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A Day In My Life And the Truth About a Commander

Written by the noble Mujhid

Muhibb As-Sunnah Al-'Irq (May Allh preserve him)

At-Tibyn Publications

A Day In My Life And the Truth About a Commander

Verily all praise is due to Allh we praise Him and seek His Assistance and His Guidance and His Forgiveness, and we seek refuge in Allh from the evil of our selves and from the evil of our actions. Whosoever Allh guides, then nothing can misguide him, and whosoever Allh causes to go astray, then you will not find for him a guiding protector. And to proceed:

I am relating to you news that I have buried within my chest- even the most beloved people to me are not aware of it. For indeed I learned when it comes to matters concerning the Jihd and the Mujhidn to guard what I see and hear in two ways guarding them from being forgotten, and guarding them from being spoken about to anyone. This is what one of the Mujhidn taught me I ask Allh to open his heart to joining the caravan of the Islmic State [of Irq] and indeed he is one of those more virtuous than me. But today I will resurrect one of the things that I buried, and I will reveal one of the things that I silenced, for I consider this to be a time of necessity in which there can be no delay in releasing it. And I will narrate to you something in which there is no harm, In Sh Allh, and whatever correctness lays in it, then it is Tawfq from Allh, and whatever error and mistakes there are, then they are from me and from Shaytn.

And to proceed, O loved ones.

We've lived many days though it was like we were not alive during them, and how many days were we on the brink of destruction when really it was those days that gave us life - as though we had not been living before? I will speak to you about one such day.

About three years and some months ago, I was in a phase of ideological and methodological transition, and the love of the Sunnah was beginning to fill my heart. Then something happened to me on that day of mine that had a large effect in causing me to leave the methodologies and paths of innovation, and bound me instead to the Manhaj of Ahl As-Sunnah Wal-Jam'ah may Allh keep me steadfast on it and enable me to die defending it.

The matter began when my beloved, close brother, Ab Muhammad, may Allh

accept him in the ranks of the martyrs, asked me that day to help him in an operation he was preparing for that would take place in one of the areas of Baghdd. And I could not reject his request, as I was eagerly hoping for reward and compensation [from Allh] "And for this let (all) those strive who want to strive."

Ab Muhammad, may Allh accept him, prepared the plan for the operation, and he began to gather its components and necessities, and he requested of me that I go with him and the brother who was the supplier, Ab Zaynab may Allh have Mercy on him whether he is living or dead to the outskirts of Baghdd so as to bring the necessary components of the operation into it. So the three of us proceeded in two cars my brother Ab Muhammad, may Allh accept him, in one, and Ab Zaynab rode with me in another car. And my meeting with him for this operation was our first and last meeting.

We proceeded to the place we agreed upon in the outskirts of Baghdd . And on the way, I played a tape of what was known to be Dhikr and praises. It was a Sf tape that never left me, for it was my Manhaj at the time. Indeed I was an open Sf, devoted and fanatic about his Manhaj! But that day I was not stricken with the exaggerated Sf stupidity and their corrupted beliefs, so it did not overpower my mind.

Brother Ab Zaynab asked me, "What are you doing with this tape?" I said to him, "It increases me in closeness to Al-Mustaf, "!

So Ab Zaynab gave me a tape and said to me, "This is better for your Duny and your khirah." I removed the first tape and placed the tape that he gave me, and I heard the Speech of Allh and the Verses of Jihd from Srat Al-Anfl. And there was a man talking about Jihd and encouraging it with anguish and torment, and with words and with a voice that strengthened the determination and played with the emotions and pointed them in the correct direction. And after listening for a long time, I asked brother Ab Zaynab, "Who is the man?" So he said to me, "An honorable Mujhid Shaykh," and he said nothing else.

And after a short while, we arrived to the intended area and brother Ab Zaynab requested that he proceed on his own to the house that contained the necessities of the operation and bring them on his own, while we'd wait for him in the main district. So I stayed with my brother Ab Muhammad, may Allh accept him, conversing, until the brother would return to us with the necessities. And after a short while, the passing of cars whose inhabitants were giving us Salm while

looking at us increased, so I informed Ab Muhammad, may Allh accept him, about that. He answered that this was because we were strangers to this area, and that, coincidentally, the area was ablaze that day after the killing of one of the Imms of a known Masjid in the area at the hands of Faylaq Ghadr [Badr] [1], and there was news of another operation close to the district.

