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(10:57:00) Kinkyclawz: Evening all!! How re my lovely packmates tonight?

*loks aorund and begins tidying up* (11:59:44) Willie: Aubergine enters the channel. (11:59:59) Aubergine: Hallo Hallo! (20:07:17) Willie: Eileen enters the channel. (20:07:38) Aubergine: Hi Eileen! (20:07:44) Eileen: Hello Genie! (20:07:56) Aubergine: How are you today? (20:08:36) Aubergine: KC is lost ssmewhere in here (20:08:50) Aubergine: I think she was taken hostage by a dust bunny (20:10:12) Eileen: oh nooooooo (20:10:18) Eileen: or was it a vampire snake? (20:10:20) Eileen: ahhhhhhhhhhhhh (20:10:23) Eileen: I'm fine ty (20:10:33) Eileen: how are you? (20:11:37) Aubergine: I'm doing good (20:13:47) Eileen: awesome (20:15:03) Aubergine: I'm trying to catch up on Twitter as I was away for a couple of days (20:16:18) Kinkyclawz: *looks up from her cleaning, she can hear voices but can't see anyone* (20:16:32) Kinkyclawz: HELLO?! (20:16:49) Aubergine: Why look who resurfaced (20:16:54) Aubergine: hello (20:17:48) Kinkyclawz: *hears a familiar voice* Genie, is that you? *can't see anyone, begins to wonder why its so cloudy and why she wants to cough a lot* (20:18:25) Kinkyclawz: *waits for a momnet, petting the dust bunny she found* (20:18:52) Aubergine: are you well, KC? (20:19:39) Kinkyclawz: I'm fine thanks Genie. How are you? Did you have a good trip? *still can't see but stumbles toward Genie's voice* (20:20:26) Eileen: Hello KC! (20:20:34) Aubergine: Yes hanging out with my Red Hat gals, shopping and eating. It was a great time. (20:20:38) Eileen: So glad you didn't get eaten by the snake (20:20:55) Kinkyclawz: *hears Eileen* Suesse!! Hello! Aww, both my Twisters are here! (20:21:10) Kinkyclawz: Aww, sounds like you had a blast Genie. (20:21:27) Kinkyclawz: No, no snakes were eating me, thank goodness. (20:22:00) Eileen: your friends have red heads? (20:22:10) Kinkyclawz: LOL (20:22:25) Aubergine: I discovered quite a few of my friend are terrified of snakes (20:22:28) Kinkyclawz: *waves a hand and the cloud begins to clear a little* (20:22:31) Aubergine: no red hats (20:22:42) Eileen: red hats! I see (20:23:13) Eileen: only red? (20:23:16) Kinkyclawz: They are? Oh dear, they'd best not come here then despite the snakes being very friendly. *is wearing a golden snake around her neck while

petting the dust bunny* (20:23:20) Eileen: glad you had fun, Genie (20:23:36) Kinkyclawz: red hats, is that like a uniform you wear to those around know to beware, the girls are in town? (20:23:54) Eileen: where did the dust bunnies come from? (20:24:03) Eileen: did the plotties bring them? (20:24:06) Aubergine: it's just an excuse for woman over 50 to hand out and act like teenagers (20:24:32) Kinkyclawz: I think they must have. ir maybe they were born while I was cleaning up so vigourously cleaning up. (20:24:34) Aubergine: or hang out (20:24:52) Kinkyclawz: Souns brilliant to me Genie! so glad it was fun for you all. *hugz* (20:25:05) Kinkyclawz: *puls Eileen into the hug too* (20:25:28) Aubergine: my group runs in age from 49 to 80 (20:25:36) Eileen: *is pulled into a hug* uff! (20:26:08) Eileen: *hugs back* (20:26:09) Aubergine: I can't breathe (20:26:18) Eileen: so i won't be able to join? (20:26:39) Aubergine: of course you can join (20:26:49) Aubergine: you will just be a pink hat (20:27:02) Aubergine: as you can't wear a red hat until you are 50 (20:27:36) Kinkyclawz: Oh, sorry. *loosens her hug a bit* Aww, I think its lovely. Pink hats, red hats, what a brilliant idea. (20:28:12) Aubergine: if it's your birthday month you can wear a purple hat (20:28:42) Aubergine: my group leans towards wearing purple instead of traditional red (20:28:58) Aubergine: probably why I hang out with them (20:29:17) Kinkyclawz: Is that because you're all born quite close together? The months are similar