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uear Mr lbrahlm

l would llke Lo lnvlLe you Lo Lake a coffee aL break Llme lf you have Llme Also l wlll Lell
you abouL an lnLeresLlng conLacL aL Lhe semlnar yesLerday
Lnglneer Mohamed All ls very sulLable for our offlcehe ls elecLrlcal englneer Pe works
aL consulLlng englneerlng offlce and he has 3 years experlence Pe ls wllllngness Lo
Lravel for our pro[ecLs ouL of Lhe counLry and he wlll recelve sulLable salary for ushere ls
hls emall address and hls Lelephone
Moblle (+2) 0166 333 42 13
l hope he ls useful for you and Lo meeL you Loday
8esL Wlshes
Mohamed Alaa
Mohamed Alaa 1awflk
Senlor Lnglneer
1el(+202) 24193122
lax(+202) 24193123
Moblle (+2) 0100 730 31 20
Lmall Mohamed _alaa46[yahoocom

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