And it was just seconds until a group of cars filled with men veiled with Ashmigh [i.e. Ghutrahs] encircled us. They came to us from every direction! You did not see any of their hands free from a gun or a Kalashnikov! As for me and my brother Ab Muhammad, we were not carrying anything but a camera in the car! So they came out towards us in a provocative manner, and Ab Muhammad, may Allh have Mercy on him, asked me not to say anything and to leave him to do the talking. Distress befell me because I knew that he would quickly be provoked!

Then one of them asked us, "Who are you? And what are you doing here?"

So Ab Muhammad answered, "And who are you for me to answer you?"

So the man repeated his question with a somewhat harsh manner, so Ab Muhammad answered him in the same manner, saying, "We are waiting for a person who lives in the district."

The man asked him, "Who is the person?"

Ab Muhammad answered him, "And what does it concern you?!"

The exchange became severer and increased in harshness. Then they assailed us and tied us up.

As for me, I did not resist much! For the greatness of their number and their arms gave them the upper hand in that situation. And then there was also the fear that resistance would come at the cost of a brother dearest to me. So, I consigned my affair to Allh. And after that, they searched our car and they found the camera, so the matter increased in complication, especially with what I mentioned above that there was news of the presence of individuals from Faylaq Ghadr in the district!

And after that, they took me and my brother Ab Muhammad, each one of us to a side, and they blindfolded me. And it seemed to me that they were rough when

handling Ab Muhammad. Then they moved me in a car to a place that was somewhat far, and after that, I met with my brother Ab Muhammad, may Allh accept him, in a room. I asked him, "Who are these people?"

He said, "I don't know, and don't speak about anything until things become clearer. And if I remain with you, then leave the talking to me!"

I will not hide from you how difficult the situation was for me, as it was the first time I was subjected to imprisonment. It seemed to me that the end of the journey was close, so I submitted to what Allh Decreed, and left my affair to Him.

And here there is a point to be made.

Many of the youth are keen on rushing to the fields of Jihd, and while preparing for it, they ask Allh that their ends be after eradicating the enemy. And this is a legislated Truth and a praiseworthy objective, but Shaytn and his followers amongst the humans must weaken this determination and throw the goal into disorder, until they test the youth so much that they cause them to sit back from Jihd. But why should Shaytn and his followers be allowed to do this? Whoever puts his trust in Allh, and leaves his affair to Him, and is patient throughout his trials, knows with certainty that the foremost of all goals is the [establishment] of the Islmic State, or the companionship of the best of creation, . So whoever migrates unto Allh, then Allh has promised him that he will find many dwelling places on the Earth and plenty to live by. And if one's appointed time [i.e. of death] is hastened by Allh, the reward [for Hijrah] is obligatory [upon Allh], even if he dies within the hour and just a cubit from the doorstep of his house! Allh Ta'l said,

He who emigrates (from his home) in the Cause of Allh, will find on earth many dwelling places and plenty to live by. And whosoever leaves his home as an emigrant unto Allh and His Messenger, and death overtakes him, his reward is then surely incumbent upon Allh. And Allh is Ever Oft*Forgiving, Most Merciful. [2]

So what is wrong with people that they forsake this generous Promise from Allh?

Returning to our story

After some seconds, a man whose face was covered with a Ghutrah entered upon us, and he untied our binds, then he began to interrogate us. So I left the talking to my brother Ab Muhammad, may Allh accept him, and after only a few seconds I learned that they were Mujhidn, so my heart was reassured. And after a question from him and an answer from my brother, he asked to know the reason we came to this district. So Ab Muhammad asked him, "If I inform you, will you give me what I'm seeking?"

The interrogator answered, "Yes, if I have what you need."

So Ab Muhammad informed him about what we had come for. The interrogator stood up, and untied his Ghutrah. And at that moment, Ab Zaynab entered upon us, exhausted from running. His eyes were overflowing with tears, and when he saw us he made Takbr and he hugged us and hugged the interrogator. The brothers began to enter upon us, and they were between sadness and embarrassment due to what had overtaken them before. They apologized to us and insisted that we have lunch with them, but we excused ourselves after what happened could there be any desire for food?!

Then after that, my brother Ab Muhammad left to prepare the car from the brothers, and I went with Ab Zaynab to a house close to the place we had been waiting for him, and he informed me during the ride that he thought that we had been hit or killed by mistake after things had become dubious between us and the brothers!

