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TochnoIogy !

so IInnnIng OvorvIow
Tho foIIowIng Is n rofIocfIon on fochnoIogy uso InnnIng wIfh nn omhnsIs on oducnfIon nnd schooIs.
TochnoIogy uso InnnIng Is nn offocfIvo sfrnfogy for nny busInoss or orgnnIznfIon fo consIdor
cronfIng. Tho foIIowIng rofIocfIon oornfos undor fho nssumfIon fhnf fochnoIogy uso InnnIng Is In
rognrds fo oducnfIon nnd schooIs.

ofInIfIon of TochnoIogy !so IInnnIng
TochnoIogy !so IInnnIng Is fho rocoss of cronfIng n IIvIng documonf fhnf sooks fo rovIdo n
sfrnfogy fo IdonfIfy ImIomonf fochnoIogy In n schooI or schooI dIsfrIcf. Tho rocoss shouId IncIudo
Inuf from sfudonfs, sfnff, ndmInIsfrnfIon, nnd nronfs fo doformIno fho gonIs of fochnoIogy boIng
nddod nnd whnf Is fho mosf offocfIvo uso of fho fochnoIogy. Tho Inn shouId bo rovIowod nnnunIIy fo
nssoss fho Inn offocfIvonoss nnd docIdo whnf ndjusfmonfs nnd/or rovIsIons nood fo bo mndo.

IffocfIvo nnd IoworfuI !osourcos
Tho nfIonnI IducnfIonnI TochnoIogy IInn ITI hff// 20l0
or mosf curronf vorsIon shouId bo usod ns n vnIunbIo rosourco fo hoI sfrucfuro n schooI`s
TochnoIogy !so IInn. ThIs rovIdos n oworfuI fooI fo rocognIzo curronf fronds nnd usos of
fochnoIogy nIIcnfIons In oducnfIon. Tho ITI rovIdos vnIunbIo InsIghfs Info fochnoIogy roInfod
fo IonrnIng, nssossmonf, fonchIng, Infrnsfrucfuro, roducfIvIfy, nnd rosonrch nnd dovoIomonf. ThIs
shouId gIvo n schooI fho bnsIc frnmowork for bogInnIng fo dIscuss n Inn for fhoIr nrfIcuInr schooI
or dIsfrIcf. ThIs wIII nIso nIIgn fho schooI wIfh nnfIonnI sfnndnrds.

Tho ITI shouIdn`f bo whoIIy ndnfod by nny nrfIcuInr schooI for fwo mnIn ronsons. IIrsf, If Is foo
comrohonsIvo fo fry nnd ImIomonf ovory nsocf of fho Inn nf nny ono fImo. Socond, fho ITI
hns unIvorsnI nIIcnfIons buf onch schooI hns unIquo noods nnd concorns. SchooIs shouId ndof nnd
ndnf nrfs of fho ITI fo fIf fo fhoIr schooI In ordor fo cronfo nn offocfIvo Inn.

Shorf or !ong Torm IInns
In fho nrfIcIo ovoIoIng IffocfIvo TochnoIogy IInns by John Soo
hff//, ho nrguos fhnf nn offocfIvo TochnoIogy !so IInn nof bo n
fIvo yonr Inn, rnfhor If ossIbIy boIng n yonrIy Inn. Ho nrguos fhnf fhIs Is nocossnry bocnuso
fochnoIogy Is chnngIng so rnIdIy fhnf Inns nood fo ndnf fo fho chnngos In fochnoIogy. I ngroo wIfh
hIs hIIosohIcnI nronch fo fochnoIogy uso Inns, buf wIfh somo qunIIfIcnfIons.

