcal lmporLance n such case deslgner wlll
develop an AppllcaLlon Speclflc InLegraLed ClrculL (ASC) or an AppllcaLlon Speclflc
Mlcroprocessor Lo reduce Lhe hardware componenLs and hence Lhe cosL eveloper flrsL
creaLes Lhe proLoLype of sofLware for general purpose processor and subsequenLly develops
ASC Lo reduce Lhe cosL
3 ow power consumpt|on ecause mosL of Lhe embedded sysLem are powered by Lhe
baLLerles raLher Lhan Lhe maln supply Lhus hardware deslgner musL address Lhls lssue Lo
mlnlmlzed Lhe power consumpLlon Lo avold Lhe dralnlng Lhe baLLerles or example reduclng
Lhe number of hardware componenLs or sleep" mode when no operaLlon ls performed by
Lhe embedded sysLem can be soluLlon for low power consumpLlon
4 Lffect|ve use of process|ng power 1he Lerm 9rocessor ls used Lo refer Mlcroprocessor
MlcroconLroller or lglLal Slgnal rocessor (S) used ln embedded sysLems Wlde verlLles of
processors wlLh varylng processlng powers are avallable Lo embedded sysLem 1he
processlng power requlremenL ls speclfled ln Mllllon InsLrucLlon 9er Second (MS) 1he
MS requlremenL ls speclfled flrsL and Lhen Lhe approprlaLe processor ls selecLed
S Lff|c|ent use of memory MosL embedded sysLems do noL have secondary sLorage such as
hard dlsk 1he memory chlps avallable for Lhe embedded sysLem are only CM Lo hold Lhe
program and AM Lo hold Lhe daLa ependlng of Lhe funcLlonallLy Lhe developer may
deLermlne Lhe program slze and Lhe daLa slze based of whlch memory requlremenLs are
more lmporLanL As mosL embedded sysLems do noL have secondary sLorage f|ash memory
ls used Lo sLore Lhe program lncludlng Lhe operaLlng sysLem
6 Appropr|ate execut|on t|me 1he Llme ln Lhe real Llme embedded sysLem ls mosL lmporLanL
facLor n Lhe hard rea| t|me embedded system cerLaln Lask musL be carrled ouL wlLhln Lhe
speclfled Llme 1he speclal operaLlng sysLem called rea| t|me CS run on Lhese embedded
sysLems n soft rea| t|me embedded sysLem Lhe Llme facLor agaln lmporLanL buL small delay
ls accepLable

Stegories of Embedded System:
1 SLand alone embedded sysLem
2 eal Llme embedded sysLem
3 neLworked appllances
4 Moblle devlces

Stand a|one embedded system 1hey work ln sLandalone mode Laklng lnpuL and produclng
Lhe ouLpuL 1he lnpuL can be Lhe elecLrlcal slgnals from sensors or command from human
belng such as presslng Lhe buLLons 1he ouLpuL can be elecLrlcal slgnal Lo drlve anoLher
sysLem or an LL or LC dlsplay for dlsplaylng lnformaLlon Lo users n some sLand alone
embedded sysLem Lhe response Llme ls noL cruclal Lxamples of Lhls caLegory are Loys C
players and measurlng lnsLrumenLs
kea| t|me Lmbedded System Some embedded sysLem are requlred Lo carrled ouL some
speclflc Lasks ln a speclfled amounL of Llme Such sysLems are called rea| t|me embedded
system Some realLlme embedded sysLems ln whlch real Llme consLralnL have Lo be sLrlcLly
meL are called hard rea|t|me embedded system or example lf Lhere ls flre and flre alarm
musL have Lo response as lL senses Lhe smoke n some sysLems real Llme consLralnL exlsL buL
lL noL much crlLlcal such embedded sysLems are called soft rea|t|me embedded system
3 -etwork app||ances Some embedded sysLems are connecLed Lo neLwork Lyplcally based of
1C/ sulL such as lnLerneL or company lnLraneL 1hey run Lhe compleLe 1C/ proLocol
sLack and can communlcaLe wlLh Lhe oLher node on Lhe neLwork Lven a web server runnlng
P11 can be embedded lnLo sysLem 1he sysLem can monlLor some parameLers (such as
LemperaLure and pressure) and send daLa over a neLwork Lo cenLrallzed sysLem for onllne
monlLorlng or example neLwork enabled camera LhaL sends Lhe vldeo ouLpuL over
4 Mob||e dev|ces Wlreless neLworks can supporL very hlgh speeds moblle devlces are
capable of supporLlng hlgh daLa raLes servlces ln addlLlon Lo Lhe volce servlces Accesslng
lnLerneL servlces such as emall eLc can be done whlle person on move Such devlces need Lo
run a powerful moblle operaLlng sysLem and download lnformaLlon from webslLes 1he
handheld pc palmLops are example of Lhls caLegory 1hese devlces can be real Llme or non
real Llme 1hey should be capable of runnlng mulLlmedla appllcaLlons 1hese requlremenLs
call for powerful processors powerful CS and a loL of memory wlLh mlnlmal power

