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lall2011 AugusL drlve


MB0034 -Research MethodoIogy- 4 Credits
(Book ID: B0800 )
Assignment Set- 1 (60 Marks)
Note: Each question carries 10 Marks. Answer aII the questions
1. a. How do you evolve research design Ior exploratory research? BrieIly
analyse. |5 marks|
b. BrieIly explain Independent dependent and extraneous variables in a
research design. |5 Marks|
2. Select any topic Ior research and explain how you will use both secondary
and primary sources to gather the required inIormation. |10 marks|
3. a. Distinguish between Doubles sampling and multiphase sampling.
|5 marks|
b. What is replicated or interpenetrating sampling? | 5 marks|
4. What are the diIIerences between observation and interviewing as
methods oI data collection? Give two speciIic examples oI situations where
either observation or interviewing would be more appropriate. |10 marks|
5. a. Analyze the case study and descriptive approach to research. |5 marks|.
b. Distinguish between research methods & research Methodology.
|5 Marks|
6. What are the diIIerences between observation and interviewing as
methods oI data collection? Give two speciIic examples oI situations where
either observation or interviewing would be more appropriate. |10 marks|.

lall2011 AugusL drlve

MB0050 -Research MethodoIogy- 4 Credits
(Book ID: B0800 )
Assignment Set- 1 (60 Marks)
Note: Each question carries 10 Marks. Answer aII the questions
1. a. DiIIerentiate between nominal, ordinal, interval and ratio scales, with an
example oI each. | 5marks|
b. What are the purposes oI measurement in social science research?
| 5 marks|
2. a. Explain the role oI Graphs and Diagrams? |5 Marks|
b. What are the Types and General rules Ior graphical representation oI data?
|5 Marks|
3. Explain the important concepts in Research design? |10 Marks|
4. A. DiIIerentiate between Census survey` and Sample Survey`.
|5 Marks|
b. Analyze multi-stage and sequential sampling. |5 Marks|
5. What is questionnaire? Discuss the main points that you will take into
account while draIting a questionnaire? |10 marks|.
6. a. Explain the General characteristics oI observation. | 5 marks|
b. What is the Utility oI Observation in Business Research? | 5 marks|

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