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Mohammad 2a|n A|amr|

W normally a red blood cell does noL conLaln lncluslons
ln Lhe cyLoplasm Powever lL may be seen because
of cerLaln hemaLologlc dlsorders
W 1here are Lhree klnds of eryLhrocyLe lncluslons
1 Deve|opmenta| Crgane||es
2 Abnorma| nemog|ob|n rec|p|tat|on
3 rotozoan Inc|us|on
W normally a red blood cell does noL conLaln lncluslons
ln Lhe cyLoplasm Powever lL may be seen because
of cerLaln hemaLologlc dlsorders
W 1here are Lhree klnds of eryLhrocyLe lncluslons
1 Deve|opmenta| Crgane||es
2 Abnorma| nemog|ob|n rec|p|tat|on
3 rotozoan Inc|us|on
W Deve|opmenta| Crgane||es
appenhelmer appenhelmer bodles bodles
4 CaboL 8lngs
3 olychromaLophlllc red cells
W Deve|opmenta| Crgane||es
appenhelmer appenhelmer bodles bodles
4 CaboL 8lngs
3 olychromaLophlllc red cells
are nuclear
fragmenL found
ln red cells
mosLly slngle
buL someLlmes
are nuclear
fragmenL found
ln red cells
mosLly slngle
buL someLlmes
@he presence of
even|y d|spersed
purp||sh b|ue
dots |n the
cytop|asm of
@he presence of
even|y d|spersed
purp||sh b|ue
dots |n the
cytop|asm of
appenhelmer appenhelmer
bodles bodles
are slderoLlc
granules whlch are
small lrregular
granules LhaL
appear near Lhe
perlphery of a
young eryLhrocyLe
ln a WrlghL sLaln
appenhelmer appenhelmer
bodles bodles
are slderoLlc
granules whlch are
small lrregular
granules LhaL
appear near Lhe
perlphery of a
young eryLhrocyLe
ln a WrlghL sLaln
4 Cabot k|ngs
rlngllke sLrucLure and
may appear ln
eryLhrocyLes ln
megaloblasLlc anemla
or ln severe anemlas
lead polsonlng and ln
dyseryLhropolesls ln
whlch eryLhrocyLes
are desLroyed before
belng released from
Lhe bone marrow
4 Cabot k|ngs
rlngllke sLrucLure and
may appear ln
eryLhrocyLes ln
megaloblasLlc anemla
or ln severe anemlas
lead polsonlng and ln
dyseryLhropolesls ln
whlch eryLhrocyLes
are desLroyed before
belng released from
Lhe bone marrow
red ce||s
young red cells LhaL no
longer have nucleus
buL sLlll conLaln some
W Abnorma| nemog|ob|n rec|p|tat|on
Pelnz bodles
2 Pemoglobln P lncluslons
are denatured
part|c|es of
attached to k8C
membrane that
appear when
sta|ned w|th cresy|
b|ue or methy|
2 nemog|ob|n n
alpha Lhalassemla
lncluslon bodles
appear ln many
eryLhrocyLes afLer four
drops of blood ls
lncubaLed wlLh 03mL
of 8rllllanL cresyl blue
for 20 mlnuLes aL C
W rotozoan Inc|us|on
2 8abes|a
ls a proLozoan
paraslLe of Lhe
blood LhaL causes a
hemolyLlc dlsease
known as

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