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After the facing Imperial super-heavy tanks in the Damocles crusade and later conflicts, the Tau required greater super-heavy support for Cadres. The Manta, although an excellent weapons platform, was too rare, large, and valuable. The perfect choice for modification was the Orca Mark II because of its availability and its flexible design.

Points 700
The variant is the Toadfish Assault Lander. It is designed to insert a shock force into an enemy held area and provide close fire support until the insertion team needs extraction.

UNIT: 1 Toadfish TYPE: Super Heavy Flyer STRUCTURE POINTS: 3 OPTIONS: Blacksun filter. WEAPONS AND EQUIPMENT:


Missile Pod Lb burst cannon Sb heavy ion cannon

36 36 36

7 5 8

4 5 2

Assault 2 Assault 3 Heavy 3, 3 blast, primary weapon

* Bow turret short-barreled heavy ion cannon with a 180 degree firing arc. * Port and Starboard turrets AA mounted long barreled burst cannon with a 180 degree firing arc. * Ventral turret : left side twin-linked long barreled burst cannons; right side missile pod

* Energy Field. * Decoy Launcher, Disruption pod, Flechette discharger, Landing gear, and Targeting Array (BS already included).

TRANSPORT: The removal of the interstellar sensor arrays and equipment created greater transport space. The Toadfish has a transport capacity of thirty-five (35) Tau warriors (FWs, stealthsuits, Pathfinders), or eight (8) battlesuits, or eight (8) heavy gun drones. It can neither carry vehicles nor carry a mixed group of passengers. The Toadfish can disembark jump infantry as a flying transport. The access point is the rear ramp, which may exit up to four (4) units per turn. SPECIAL RULES:
* Hover Mode. * Energy Shield: Using a smaller version of the Mantas energy field generator, the Toadfishs energy field gives it a 5+ invulnerable save against any hits it receives.

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