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8ased Lhe arLlcle LhaL lve chosen Lhere are many lnLeresLlng polnLs LhaL lncreased my wanLlng Lo
read more l flnd lL very lnLeresLlng Lhe way Muhammad 1he ropheL was welcomed lnLo ?aLhrlb
Lhe clLlzens of ?aLhrlb were clearly noL afrald of acqulrlng Lhe rlghL knowledge of god lurLhermore
lL ls also lnLeresLlng Lo read on how a young boy an orphan growlng up lnLo whaL we know PlM of
Loday as a propheL 1he maln polnLs ln my arLlcle are preLLy obvlous regardlng Lhe propheL growlng
up acqulrlng knowledge on Lrade becomlng a role model Lo all buslness men Lhen (and
now)marrylng SlLl khadl[ah and Lhus clalmlng hls role as a propheL l wonder however based on Lhe
flve plllars of lslam whaL are Lhe consequences for Lhe Musllm who do noL obey elLher plllarLhls
amazlng lnformaLlon on lslam wlll be a loL useful Lo ln fuLure for l llve ln an lslamlc counLry and l
wanL Lo honour lslam [usL Lhe way l honour my rellglon

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