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Shoulder Anatomy: Functional anatomy = biomechanics Muscle using in ADL Which ms is using in which activity?

How I can improve this activity? History: Mechanism of injury lifting + falling+ stoke+ throwing +repetitive activity (PC, driving + mother carrying baby +DM + age Which structure is affected in this? PAIN ASSESMENT: Type of pain timing duration How this will help me in assessment? Observation Front >>> drop shoulder Side>>>> round shoulder + kyphosis Back >>>> scapula position static dynamic (Which structure is affected?) ROM Active Passive Isometric Active resisted (How this will help me in diagnosis?) Palpation Ideal palpation What use of it?

Differential diagnosis Cervical spondylosis Cervical disk TOL Brachial plexus Trigger points Heart problem Special test Biomechanics of test

Treatment Stretching Strengthening Mobilization Mulligan McKenzie Neuromuscular therapy Muscle energy techniques Myofacial techniques (Trigger point therapy) DFM Taping Postural correction Jasman Eslam

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