I mean? (20:29:34) Aubergine: that and they are fun to be around (20:30:01) Aubergine: no red hatters wear red and purple. (20:30:05) Kinkyclawz: That\s the main thing. :d (20:30:09) Aubergine: together (20:30:13) Eileen: I see (20:30:14) Eileen: lol (20:30:31) Kinkyclawz: Aww, I'm sorry but can one of you copy and paste the chatlog to a PM for me please? I got booted out for no reason. (20:30:58) Kinkyclawz: Is that an unwritten rule, like no white after labour day *doesn;t really understand that but has heard the rule somewhere in a film* (20:31:32) Eileen: from where? (20:32:52) Kinkyclawz: I heard it in Serial Mom. Pretty funny film. (20:33:03) Kinkyclawz: or do you mean from where do I need the log? (20:33:07) Aubergine: (20:33:48) Aubergine: serial mom was a good movie (20:35:26) Kinkyclawz: Aww, that's so cool! They ahve a group for everything! (20:35:27) Kinkyclawz: LOL

(20:35:38) Eileen: i mean the log (20:36:05) Kinkyclawz: Genie, could you send me your chatlog and Eileen, can you send me yours, I'll piece them together into a seamless whole. (20:36:16) Eileen: ok (20:36:18) Aubergine: there is a group out there for whatever you can think of. (20:36:22) Kinkyclawz: If you could just send me everything please Eileen. Sorry to be a pain. :/ (20:36:24) Aubergine: ok (20:36:35) Eileen: stop being a pain! (20:36:36) Eileen: lol (19:37:27) Eileen: aww this site is cute (19:37:46) Kinkyclawz: I'll try, Eileen, but its not easy being this much of a pain. It takes a lot fo training. LOL (19:38:08) Kinkyclawz: Isn't it just?! I love it. I'm 33, am I a bit too young to join yet? (19:38:22) Kinkyclawz: Can I come and play out as a pink hat maybe? (19:38:31) Kinkyclawz: Alongside Eileen. (19:39:26) Aubergine: sure when can you join us here in Arizona (19:39:50) Aubergine: I sent the chatlog. Or I hope I sent the chatlog. (19:39:53) Kinkyclawz: Ah. I see. Erm... thta might be a bit of a wait. (19:40:03) Kinkyclawz: Thankyou lovely. (19:40:21) Kinkyclawz: Hey, I saw this the other day and immediately thought of here. [IMG] 0_183054935115817_410270_638672697_n.jpg[/IMG] (19:40:36) Eileen: okay sent (19:40:53) Eileen: lol i saw this on friday an dhad to think about this chat (19:41:10) Kinkyclawz: I know where that wood came from! Our insanity tree. And erm sorry, hadn't realised that was going to post as a picture. Thoguht it was gonna be a link, sorry if it messes up your timeline lovelies. . (19:41:27) Kinkyclawz: Hehe, great mind think alike! (19:41:52) Eileen: lol (19:41:59) Kinkyclawz: Thankyou both of you! MWAH! (19:42:07) Eileen: Muah! (19:42:41) Aubergine: Hey we're having a slumber/Christmas party next month. You can join us then. (19:44:01) Eileen: awwww (19:44:17) Kinkyclawz: YAY! (19:45:34) Kinkyclawz: I have some cream coloured fleecy PJ's with pink hearts all over, can that be in place of a pink hat? (19:46:05) Kinkyclawz: Ooh, its gone all quiet... is everyone ok? (19:47:42) Aubergine: sorry had to step away for a moment (19:48:06) Aubergine: but yes you can wear you pink heart jammies (19:48:26) Eileen: awwwwwwww (19:48:32) Eileen: i dont have anything pink (19:48:39) Eileen: just my pink post-its (19:48:55) Aubergine: that's okay you can wear whatever you have (19:49:02) Aubergine: or nothing at all

(19:49:10) Aubergine: whatever makes you happy (19:49:36) Kinkyclawz: LOL Now that would be a horror story to tell, me in the nuddy. LMAO (19:49:39) Eileen: uhmmm (19:49:48) Kinkyclawz: You can over yoursel fin pink post-its for the night Eileen? (19:49:51) Eileen: i think i'll go with the something (19:50:04) Eileen: i could (19:50:04) Eileen: hmmm (19:50:19) Eileen: but if i went nude i would go pink so it would work (19:50:40) Eileen: oh my that is a sight noone wants to see (19:50:48) Aubergine: there you go (19:51:33) Eileen: hmm nude with post-its covering the important parts? (19:51:45) Aubergine: