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lnLro Advance ln ClnPan dyasLy losL

nomadlc lnvaders rulered

1radeclLyllfe and Lch uecllned expecL 8uddhlsm
Chlna was down for 4 cenLurles buL end of 6
cenLury lL wenL up
demonsLraLlng paLLerns of clvlllzed llfe 1ang broughL Lhe ralse of
posLclasslcal Chlna
8ebulldlng Lhe lmperlal
edlflce ln Lhe sulLang

Sul excesses and

1he Lmergence of Lhe
1ang and Lhe
resLoraLlon of Lhe

8ebulldlng Lhe

1he growlng
lmporLance of
Lhe LxamlnaLlon

SLaLe and rellglon
ln Lhe Lang and
song dynasLy

1he anLl8uddhlsL
O 8eunlLed chlna by marrylng hls daughLer Lo Zhou emperor Lhen Laklng
Lhe Lhrone
O Won Lhe souLhern half of Chlna ( chen klngdom ln 389)
O Won supporL by recomflrmlng normadlc commanders' LlLles lowered
Laxes and granarles ( food supply)
?andl son of Wendl
O urove back norLhern fronLlers
O SLarLed Lo brlng back scholargenLry
decllne of sul
O ?andl forced peasanLs Lo bulld many bulldlngs
O Couldn'L geL korea
O 1urk lnvaders
O overnors declared lndependence
O ?andl assasslnaLed by mlnlsLers
O 9ollLlcal and soclal dlvlson and Lurmoll
Ll ?uan won Lhe Lhrone Lhen gave lL Lo hls son 1ang 1alzong
Conquered Lo cenLral Asla nomadlc ppl had Lo llsLen Lo 1ang Look
Lhelr sons for gurenLee good behavlor
LxLended Lhe emplre Lo lLs' largesL slze 1lbeL vleLnam and
ScholargenLry unlLy
ScholargenLry balanced ouL arlsLocraLs
ArlsLocraLs admlnlsLraLlve poslLlons
8ureaucraLs secreLarlaLs
Song and Lang # of scholargenLry rose
MlnlsLry of 8lLes admlnlsLraLes Lhe exams
!lnchl LlLle of passers of Lhe hardesL examlnaLlon LesL also goL Lo wear
speclal cloLhes and had prlvlleges llke exempL from corporal
punlshmenL maLerlal comforL and reflned pleasures
SLudled 9hllosophlcal or legal classlcs Chlnese llL
SLlll chlldren from ellLe famllles could geL an governmenL [ob Lhrough
O 9ure land
O Zen
Lmpress Wu Lrled Lo elevaLe 8uddhlsm sLaLus Lo sLaLe rellglon
CaplLal Loyang
30000 new monlsLarles
Confuclan and uaolsm [ealous of 8uddhlsm popularlLy Confuclan
Lold 1ang rulers 8uddhlsm was bad for economy Lmperor Wuzong
allowed open persecuLlon of 8uddhlsm
8uddhlsm survlved buL never became was powerful as lL once was
1ang uecllne and Lhe
8lse of Song

