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ves are fictional creatures that most do not have a fixed fo and often have theWORLD of Elves invisible

at will. ability to become d bantam but have the ability to change form and become at our world and he was one of the elves but for some stra worlds separated. d says that the elves on Earth long before humans.the wo nd curious creatures can steal anything they like or so just ves in canyons, mines tunnels, abandoned castles, cracks henever they like. Other elves live permanently in one pla area so that then travel in groups according to a Scottish es to them vary from country to country and from place to nd each country has its own such as Greece, elves, or Am eland-Sindhe or Gentry, Scotland-Good People and stinGa ons are divided on the good elves and bad elves.STRANG s (fairfolk or else the people of the ether) or Light Elves Am elves fairies of the air or spirits of the air or what is on eart form is human with little wings on his back, petite bright b

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