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Finding North

Objective: Find direct North.

Materials: 1 stick or flagpole, 1 piece of string.
At about 11:00, mark an x at the tip oI shadow created by your stick or Iixed pole (eg.
Ilagpole). Use this X as the starting point Ior your circle.Simply tie the string to the stick
which must be vertical, and pull the string tight. Then with chalk or another utensil mark
the circumIerence oI the circle that you will create by keeping the string tight and moving
it in a circular direction.
About every 10 minutes mark an additional x at the tip oI the shadow. Do this until about
1 pm. By then, one oI the x's should have touched the outline oI your circle. This will be
the X on the right
Now, use your string to draw two arcs. Start with the X that lies to your right. Using a
'radius' a little more than halI the distance to the Iirst X on the circle, make an arc that
bows away Irom the x and intersects your circle. Repeat this procedure Ior the leIt X. The
end result should look like this:

%he straight line that passes through the two points of the archs'
intersections, points directly North/South.

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