And when we arrived, we entered the house and greeted the brothers within it, apologizing for what had happened. And sitting close to me was a somber old man. I asked one of the brothers for a place to pray. While I was praying, I heard someone give Salm. I completed my prayer, then I turned to my right, and I found a man yes, by Allh, a man in an era where men are scarce and it was as though I knew him, and his features were not new to me. So I greeted him and his companions, and I began to remember what happened and glorify and praise Allah. And every now and then I would look at the man, and he would smile at me every time I looked at him. Then he left to speak with the old man who owned the home, and based on what I heard of his speech, I knew that he was a Muhjir [emigrant], and I heard things from him that reassured me about him. Yes, by Allh he was speaking about how to uplift the condition of Ahl AsSunnah through the notables and the elders of the tribes. And it appeared from his words that he carried the burden of all of them by the Lord of the Heavens

and as though he feared for them from a dark future if the crusaders and the Rawfid gained power over them and if the notables and the elders and the tribal Shaykhs surrendered and did not uplift themselves and their families from amongst Ahl As-Sunnah, and manage the general affairs of Ahl As-Sunnah and prevent them from being run by every Tom, Dick and Harry.

This conversation could not fall upon my ears without my mind beginning to ponder and think at that moment, especially being that he was a Muhjir, and he was speaking as though he was a commander. But the situation did not enable me to dwell on it too much, for I wanted to empty what was in my chest to those sitting, and inform them of what had happened with the brothers. And when I saw the opportunity to speak, I attempted to, but Ab Zaynab bit his lip, as though he was saying, "Be quiet! Do not speak!" So I immediately stayed quiet. The Muhjir smiled, and he understood what happened despite the fact that I didn't say anything noticeable. It seemed to me that he had heard of what happened from someone else, so he spoke a few words, and he advised me to have patience, and he reminded me that this path was one with trials and tribulations. I stayed quiet, praised Allh, and felt reassured. Then the old man who owned the house spoke, and from the things he said to me was, "They are your brothers, and the brothers that this 'funny' instance occurred with were not from Al-Q'idah, but rather from another well-known group.

These few words from the Muhjir and the old man that owned the house, as well as Ab Zaynab's previous sign to me, were enough for me to know the Manhaj of the brothers in Al-Q'idah, and their patience and their tolerance, and their disdain of differences, and how they strove to bury them. And I did not hear about what I'm telling you, nor did a trustworthy person narrate it to me, but rather by Allh I saw it and lived it.

And it was just minutes before a young man from the inhabitants of the house entered to inform the old man that the cross-worshipers had entered the area. So the old man said to the Muhjir, "The place is no longer safe for you." The Muhjir got up with his companions, and gave his Salm to us, and the smile did not leave his face whenever he looked at me. Then he left the home. Shortly after that, my brother Ab Muhammad, may Allh accept him, arrived, and we took what we had come for. Ab Muhammad informed me about some of the things that had transpired with him, so I encouraged him to be patient and to forgive the brothers. Then we returned to our residence, and I rested a little.

And as for that smiling man, the Muhjir, his image did not leave my mind, and I

continued to feel as though I knew him, until one day I saw a picture of a man who had come to Irq, 'To break up the union of its people, to kill its sons, rape its women, and shatter its unity,' as the cross-worshipers and their apostate followers claim.

And it was him

It was that man, the Muhjir that I had met, who smiled whenever his eyes rested on me

And he was the Leader of the Martyrs, the Imm, the Muhjir, Ab Mus'ab AzZarqw, may Allh accept him in 'Iliyyn.

And the tape that I had listened to with Ab Zaynab was by the Shaykh Ab Mus'ab, may Allh Ta'l have Mercy upon him.

So I was never as certain that what was said about Tandhm Al-Q 'idah and its Muhjirn and its Ansr and the command of the martyr Ab Mus'ab, may Allh have Mercy upon him, were all lies as I was when I saw his picture and realized that he was my friend

Would the one who spoke with that anguish and who carried the burden of the Muslims the way no man carries even the burden of his family come for the purpose of killing the Muslims? Would the man with that smile intend the blood of the Muslims, or be careless with it?

I make Allh a witness that whoever claims this is a liar.

And I transmitted this instance so that we would take a lesson from what happened, for the fields of Jihd are not free from situations and errors that would grow if the wise ones among the commanders do not rectify them. My brother, Ab Muhammad, may Allh accept him, did not want to stay quiet about what happened and I will not go into all the details and if I had not advised him and encouraged him to be patient and wait for his reward, it would have made the problem larger. And I would have been like him; I would not have remained quiet about what happened if I had not heard from the old man who owned the house and from Imm Ab Mus'ab, may Allh have Mercy upon him. So it is the likes of these commanders that bury turmoil with wisdom, and treat it gently, even if that means they give up some of their rights though not the Rights of Allh for their brothers, and humble themselves to them. And I

believe the leadership of the Islmic State of 'Irq, may Allh secure its pillars, with its Amr and its ministers, may Allh protect them, are able to avoid Fitnah and bury it at its inception with patience and with contentment towards those who oppress them and defame them without right.

