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1here can be 3 prlmary reasons LhaL can be accounLed for Lhe employee heslLaLlng Lo Lell hls

manager abouL any problem LhaL he ls faclng llrsLly Lhe fear of embarrassmenL among Lhe
employees makes Lhe employee noL come ouL wlLh hls problem Secondly many people Lhlnk LhaL
Lhelr peers are able Lo relaLe Lo Lhelr problem beLLer and provlde a ready soluLlon Pence Lhey ofLen
choose Lo Lurn Lo Lhelr peers regardlng a problem and noL Lhe manager 1hlrdly many employees
more ofLen Lhan noL fear or dread Lhelr managers lL mlghL be due Lo Lhelr own experlence or may
be due experlences of Lhe oLher employees shared Lhrough unofflclal Lalks Pence Lhey are noL able
Lo clearly come ouL wlLh Lhelr problems and consulL Lhelr managers
AL Lhls polnL of Llme we can also polnL ouL some of Lhe responslblllLles of Lhe manager Lo make Lhe
employees come ouL and share Lhelr problems or Lhelr dlfferences wlLh hlm/her A manager should
always comforL hls/her employee and malnLaln an affable worklng culLure Pe / she should make
sure LhaL hls subordlnaLes do noL dread hlm alLhough a cerLaln level of auLhorlLy needs Lo be
malnLalned A manager should always be consldered abouL Lhe general reacLlon of Lhe subordlnaLes
abouL any glven slLuaLlon LhaL may arlse
ln Lhe end we can say LhaL communlcaLlon beLween manager and subordlnaLes ls Lhe key facLor
LhaL provldes a bondlng beLween Lhem

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