fang would ant to see that (19:52:23) Aubergine: since he's not here I thought I'd put his vote in (19:52:54) Kinkyclawz: Sorry, was just changing location from the castle to the beach. LOL Yes, three or more strategically places post it notes? (19:53:05) Kinkyclawz: Hehe, Fang would be drooling at the thought. (19:53:31) Eileen: lol (19:54:05) Kinkyclawz: ***** (19:54:11) Eileen: nah, i will come dressed with a post-it on my forehead (19:54:38) Kinkyclawz: Hehe, what will it read, suesse? (19:54:50) Kinkyclawz: "Twisters are doing ti for themselves"? (19:55:13) Aubergine: lol (19:55:40) Kinkyclawz: Hehe. s/h284/Kinkyclawz/TooCuteToBeEvil.jpg (19:56:26) Eileen: lol (19:56:40) Aubergine: that's not a true statement. anyone can be evil (19:56:43) Eileen: is this not a bit... (19:56:47) Aubergine: no matter how cute they are (19:56:52) Kinkyclawz: That's what your forehead post it will say, eileen. Too Cute To Be Evil. :d (19:57:00) Eileen: i prefer this one (19:57:00) Eileen: lol (19:57:13) Eileen: the other was a bit... (19:57:14) Eileen: lol (19:57:22) Eileen: sorry im missing the word here (19:57:35) Kinkyclawz: Hehe, and her ewas me considering having a t-shirt made with it on, Genie. I thought people might believe it if I had a tshirt to prove it. (19:57:54) Kinkyclawz: it was a bit lol? (19:58:13) Eileen: peppermint tea! (19:58:13) Kinkyclawz: ***** Channel: Style: Language: (19:44:01) Eileen: awwww (19:44:17) Kinkyclawz: YAY! (19:45:34) Kinkyclawz: I have some cream coloured fleecy PJ's with pink hearts all over, can that be in place of a pink hat?

(19:46:05) Kinkyclawz: Ooh, its gone all quiet... is everyone ok? (19:47:42) Aubergine: sorry had to step away for a moment (19:48:06) Aubergine: but yes you can wear you pink heart jammies (19:48:26) Eileen: awwwwwwww (19:48:32) Eileen: i dont have anything pink (19:48:39) Eileen: just my pink post-its (19:48:55) Aubergine: that's okay you can wear whatever you have (19:49:02) Aubergine: or nothing at all (19:49:10) Aubergine: whatever makes you happy (19:49:36) Kinkyclawz: LOL Now that would be a horror story to tell, me in the nuddy. LMAO (19:49:39) Eileen: uhmmm (19:49:48) Kinkyclawz: You can over yoursel fin pink post-its for the night Eileen? (19:49:51) Eileen: i think i'll go with the something (19:50:04) Eileen: i could (19:50:04) Eileen: hmmm (19:50:19) Eileen: but if i went nude i would go pink so it would work (19:50:40) Eileen: oh my that is a sight noone wants to see (19:50:48) Aubergine: there you go (19:51:33) Eileen: hmm nude with post-its covering the important parts? (19:51:45) Aubergine: fang would ant to see that (19:52:23) Aubergine: since he's not here I thought I'd put his vote in (19:52:54) Kinkyclawz: Sorry, was just changing location from the castle to the beach. LOL Yes, three or more strategically places post it notes? (19:53:05) Kinkyclawz: Hehe, Fang would be drooling at the thought. (19:53:31) Eileen: lol (19:54:05) Kinkyclawz: ***** (19:54:11) Eileen: nah, i will come dressed with a post-it on my forehead (19:54:38) Kinkyclawz: Hehe, what will it read, suesse? (19:54:50) Kinkyclawz: "Twisters are doing ti for themselves"? (19:55:13) Aubergine: lol (19:55:40) Kinkyclawz: Hehe. s/h284/Kinkyclawz/TooCuteToBeEvil.jpg (19:56:26) Eileen: lol (19:56:40) Aubergine: that's not a true statement. anyone can be evil (19:56:43) Eileen: is this not a bit... (19:56:47) Aubergine: no matter how cute they are (19:56:52) Kinkyclawz: That's what your forehead post it will say, eileen. Too Cute To Be Evil. :d (19:57:00) Eileen: i prefer this one (19:57:00) Eileen: lol (19:57:13) Eileen: the other was a bit... (19:57:14) Eileen: lol (19:57:22) Eileen: sorry im missing the word here (19:57:35) Kinkyclawz: Hehe, and her ewas me considering having a t-shirt made with it on, Genie. I thought people might believe it if I had a tshirt to prove it.

