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Discuss the function/s of the different segments of the gastrointestinal tract.

Gastrointestinal Smooth Muscle Functions as a Syncytium. The individual smooth muscle fibers in the gastrointestinal tract are 200 to 500 micrometers in length and 2 to 10 micrometers in diameter, and they are arranged in bundles of as many as 1000 parallel fibers. In the longitudinal muscle layer, the bundles extend longitudinally down the intestinal tract; in the circular muscle layer, they extend around the gut. Within each bundle, the muscle fibers are electrically connected with one another through large numbers of gap junctions that allow low-resistance movement of ions from one muscle cell to the next. Therefore, electrical signals that initiate muscle contractions can travel readily from one fiber to the next within each bundle but more rapidly along the length of the bundle than sideways. Each bundle of smooth muscle fibers is partly separated from the next by loose connective tissue, but the muscle bundles fuse with one another at many a branching latticework of smooth muscle bundles. Therefore, each muscle layer functions as a syncytium; that is, when an action potential is elicited anywhere within the muscle mass, it generally travels in all directions in the muscle. 2. Discuss the motor activity/activities of the gastrointestinal tract. Which of the motor activities is/are most likely affected? Two types of movements occur in the gastrointestinal tract: (1) propulsive movements, which cause food to move forward along the tract at an appropriate rate to accommodate digestion and absorption, and (2) mixing movements, which keep the intestinal contents thoroughly mixed at all times. Peristalsis is an inherent property of many syncytial smooth muscle tubes; stimulation at any point in the gut can cause a contractile ring to appear in the circular muscle, and this ring then spreads along the gut tube. (Peristalsis also occurs in the bile ducts, glandular ducts, ureters, and many other smooth muscle tubes of the body.) Mixing movements differ in different parts of the alimentary tract. In some areas, the peristaltic contractions themselves cause most of the mixing. 3. Given a case above, will digestion be affected? Explain.

Yes. Digestion is affected in the case. Chemical Digestion starts in the mouth and continues into the intestines. Several different enzymes break down macromolecules into smaller molecules that can be absorbed. Based on the findings, multiple perforations have been noted in the distal ileum. 4. Is absorption affected? If yes, enumerate the macro and/or micronutrients that maybe affected?

Yes. Absorption is affected in the case. The terminal ileum continues to absorb bile salts, and is also crucial in the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins (Vitamin A, D, E and K). For fat-soluble vitamin absorption to occur, bile acids must be present.

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