And indeed I consider them the best antecessors to the best predecessors. This is how I consider them, and Allh is their Reckoner, and I do not sanctify anyone before Allh.

And I was never, on any day, a member of Tandhm Al-Q'idah or Jam'at AtTawhd, rather we used to work and help the Mujhidn in general.

O Allh, I make you a Witness that I never met purer souls, or softer hearts, or people more humble to Ahl At-Tawhd than the soldiers of Al-Q'idah, nor severer in might and strength and hatred for the people of Shirk and association than the soldiers of Al-Q'idah. And Allh is a Witness upon what I say.

And I emphasize the matter so that no one thinks that I am supporting my Amr and my Jam'ah or making light of their mistakes the group that this occurrence happened with was not Tandhm Al-Q'idah or Jam'at At-Tawhd Wal-Jihd. Rather, it was another group known on the fields.

Lastly, I apologize for the lengthiness and for the interruption, and I ask Allh that my return to the Jihd forums be soon.

O Allh, accept Your slave, the Mujhid in Your Path, Ab Mus'ab, amongst the martyrs

And accept my beloved brother Ab Muhammad, and all the dead from amongst the Mujhidn. Allhumma mn

I ask Allh to accept what I wrote and to make it sincerely for His Noble Face

O Allh, protect the Islmic State [of Irq], O Allh, protect the Islmic State, O Allh, protect the Islmic State and establish it firmly.

O Allh, open the hearts of their brothers towards them. O Allh, enable them to join the caravan of the State, and Honor its soldiers, and Bless its commander, and make him dutiful to his brothers. Allhumma mn.

And all praise is due to Allh, the Lord of the worlds, and may the Peace and Blessings of Allh be upon the best of creation, Muhammad, and upon all his family and companions.

Was-Salmu 'Alaykum Wa Rahmatullhi Wa Baraktuh

Your brother, Muhibb As-Sunnah Al-'Irq. Rab' Ath-Thn 1428

------------------------[1] Faylaq Ghadr [the Treachery Brigades] - a derogation for the notorious Faylaq Badr [Badr Brigades] militia. The armed wing of the Supreme Council for the Islmic Revolution in 'Irq, this militia is known for its crimes against Ahl As-Sunnah. Under the cover of being the National Guard, Faylaq Ghadr has carried out horrid massacres against 'Irq's Sunns, targeting man, woman, and child, and killing whoever falls into their hands in the most heinous ways. Their crimes include, but are not limited to: bombing the Masjid of Ahl As-Sunnah, blowing up elementary schools while the children of Ahl As-Sunnah were in session, killing the doctors, professors, and Mujhidn of Ahl As-Sunnah, kidnapping and raping the women of Ahl AsSunnah, and destroying the houses, property, and livestock of Sunns throughout 'Irq. The militia is also known for its vicious methods of torture which include, but are not limited to, cutting the limbs of Sunns with electric saws, burning Sunns alive, drilling holes into their skulls before shooting them, baking them alive in ovens, throwing them alive into large cauldrons of boiling water or oil, and cooperating with the cross-worshipers in bombing the vicinities of Ahl As-Sunnah with cluster bombs, microwave bombs, Napalm, and other weapons "outlawed" by the bankrupt and false international treaties, such as occurred in Tal 'Afar, Falljah, and other areas. This and more is documented in eye-witness accounts and in the confessions of exmembers of Faylaq Ghadr.

And what Ahl As-Sunnah in Irq have suffered at the hands of the spiteful Sh'ah Rawfid is worse than what they have suffered at the hands the cross-worshipers. And we have not heard anyone demand that our Sunn brethren in 'Irq be given their human rights - or even, at the very least, animal rights. And as expected, the rulers of the Muslim countries have turned a blind eye, refusing to challenge or denounce the slaughter of Ahl As-Sunnah at the hands of the Sh'ah in 'Irq. So what would have been the state of the Sunnah and its people in 'Irq today, had the "terrorists" the world has gathered against not condemned these actions, punished its perpetrators, and vowed to water the soil of Mesopotamia with their own blood in defense of their Sunn brethren? We ask Allh to grant Victory to our brothers the Mujhidn, and take just recompense from those who have harmed Ahl As-Sunnah with so much as a prick of a thorn. Allhumma mn.

[2] An-Nis:100

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