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The Best Way to learn language.

Nowadays Ioreign languages play a big role in our liIe and the problem oI learning
language is very important today.
English is an international language and I think Iirst oI all you must learn this.
Now you can ask me: 'What`s the best way to learn English? . My answer is:"you
can choose any way you want, but you must remember, you should go the way,
that will be easier Ior you.
II you`ll be live in country where English is native language you`ll certainly learn
language. Without doubt live in country, where English is native or oIIicial
language, is the best way to learn English, but every can`t let himselI this luxury.
I can oIIer you another way, but Iirst oI all you should wish know English. II you
wish you can do everything. At Iirst you should totally immerse yourselI in study.
You should read English books, watch English Iilms, listen English songs and try
sing English song, also you can learn the history oI English-speaking countries, oI
course in English. It will be good, iI you`ll cook in English recipes . Learn English
in every Iree minute, try to think in English.
Some oI my Iriends learn English via internet, It can be eIIectively, but I advise
you combine this way to learn English with another (private teacher, learning
languages in group, your own classes without internet and etc.)
Whatever way you choose, you must remember, that you`ll know Ioreign language
only iI you`ll wish it. What we do willingly is easy.

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