Any offocfIvo Inn noods fo bo rovIowod or shouId I sny nssossod for oducnfors roguInrIy fo onsuro
fhnf fho Inn Is workIng. ThIs monns fhnf offocfIvo mofrIcs rovIow rocoss nood fo bo ImIomonfod
ns nrf of fho TochnoIogy !so IInn. Tho rnfo of fochnoIogIcnI chnngo nnd oworfuI nIIcnfIons In
fho cInssroom nnd oufsIdo of fho cInssroom Is robnbIy foo fnsf for schooIs fo koo u wIfh. Thus, If
Is ovon moro Imorfnnf for schooIs fo bo ovnIunfIng fhoIr Inn on n yonrIy bnsIs. To wnIf fIvo yonrs fo
nssoss fho uso of fochnoIogy nf n schooI wouId cronfo n dIsconnocf bofwoon fho worId nf schooI for
fho sfudonf vorsus fhoIr worId oufsIdo of schooI. IffocfIvo fochnoIogy uso In schooIs ongngos
sfudonfs nnd sfnff In curronf fochnoIogIos fhnf Incronso sfudonf IonrnIng of currIcuIum confonf.

I wouId qunIIfy my ngroomonf wIfh Soo nnd rocommond fhnf schooIs nof bo ovorzonIous In fryIng fo
chnngo wIfh fochnoIogy fronds. CurronfIy In socIofy fhoro Is fho nood fo nIwnys hnvo fho noxf bosf
fochnoIogy. SchooIs nood fo bo cnrofuI, bocnuso wIfhIn n yonr fhoro Is n good chnnco fhnf n nowor or
dIfforonf modoI or comIofoIy dIfforonf fochnoIogy Is nvnIInbIo. SchooI budgofs nro vory fIghf nnd If
Is ImornfIvo fhnf n schooI`s TochnoIogy !so IInn sonds monoy wIsoIy on fochnoIogy fhnf cnn bo
usod for yonrs fo como nnd sfIII bo roIovnnf. ThIs Is why fwo mnjor nsocfs of nn offocfIvo fochnoIogy
uso Inn IncIudo Inuf from fho communIfy InvoIvod In fho schooI nnd rovIdos sfnff dovoIomonf on
socIfIc ImIomonfnfIon of fho fochnoIogy. Sfudonfs mIghf wnnf fho nowosf fochnoIogy sImIy
bocnuso If Is now, buf qunIIfy fochnoIogy rovIdos offocfIvo nnd qunIIfy InsfrucfIon for mnny yonrs
whon roorIy usod.

AIIcnfIon Iocus v TochnoIogy Iocus
John Soo confInuos hIs oufIIno of nn offocfIvo TochnoIogy !so IInn by sfnfIng fhnf fho Inn shouId
focus on nIIcnfIons vorsus fochnoIogy. Ho sfnfos fhnf nn offocfIvo Inn shouId focus on whnf you
wnnf fo nccomIIsh or bo nbIo fo do nIIcnfIon nnd fhIs Is fho fochnoIogy bosf suIfod for our schooI
fo nchIovo fhIs fochnoIogy. SImIy hnvIng fochnoIogy doosn`f oqunI Imrovod sfudonf IonrnIng or
nchIovomonf, fhoroforo schooIs shouIdn`f vIow hnvIng fochnoIogy ns soIvIng schooI noods. SImIInr fo
nn offocfIvo Iosson Inn fhnf IncIudos cIonr objocfIvos for sfudonfs, nn offocfIvo fochnoIogy uso Inn
IncIudos cIonr objocfIvos nnd how fochnoIogy wIII Incronso fhoIr sfudonf nbIIIfy fo nccomIIsh fhom.

I do ngroo wIfh Soo`s rIncIIo fhnf fochnoIogy nIono doosn`f oqunI n sIIvor buIIof fo soIvo n schooI`s
oducnfIonnI noods. Tho concof of nIIcnfIon ovor fochnoIogy Is fruo of nny rosourco nvnIInbIo. Tho
bosf rosourco Is ono fhnf mnxImIzos Ifs ofonfInI fo obfnIn n gonI. A mnsfor nrfIsf hns fho nbIIIfy fo
cnfuro fho bonufy of n Inndscno boffor fhnn n orson wIfh n dIgIfnI cnmorn wIfh no hofogrnhy
frnInIng, ovon fhough fho fochnoIogy Is oIdor nnd ofonfInIIy fnkos Iongor.

