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Jonathan Szynal Vocab unit 4 sentences November 13, 2011

1. The affiliated companies came together and started a large cooperation. 2. The family needed to ascertain who robbed the house. 3. Archbishop Woods marching band received the attainment of 1st place at their competition. 4. The will bequeathed the children of almost all of his belongings. 5. The cogent wind almost blew me over! 6. Joseph and Mary have to converge to Nazareth to give birth to their child. 7. Once the bell rang, all the students dispersed to their buses. 8. The kid hardly has any esteem for himself. 9. The teacher had to expunge the notes when she realized she gave them the wrong notes. 10. Most answers to math questions are finite. 11. The solider seemed to be invulnerable during the battle. 12. The malevolent old man yelled at us for no reason. 13. The nonchalant kid always is surrounded by a group of people. 14. Only God is omniscient. 15. The panacea for cancer has not yet been discovered. 16. The scrupulous artist would not miss a speck of detail in his artwork.


17. The agent had to skulk around the grounds hoping not to get caught. 18. The supercilious girl cause too happy for herself to congratulate her other opponents. 19. I always dislike the uncanny man in the corner of a public place. 20. Venial sins are not as bad as mortal sins.

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