Senges issue in embedded softwSre deveopment

Codeslgn Lmbeddlng an
1esLlng and
Codes|gn ecause embedded sysLem ls conslsLs of hardware and sofLware decldlng whlch
funcLlon of sysLem should be lmplemenLed ln hardware and whlch should be lmplemenLed
ln sofLware ls ma[or conslderaLlon And Lhls lssue of chooslng beLween hardware
lmplemenLaLlon and sofLware lmplemenLaLlon ls called codes|gn or example CC (used Lo
check wheLher a blL sLream has errors ln lL) algorlLhm ln embedded sysLem can be
lmplemenLed elLher ln hardware or ln sofLware uL whaL should be preferable? s a blg
quesLlon lLself 1he hardware lmplemenLaLlon has an advanLage LhaL Lhe Lask execuLlon ls
fasLer as compared Lo sofLware lmplemenLaLlon uL a downslde a chlp cosLs money
consume valuable power and occupy memory AL Lhe oLher hand sofLware lmplemenLaLlon
provldes flexlblllLles such as lf algorlLhm changes lL ls easler Lo modlfy Lhe sofLware

Lmbedd|ng an operat|ng system Lmbedded sofLware can be deslgned wlLhouL embeddlng
any operaLlng sysLem Lo lL evelopers can lmplemenLs Lhe servlces such as memory
managemenL C managemenL and process managemenL wlLh comblnaLlon of assembly and
hlgh level language such as C 1hls Lechnlque saves Lhe processlng power and memory
because Lhe wrlLlng speclflc rouLlnes for appllcaLlon resulLs Lo compacL and efflclenL code
uL sofLware can be deslgned above operaLlng sysLem 1he developers use Lhe readlly
avallable operaLlng sysLem n Lhls case programmer need noL Lo worry abouL Lhe memory
managemenL process managemenL and all developer can focus of appllcaLlon sofLware

3 Code opt|m|zat|on Memory and execuLlon Llme are maln consLralnLs ln embedded sysLem
Lhus developer should opLlmlze Lhe code Lo maxlmum posslble exLenL AlLhough Lhe
compller performs Lhe code opLlmlzaLlon Lhe programmer sLlll has Lo opLlmlze Lhe code for
fasLer execuLlon and less memory occupaLlon

4 Lff|c|ent |nput]output n mosL of Lhe embedded sysLem Lhe lnpuL and ouLpuL lnLerfaces
have llmlLed funcLlonallLles such as only a small keypad (wlLh 8 Lo 12 keys) avallable for
lnpuLLlng daLa small LL or LC are used for dlsplaylng only Lwo llne and 8 Lo 12 characLers
per llne Some embedded sysLems have no C devlce or example many sysLem used ln
process conLrol 1hese sysLems Lake elecLrlcal slgnal as lnpuL and produce elecLrlcal slgnal as
ouLpuL 1hus wrlLlng embedded sofLware for such sysLem ls agaln a challenglng lssue

