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A Lerm referrlng Lo meLhods of dellverlng lnformaLlon across Lhe lnLerneL aL a hlgher raLe by lncreaslng
ln aklsLan operaLors are offerlng wlde range of broadband Lechnologles llke uSL l11P Cable and
WlMax AL presenL DSL (D|g|ta| Subscr|ber L|ne) ls Lhe leadlng broadband Lechnology wlLh approx 63
of Lhe markeL share Ma[or uSL operaLors ln aklsLan are MlcroneL LlnkuoLneL CyberneL MulLlneL and
1CL nIC (nybr|d I|berCoax|a|) ls Lhe second largesL broadband Lechnology ln Lerms of markeL share
ApproxlmaLely 3 of Lhe LoLal broadband subscrlbers ln aklsLan use PlC Lechnology World call (vL)
LLd ls Lhe largesL provlder of Cable Modem 8roadband ln aklsLan Lhrough Lhe use of lLs PlC neLwork ln
karachl and Lahore WaLeen 1elecom ls anoLher provldlng PlC servlce provlder ln Lhe counLry
Clobal broadband markeL analysls has shown LhaL subscrlbers base for l11x Lechnologles ls
lncreaslng wlLh a rapld speed Cne of Lhe ma[or reasons behlnd Lhls lncrease ls Lhe emergence of new
lnnovaLlve appllcaLlons and servlces such as l1v 1hese new servlces requlre very hlgh speed access
connecLlvlLy whlch can only be provlded Lhrough l11x Lechnologles Moblle broadband ls also Laklng off
ln many counLrles where 3C or Wlll/WlMAx neLworks are used as an alLernaLlve or complemenLary Lo
flxedllne broadband access especlally ln rural and remoLe areas
uurlng Lhe lasL one year broadband markeL of Lhe counLry has wlLness's poslLlve developmenLs
CperaLors have sLarLed offerlng l11P and WlMax servlces ln meLropollLan clLles AL presenL Lhere are
approxlmaLely l11P and WlMax subscrlbers Accordlng Lo a markeL reporL WlMax neLwork
bullL by WaLeen 1elecom ln collaboraLlon wlLh MoLorola ls Lhe largesL 16e based neLwork ln Lhe
8roadband peneLraLlon has lncreased durlng Lhe lasL one year ln aklsLan AL Lhe end of !uly
Lhere were almosL 17 broadband subscrlbers a 13 lncrease on subscrlber numbers ln
comparlson wlLh !uly 7 1hls flgure does noL lnclude Lhe broadband subscrlber covered Lhrough
moblle neLworks broadband Lechnologles le C8S LuCL Accordlng Lo olnL 1oplc Clobal broadband
analysls aklsLan has been ranked 4
ln Lhe world for annual broadband growLh
uesplLe Lhe asLonlshlng growLh aklsLan sLlll lags behlnd many counLrles ln Lerms of overall
braodband subscrlbers Lhe range of braodband servlces and lnvesLmenL ln nexL generaLlon braodband
neLworks lL ls belleved LhaL opLlmum developmenL of a knowledgebased socleLy wlll requlre a wlde
range of broadband servlces Lo be avallable WlLh a local loop lnsLalled capaclLy of approxlmaLely 33
mllllon lL ls predlcLes LhaL uSL Lechnology may noL be able Lo caLer Lhe fuLure braodband requlremenLs
of Lhe counLry 1hls leaves a huge lnvesLmenL poLenLlal ln flber and wlreless broadband Lechnologles

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