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1 Some months have 30days

and some have 31 days then
how many months
have 28 days?
C21ake Lwo apples from
Lhree apples whaL do you
C3 A farmer has 100 sheep
All buL 9 dled Pow many
sheep now farmer has?
C4 lmaglne a group of 10
pengulns swlmmlng ln
ALlanLlc ocean 3 were
poached by Lhe polar bear
how many dled?
C3 ?ou were senL Lo a cold and dark
room wlLh a llghLer where Lhere are a
oll lamp a candle and a oll heaLer now
you are feellng cold whaL you wlll llghL
C6 ?ou are sufferlng from vlral Lhe
docLor advlse you Lo have Lhree
anLlbloLlc pllls and Lells you Lo have
Lhem ln each halfanhour 1ell Lhe Llme
perlod of consumpLlon of Lhe all Lhree
C7 8 monkeys eaL 8
bananas ln 8 mln 1hen ln
how many mlnuLes wlll 3
monkeys eaL 3 bananas?
C8 A murderer was condemned Lo deaLh
buL he has Lo choose 1 deaLh room ouL of
Lhree1hey are
18oom of venomous Snakes
28ooms of maneaLer crocodlleshaven'L
had Lhe flesh of a man slnce a year
38oom of ManeaLer llons LhaL haven'L
had Lhe flesh slnce a year
1ell hlm whlch would be Lhe safesL?
C9 A plane crashes exacLly
on Lhe lndoak border
Where are Lhe survlvors
C10 A man dressed all ln black ls
walklng down a counLry lane Suddenly
a large black car wlLhouL any llghLs on
comes round Lhe corner and screeches
Lo a halL Pow dld Lhe drlver know
Lhere was a man on Lhe road?

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