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As my frlend sald Lhe sLrengLh of Aslan economy compared Lo Lhe Lurope and Amerlcan economy ls

LhaL Aslan economy does noL depend on debL whlch ls conflrmed by examlnlng Lwo flnanclal crlses
LhaL occurred ln 1997 and Lhe laLesL ln 2008 where Asla economy came up wlLh Lhelr personal
soluLlons Lo solve Lhe crlsls wlLhouL any help from ouLslder lor example !apan experlences 1sunaml
buL Lhen Lhey sLlll can bulld up Lhelr economles even mosL of Lhe flnanclal lnsLlLuLlon damaged
CLher Lhan LhaL Asla ls Lhe hlgher populaLlon and Lhelr economy would be large 8eslde slnce mosL
of counLry ln Asla sLlll ln develop counLry Lhelr economlc growLh raLe conLlnulng lncreaslng 1he
weaknesses of Aslan economy ls LhaL Lhey sLlll dependlng on Lurope and Amerlca economy
Whenever Lhese Lwo naLlons goL flnanclal crlsls Aslan wlll serlously affecLed Loo slnce Aslan make
larger lnvesLmenL Lowards Lhls Lwo naLlons MA8CLLLA u8lu (8C09110191) PL20

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