(19:57:54) Kinkyclawz: it was a bit lol? (19:58:13) Eileen: peppermint tea! (19:58:13) Kinkyclawz: ***** (19:58:16) Eileen: you want some? (19:58:42) Eileen: hmmmm great idea (19:58:54) Eileen: i have voucher for a t-shirt i can style (19:59:33) Kinkyclawz: I can make you a custom one if you like, at cafepress. Hmm, peppermint tea? Annie would approve. (20:00:06) Aubergine: you can wear a post it that says I'm dressed for airport security (20:00:32) Kinkyclawz: LMAO (20:00:54) Kinkyclawz: The kind of airport security that's been banned this week in Europe but they're letting the UK carry on using? (20:00:55) Aubergine: in America airport security has gotten out of control (20:01:15) Kinkyclawz: Oh dear, howso? (20:01:48) Aubergine: they are installing full body xray machines and still patting people down and using that wand (20:02:14) Kinkyclawz: Crikey, that's a bit of overkill really. (20:02:31) Eileen: no i have a voucher for a company that makes tshirts (20:02:40) Eileen: only need to know what to put on (20:02:56) Kinkyclawz: Eurpoe has banned those Xray machines amid fears that they could be causing cancer. But they're happy for Manchester Airport (that's near me) and others to carry on using it for another year here in the UK. WEird! (20:02:58) Eileen: lol the airport security is awesome (20:03:00) Eileen: one (20:03:10) Kinkyclawz: A supernatural based image? (20:03:10) Aubergine: i don't like flying, but I hate the security process even more (20:03:32) Kinkyclawz: The boys and their car? (20:03:39) Eileen: strange (20:03:54) Eileen: that is a copyright thingy (20:04:00) Eileen: i dont think they will do that (20:04:03) Aubergine: people are actually threatening to walk through the airport nake (20:04:08) Kinkyclawz: What do you love most about airport security Eileen? Genie, is it that it makes you feel ike a criminal even if you've done nothing wrong? (20:04:33) Kinkyclawz: They should go naked. That could have interesting repercussions mind you. (20:04:55) Aubergine: no I never liked flying (20:04:56) Kinkyclawz: yeah, you have a point. Unless Deg were to do a cartoon version for you? (20:05:05) Aubergine: it's unnatural (20:05:19) Kinkyclawz: I've never flown so I've no idea if I like it/like the security or not. (20:05:19) Eileen: lol (20:05:29) Eileen: i meant i love the airport security one (20:05:57) Kinkyclawz: LOL Sorry, thought you emant you like airport security. Have they dropped tose Xray scanners in Germany do you know?