1he foundlng of Lhe
Song dynasLy

Song 9ollLlcs SeLLllng
for 9arLlal 8esLoraLlon

8evlval of Confuclan

8ooLs of uecllne
ALLempLs aL 8eforms

8eacLlon and dlsasLer
Lhe lllghL Lo Lhe SouLh
1ang decllne
O Lmperor xuanzong wln Lhrone over Lmpress Wul
O Pe was good aL asslgnlng capLable people Lo [obs
O 8ecame more lnvolved w/ pleasures and ?ang ullel
O ?ang ullel used her power Lo glve her famlly members pollLlcal
power popular unresL
O xuanzong neglecLs sLaLe affalrs mlllLary weakness revolLs lead by
An Lushan kllled ?ang famlly no able sucessors nomadlc
lnvaslons and govLr declare lndependence peasanL revolLs
960 Zhao kuangyln reunlLe Chlna excepL Llao dynasLy ( khlLan)
pay heavy LrlbuLe Lo Llao
Song culLural superlor
prevenL song fall llke Lhe 1ang weakened Lhe mlllLary
O nly clvll offlclals could be governors
O MlllLary commanders were roLaLed
lnLeresL ln ScholargenLry class and Confuclanlsm
Zhu xl promlnenL Lhlnker who sLressed applylng phllosophlcal prlnclples Lo
everyday llfe and acLlon
recover old LexL and anclenL lnscrlpLlons
revlval of Confuclan ldeas + lnLellecLual llfe
emphasls ranks and resLrlcLlons
xl xla klngdom ( 1angkuL) Song had Lo pay LrlbuLe Lhem burden for
peasanLs and resources
cosL for armles hlgh commanders weren'L able
Wang Anshl
O Chlef MlnlsLer of Lmperor Song Shenzong
O 1rled Lo save Song from collapse creaLed many reforms ( Laxed rlch
cheap loans agrlculLural expanslon)
1083 successor desLroyed Lhe reforms economy 1113 !urchens
over Lhrew Lhe Llao lnvaded lnLo Song SouLhern Song dynasLy
CulLural Lhe mosL glorlous ln Chlnese hlsLory
CaplLal moved Lo Pangzhou
1ang and Song
9rosperlLy Lhe 8asls of
a golden Age

A new 9hase of
Commerclal Lxpanlson

World's mosL splendld

Lxpandlng agrarlan
producLlon and llfe ln
Lhe counLry

lamlly and socleLy ln
Lhe 1angsong era

1he neoConfuclan
AsserLlon of Male
A glorlous Age
lnvenLlon and ArLlsLlc

Scholary 8eflnemenL
and ArLlsLlc
grand canal connecLed Lhe norLh and Lhe souLh of Chlna ln Lhe long run lL
dld a loL for Lhe counLry
fasLer cheaper Lrade
beLLer communlcaLlon
Lraded wlLh lslam for Porses Arablan rugs and LaperLrles
Chlnese [unks one besL shlps ruled Lhe sea easL of Lhe Malayan 9ennlnsula
flylng money
CredlL vouchers for merchanLs Lo reduce Lhe damage of a robbery
9aper $ 11
Pangzhou was very preLLy
slnglng glrls
greaL for Lrade for merchanLs and arLlsL cus locaLed by a lake and a rlver
Changan of Lhe early song caplLal also preLLy
lmperlal promoLe agrlculLural expanslon
O Pad farmers move Lo unculLlvaLed land/ nonchlnese decenL
O ave mlllLary proLecLlon
O lnLroduced new seeds use of humans anlmals and sllL soll
preparaLlon and weedlng
O lnvenLlon wheelbarrow
8ulers of Lhe Sul and Lhe Lang had pollcles used Lo break up Lhe old
arlsLocracy Lo make lL falr for Lhe free peasanLs + peasanL sLaLus
ArlsLocraLs scholargenLry
Curved roofs and exLended famllles
Chlldren aLLacked adulLs kllled
Chlldren aLLacked older slbllng 23 yrs labor
Women hlgher soclal sLaLus
O Allow dlvorce
O Men couldn'L leave cus Lhey goL rlch or wlfe parenLs dled
O Women could have complemenLary men"
sLressed women homemaker and obedlenL no educaLlon fooLblndlng
men allowed premarlLal sex concublnes men lnherlLance
ALLacked 8uddhlsL women were educaLed
gunpowder helped Lhe army
compasses sea navlgaLlon
abacus helped merchanLs counL proflLs
movable Lype prlnLer beLLer producLlon ln wrlLLen records and scholarly
books + paper
Lmphasls naLure
1aughL morals/ phllopholcal ldeas
urawn by scholargenLry

lobal connecLlon song survlved Lhe xl xla buL weaker Mongollans Look over
Lang and song
O CenLral admlnlsLraLlon and bureaucracy were sLrengLhened
O ScholargenLry arlsLocraLs
O Chlnese economy good sLarLlng w/ Lang dynasLy
O DnLll 18
cenLury Chlnese pollLlcal power was Lhe besL
lndepL ArLlsLlc
Lxpresslon and soclal
MosL efflecLlve way Lo learn culLure ls Lo analyzed Lhere arL
lndla 8uddhlsm and Medlval Lurope rellglous arL
Chlnese arL lndlvlduallLy and ellLlsm
Can flnd soclal sLrucLure ln plcLures

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