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l feel very unlucky Lhese days 1here ls so much

sLress wlLh LesLs placemenLs eLc LhaL lf l geL Lo
do someLhlng LhaL l really en[oy LhaL would be a
good day
l am closesL Lo Lhe people l can LrusL l cannoL
relaLe Lo people who l prlmarlly do noL share an
equaLlon wlLh
l do noL know whaL l wanL ln llfe
rlends are whaL deflne me buL my famlly ls
whaL has made me
ln hlndslghL Lhe besL declslons l have made are
Lhe one where l have doubLed myself Lhe mosL
ln hlndslghL Lhe besL declslons l have made are
Lhe one where l have doubLed myself Lhe mosL
l Lhlnk l have Lhe rlghL Lo dlscover my body and
my sexuallLy wlLhouL belng bound by socleLal
l have reallzed LhaL mosL Llmes people geL lnLo
relaLlonshlps [usL because of peer pressure
1hey regreL lL laLer
l am someone who belleves LhaL llfe ls Lhe way
you wanL lL Lo be 1he slLuaLlon depends on your
perspecLlve no maLLer how bad Lhe slLuaLlon
you can always Lake someLhlng poslLlve ouL of lL
lf you wanL Lo
ppearance boosLs confldence 8uL Lhe Lruly
confldenL don'L care abouL appearance
omeLlmes l feel gullLy and slnful abouL havlng
really rlch food
ood PablLs
ood lnfluences my mood Lo a greaL exLenL l geL
cranky when l mlss breakfasL 8eally good food
can do wonders
ood PablLs
l Lry very hard Lo lead a healLhy llfesLyle 8uL Lhe
work pressure doesn'L allow me Lo
Jhen l play sporL or lndulge ln any oLher
acLlvlLy l feel beLLer abouL myself and happler ln
1he more l neglecL my healLh now Lhe more l
wlll repenL laLer
l know l should be chooslng healLhler
alLernaLlves buL l end up wlLh a Cola anyway
eraLed urlnks
l know l should be chooslng healLhler
alLernaLlves buL l end up wlLh a Cola anyway
eraLed urlnks
I cannot th|nk of consum|ng a p|zza w|thout
wash|ng |t down w|th Co|a If I order a p|zza a
co|a |s a must
eraLed urlnks
l am addlcLed Lo Colas only because of Lhelr
avallablllLy lf only [ulces were as promlnenLly
dlsplayed ln sLores
eraLed urlnks
Colas only have a funcLlonal beneflL 1hey do noL
make me feel cooler smarLer more fashlonable
Maybe refreshed buL noLhlng else!
eraLed urlnks
l choose drlnklng a cola ln some resLauranLs
because l cannoL LrusL Lhe 'hyglenlc' packaglng
condlLlons of local mlneral waLer manufacLurers
eraLed urlnks

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