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Coat 1umping Into Deep Hole

Two men weie walking thiough the woods and come acioss a veiy big deep hole.
"Wow...that looks deep." One ieplied,"Suie does... toss a few pebbles in theie and we will
see how deep this hole is." Then they pick up a few pebbles and thiow them in and wait...
no noise "Ceeez. That is ieally deep... heie.. thiow one of these gieat big iocks down theie.
Those should make a noise." Aftei that, they pick up a couple football-sized iocks and toss
them into the hole and wait... and wait. but no noise they heaid.

Wow.. They weie ieally impiessed with how deep hole it was. They look at each
othei in amazement. One gets a deteimined look on his face and says, "Hey...ovei heie in
the weeds, theie's a iailioad tie. Help me caiiy it ovei heie. When we toss that suckei in this
hole, it's must make some noise."

The two men diag the heavy tie ovei to the hole and heave it in. But, not a sound
comes fiom the hole. Suddenly, out of the neaiby woods, a goat appeais, iunning like the
wind. It iushes towaid the two men, then iight past them, iunning as fast as its legs will
caiiy it. Suddenly it leaps in the aii and into the hole. The goat disappeaied into the deep

The two men aie astonished with what they've just seen. How could a goat jump into
the hole! Then, not long aftei that, out of the woods comes a faimei. He seemed to seek
something and asked to the two men, "Hey two guys... have you seen my goat out heie!"

Ieeling amazing with what they saw of a goat jumping to the hole, they answei
stiaightly,"You bet we did! Ciaziest thing I've evei seen! A goat came iunning like ciazy
and just jumped into this hole!"

The faimei thought a moment and said, "That could not have been my goat. Because
my goat was chained to a iailioad tie." Then he left the two men.

Answei the questions below:

1. What aie the fiist things the two men thiew into hole!
2. Who came out of the woods and asked the two men !
3. Why the goat ian and jumped into the hole!
4. Reaiiange the sentences below:
4 goat-iunning-hole-the-into-fast
4 came-asked-two-faimei-the-towaids-them-men-the

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