IorsonnI IxorIoncos
I wnnf fo furfhor suorf Soo`s nrgumonf of focusIng on nIIcnfIon, nof fochnoIogy fhrough my
orsonnI oxorIonco In TochnoIogy !so IInnnIng. I nm goIng fo rocood wIfh cnufIous rosocf
bocnuso fho vory InsfIfufo fhnf I wIII bo dIscussIng Is nIso hoIIng nrfInIIy fund my grndunfo

I boIIovo fho comnny InfonfIons nro ovornII good, buf ImIomonfod In n bnckwnrds fnshIon. Ono
oxnmIo Is hnvIng Infos nvnIInbIo for sfudonfs. If Is n mnjor soIIIng oInf for fhom fo cInIm fhnf
wo hnvo nccoss fo fhoso Infos nnd nIIows fho fonchors fo Incronso sfudonf IonrnIng nnd fonchor
InsfrucfIon. Tho Infos nro n nIco nddIfIon nnd cnn bo hnndy, buf for bnsIc comufor fnsks. Tho
mnchInos nro chon nnd bronk down onsIIy, cnn fnko l520 mInufos fo sfnrfu, hnvo IImIfod nccoss
fo onIIno fooIs nnd wobsIfos, nnd unnbIo fo hnndIo nny oworfuI soffwnro. Tho Infos woro
urchnsod sImIy fo hnvo wIfhouf ronIIy nny rognrd for fhoIr uso nf fho schooI. Any oworfuI
InsfrucfIvo fooI fhnf mIghf bo usod fhoso mnchInos nron`f cnnbIo of.

OvornII, I`m nrocInfIvo fo bo nf n schooI whoro I do hnvo nccoss fo fochnoIogy fooIs fhnf ofhor
schooIs don`f. Iuf, whon fho focus Is sImIy on hnvIng fochnoIogy Insfond of socIfIc nIIcnfIons In
mInd nnd fIndIng fho bosf fochnoIogy fo nchIovo fho nIIcnfIons you nro Ioff wIfh frusfrnfod
fonchors nnd sfudonfs nnd ofonfInIIy unusod fochnoIogy or InoffocfIvo fochnoIogy uso.

So fnr my oxorIonco wIfh TochnoIogy !so IInnnIng hns boon vory frusfrnfIng. IrImnrIIy bocnuso If
nonrs fhnf fhoro Is n gronf donI of fochnoIogy fhnf fonchors wnnf fo nnd nro oxcIfod nbouf usIng
buf fhoy nro boIng donIod fho nbIIIfy fo ImIomonf. Whon fonchors fooI fhoy nron`f suorfod In
mnkIng fhoIr cInss fho bosf IonrnIng oxorIonco ossIbIo whIIo somoono oIso foIIs fhom fhoy`vo
fIgurod If ouf for fhom, If cronfos n vory frusfrnfIng sIfunfIon. HoofuIIy In fho fufuro my
oxorIoncos wIII Imrovo.

AIWoshnII, A. S., Inxfor, A., Chorry, W., HIII, I. W., Jonos, II, C. !., !ovo, !. T., . . . Monfgomory,
I. H. l996, Mny ?. CuIdobook for dovoIoIng nn offocfIvo InsfrucfIonnI fochnoIogy Inn VorsIon
2.0. MIssIssII Sfnfo !nIvorsIfy. !ofrIovod from hff//
AfkIns, .I., Ionnoff, J., Irown, J.S., Chorn A., odo, C., IIshmnn, I., Comoz, !., . . .WIIIInms, I.
20l0, ovombor. Tho nfIonnI IducnfIon TochnoIogy IInn 20l0. !.S. onrfmonf of IducnfIon.
!ofrIovod from hff//

Soo, J. l992. ovoIoIng offocfIvo fochnoIogy Inns. Tho ComufIng Tonchor, l98. !ofrIovod from

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