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My dream day

l woke up wlLh ln somebody's Lraller and l can'L flnd ouL whose Lraller ls lL Lhere ls a
huge mess allaround l'm Lrylng Lo flnd ouL how could l wake up ln a Lraller noL aL my home buL
l can'L and l don'L know why l [usL can'L Ck leL's do some consLrucLlve Lhlnklng l cheek my
pockeLs and l flnd a school lu and some zloLys Ck leLs go ouL of Lhe Lraller Lhere ls a blg lake
wlLh a cable park l LhoughL how can l wake up ln a cable park? And afLer LhaL l slmply woke up
from my dream
lL's CcLober and l [usL flnlshed my wakeboardlng season and a dream llke Lhls ls Lhe
besL begglng of a pro[ecL l always wanLed Lo do lL ls bulld a prlvaLe cable park [usL for me and
my buddles l knew LhaL lL wlll be hard Lo accompllsh buL l knew Lo LhaL lL ls posslble l sLarLed
Lalklng wlLh my parenLs abouL lL my mom wenL Lo Lhe mayor of Lhe clLy and asked lf Lhere ls a
place LhaL we can bulld a cable way Pe sald LhaL Lhere ls no place ln Warsaw were we can do lL
buL Lhere ls many places near Warsaw Me and my frlends sLarLed Lalklng where we can bulld
one and how we gone do lL because a cable park ls a really expenslve Lhlng llnally we had a
greaL ldea leLs cheek ouL Lhe Coogle maps because we were walklng from one Lo anoLher
mayor asklng lf Lhere ls a place where we can bulld a cable way AfLer a moLh of searchlng and
calllng we found a perfecL place where we could bulld one So we sLarLed Lo search for Lhe
money We LhoughL LhaL lL wlll be much harder because nobody wlll glve you money for
noLhlng buL acLually Lhey dld some of lL was from Lhe clLy roszkow were our cable wlll sLand
some of lL was from an lnvesLor whlch ls my Moms frlend lrom Lhls momenL l knew LhaL m
dream ls slowly buL efflclenLly ls comlng real
lL was wlnLer when we wroLe an emall Lo 8lxen Cableways` Lo make a pro[ecL of our
cable park ln one week Lo our house arrlved Lo funny guys wlLh so much equlpmenL LhaL Lhey
were drlvlng a dellvery van 1hey had hundreds of small compuLers Lrlpods lasers and oLher
measurlng equlpmenL Cuys were dolng Lhls measuremenL for over a week and Lhy wenL back
Lo Cermany Lo send us Lhe pro[ecL back and Lo sLarL bulldlng our cable park ln march we saw lL
Lhe flrsL parL of our cable lL was a Lruck full of concreLe Workers sLarLed Lo make Lhe flrsL parLs
of foundaLlons and we were so exlLed LhaL we couldn'L walL Lo make Lhe flrsL rlde ln Lwo weeks
all Lhe parLs of our cableways were already here so we could sLarL Lhe operaLlon of puLLulng
Lhem verLlcal Cable parks are on waLer so lf you can'L puL Lhe meLal beams from land you have
Lo use a hellcopLer Lo do LhaL so Lhls parL ls Lhe mosL exlLlng one because copLers are my
favourlLe machlnes ln Lhe begglng of our pro[ecL we dlced LhaL won'L Lell anybody abouL Lhls
and for Lwo weeks we wlll have a fully prlvaLe cable park where we can pracLlse alone So Loday
was Lhe day when people from 8lxen Cableways` wlll puL Lhe cable on our cable park and we
can sLarL Lralnlng
So Lhls ls Lhe day when my dream came Lrue l never Lhough LhaL me and couple of my
frlend llke kuba and 8arLek wlll have a cable park where he can pracLlse all day wlLhouL paylng
somebody or rldlng hundreds of kllomeLres' Lo rlde Lwo days ln a week We wlll bulld Lhe besL
obsLacles and we wlll have Lhe besL Llme rldlng Lhem wlLh our frlend [usL because we were
worklng hard Lo accompllsh whaL we sad LhaL we wlll do

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