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lnLesLlnal obsLrucLlon (!

aneL Lee noLes 1)

l Cardlnal sympLoms of lC
1 vomlLlng
2 ConsLlpaLlon
O Absoolte coostlpotloo
bdomlnal dlsLenLlon
4 bdomlnal paln (ln compllcaLed cases)
ll 1ypes of lC
1 Mechanlcal lC
O MosL common Lype dheslon
Can be congenlLal or acqulred
MosL commonly acqulred from surgery (or lnfecLlons bleedlng eLc)
lnlLlal ManagemenL conservaLlve (drlp and suck)
a lluld resusclLaLlon and nasogasLrlc Lube sucLlon
b Close monlLorlng of vlLal slgns observaLlon for any change ln physlcal
condlLons or sympLoms
c MosLly recovered ln 72 hrs ln cerLaln paLlenLs wlLh mulLlple surgerles
C9 eLc hosLlle abdomen Lhe observaLlon perlod can be longer
lnlsLer slgns and sympLoms laparoLomy maybe lndlcaLed
a lever chllls rlgors
b 9ulse ln rlslng Lrend
c 9erslsLenL ollgurla even wlLh adequaLe fluld
d lncreased ln abdomlnal sympLoms such as lncrease ln paln
e lgns of perlLonlsm
f nalgeslcs requlred Lo conLrol paln
g lncreased ouLpuL ln nC asplraLe
h lecal maLerlal ln nC asplraLe
fLer conservaLlve LreaLmenL paLlenLs wlLh followlng feaLures should
warranL furLher lnvesLlgaLlon
a 9aLlenLs wlLh preexlsLlng sympLoms before lC
b 9aLlenLs wlLh prevlous hlsLory of magllnancy
c 9aLlenLs wlLh unexplalned anaemla and oLher abnormal blood LesL
O CLher mechanlcal causes of lC
LrangulaLed hernla
lood bolus (such as mushroom)
CallsLone lleus
mall bowel Lumour
CarclnomaLosls from oLher prlmary Lumours
2 luncLlonal lC (lleus)

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