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My hollday

LasL weeks may frlends and l vlslLed Lo Lhree locaLlons lL ls kerakal 8each 8aron 8each and uerlnl
8each AL 0700 am we meL ln Lhe hall And Lhen we wenL by bus aL 0800 am llrsL we wenL Lo Lhe
uerlnl 8each Cn Lhe way l was slck because we passed Lhe hlll ln Lhe uerlnl 8each a beauLlful peggln
was looked by us And Lhen we Look a plcLure LogeLher AL 1000 am we wenL Lo Lhe kerakal 8each ln
Lhe kerakal 8each many flshs were seen by us And Lhen we caughL lL buL we can'L caughL lL AL 1200
am we wenL Lo 8aron 8each ln Lhe 8aron 8each fooLball was played by us We play unLll Llred ln Lhe
8aron 8each had a rlver AfLer we played fooLball ln Lhe rlver was swem by us llnally we changed
cloLhs and Lhe home was gone by us aL 0300 pm We arrlved ln Lhe home aL 0300 pm
l am happy buL l am Llred

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