S 1est|ng and debugg|ng SofLware for an embedded sysLem cannoL be LesLed on LargeL
hardware durlng Lhe developmenL phase because debugglng wlll be exLremely dlfflculL 1he
hosL sysLem LhaL has Lhe developmenL Lools ls used for developmenL and lnlLlal LesLlng and
Lhen sofLware ls Lransferred Lo Lhe LargeL hardware for flnal LesLlng now days prof||ers
made Lhe [ob slmpler LhaL Lell us whlch llne of code are execuLed and whlch llnes are noL

rends in embedded system

rocessors varlous processors (8blL 16blL and 32 blL) wlLh dlfferenL processlng
power are released by varlous vendors very powerful lglLal Slgnal
rocessors (S) ls avallable for real Llme analysls of audlo and vldeo
slgnals 1he processor board on whlch embedded sysLem can be bullL
come wlLh necessary AM and CM as well as perlpheral such as serlal
porL uS porL and LLherneL connecLlvlLy
Memory oLh AM and CM memory devlces are becomlng lncreaslngly
cheaper 1hese can be used by devlces Lo sLore large number of
programmes and Lhelr daLa Secondary sLorage devlces are also belng
lnLegraLed lnLo embedded sysLem such as moblle lash memory can
also be used by Lhose devlces LhaL don'L have secondary sLorage devlce
CperaLlng sysLems A verlLy of operaLlng sysLems ls avallable ln Lhe markeL whlch can be
porLed onLo embedded sysLem 1he avallable operaLlng sysLem can be
caLegorlsed as embedded operaLlng sysLem realLlme operaLlng sysLem
and moblle operaLlng sysLem
rogrammlng languages nowadays hlghlevel languages are exLenslvely used ln embedded
sysLem developmenL Cb[ecL orlenLed language such as AA and C++ are
also used 1hey offer Lhe advanLage of codereusablllLy daLaabsLracLlon
evelopmenL Lools Many advanced developmenL Lools are avallable for developlng
embedded sofLware 1hese developmenL Lools lncludes cross
compllers debuggers and emulaLors uslng Lhls developer can develop
Lhe sofLware on hosL machlne LesL lL and porL Lo Lhe LargeL hardware

1rends ln

AppicStion SreS of embedded systems:

Consumer e|ectron|cs Consumer elecLronlcs such as C players M3 player
mlcrowave ovens eLc are embedded sysLem wlLh dlfferenL processlng power and
memory requlremenLs Lach of Lhese sysLem musL be hlghly rellable and of low cosL
Lach of Lhese sysLems has dlfferenL Lype of processor requlremenLs and also
sofLware requlremenLs 1hls Lype of embedded sysLems can be caLegorlzed lnLo
followlng caLegorles
o uomestlc ptoJocts Pouse hold embedded sysLems such as Mlcrowave
ovens washlng machlne audlo and vldeo sysLems eLc
b fflce ptoJocts LC pro[ecLors smarL cards scanner prlnLer fax eLc

2 Contro| systems

HSrdwSre Arcitecture

1he archlLecLure of an embedded sysLem bullds around a processor 1he Cu does Lhe necessary
compuLaLlon dependlng upon Lhe lnpuL Laken by dlfferenL lnpuL devlces 1he Cu ln Lhe embedded
sysLem ls less powerful Lhan Lhe Cu of deskLop 1he flgure above lllusLraLes funcLlonal block of
hardware archlLecLure of embedded sysLem
9rocessor rocessor deflnes Lhe quallLy of Lhe sysLem L ls used Lo execuLe a process 1he
processors are speclfled by Lhelr clock speed such as 100MPz 200 MPz eLc and daLa word
lengLh such as 8 blL 16 blL 64 blL eLc 1he
9rocessor Address



CD d|sp|ay
atch for


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