(20:06:05) Eileen: btw (20:06:20) Eileen: i got the "A song of ice and fire" books! (20:06:37) Eileen: and Harry potter and the deathly hallows 2 (20:06:43) Eileen: watched it last night (20:06:44) Eileen: so sad (20:06:47) Kinkyclawz: Ohh, my dad has read the first three,he sys they're brillina.t I think you'll lvo ethem Eileen. (20:06:55) Eileen: i have no idea (20:06:59) Eileen: about the scanners (20:07:20) Kinkyclawz: It was a great film, I agree. But also sad, sa you say. (20:07:55) Kinkyclawz: Just reread my GoT line, what the heck happened with all those typos?! (20:07:58) Aubergine: having seen deathly hallows yet (20:08:21) Kinkyclawz: Have you read the last book though Genie? (20:08:31) Aubergine: i think your keyboard is out to get you (20:08:49) Aubergine: no haven't read it either (20:09:17) Kinkyclawz: I've not read it but the films are great. I enjoyed them. (20:09:35) Kinkyclawz: Have you read the harry potter final book Eileen? (20:09:54) Kinkyclawz: ***** (20:12:27) Eileen: no (20:12:34) Eileen: im still stuck in book 4 (20:12:42) Kinkyclawz: Ooh, now I'm guilty of kiling the conversation! Oh hooray, you're here! (20:12:42) Kinkyclawz: LOL (20:12:52) Willie: Fang enters the channel. (20:13:02) Eileen: ah found it (20:13:02) Fang: Hello Everybody! (20:13:12) Aubergine: hallo Fang (20:13:13) Eileen: there are no body scanner at german airports either (20:13:17) Eileen: Hello FAng! (20:13:20) Eileen: *hugs Fang* (20:13:24) Kinkyclawz: Ah, you'll get there. though I struggled with book 6, thats probably why I haven't read number 7. FANG! Hiya hun! (20:13:46) Kinkyclawz: Aww, you went looking for the information? Bless you Eileen! (20:13:48) Fang: body scanners and Harry Potter? (20:13:52) Kinkyclawz: how are you Fang (20:13:53) Kinkyclawz: ? (20:14:05) Eileen: lol (20:14:12) Eileen: how are you? (20:14:14) Aubergine: lol (20:14:27) Kinkyclawz: And sleepovers with only post it notes for coverage too. LOL You should ahve been here earlier, good Doctor. (20:14:58) Aubergine: yeah you missed the post it outfit (20:15:13) Aubergine: but I voted yes for you (20:15:20) Fang: aww dammit, I bet there were pillow fights and everything (20:15:47) Aubergine: no, no fighting

(20:16:23) Eileen: pillows yes (20:16:28) Eileen: no fighting (20:16:29) Fang: post it outfit? are we talking just three strategically placed post-it notes? (20:16:49) Fang: ah OK, I'm glad nobodies pillows got harmed (20:17:16) Eileen: yes Fang (20:17:17) Eileen: (20:17:44) Kinkyclawz: Hehe, exactly the version I mentioned but Eileen went one better, I'll let her tell you her idea. You'll adore it. (20:17:48) Eileen: Genie is a member of the red hat society and we wanted to join (20:18:08) Eileen: but we would have to wear pink (20:18:13) Fang: even better? two strategically placed post-its? (20:18:21) Eileen: KC would wear a PJ with pink hearts and i would wear (20:18:24) Kinkyclawz: Yeah,we have to be content with pink hats though until we reach the fine young age of 50. (20:18:28) Eileen: 3 post-its (20:18:57) Kinkyclawz: Tell him where one of them would be. LOL (20:19:16) Eileen: on my forehead (20:19:24) Fang: (20:19:26) Aubergine: that's 3 for the front and back? (20:19:31) Kinkyclawz: (20:19:40) Eileen: (20:19:57) Kinkyclawz: ^^ It sounds like it, Genie. (20:20:08) Eileen: oh pink post-its! (20:20:27) Aubergine: (20:20:32) Kinkyclawz: yes, defintely the pink ones. Are they the heart shaped ones, Eileen? (20:20:36) Aubergine: hehehe (20:20:54) Eileen: hmmm no just squares (20:21:00) Eileen: but i could cut them (20:21:02) Kinkyclawz: Hehe, Genie you devil! s/h284/Kinkyclawz/TooCuteToBeEvil.jpg (20:21:15) Kinkyclawz: Aww, how cute! (20:21:25) Eileen: LOL (20:21:33) Eileen: you okay, Fang? (20:21:39) Kinkyclawz: *hands eileen the scissors so she can cut her pink post it notes into hearts. (20:21:48) Kinkyclawz: He;s gone very quiet... (20:21:58) Kinkyclawz: has the anticipation made him mute? (20:21:59) Fang: I needed a lay down (20:22:04) Eileen: *takes scissors and starts cutting* (20:22:08) Fang: I'm here now (20:22:14) Eileen: oh you sick fang? (20:22:16) Kinkyclawz: *grinz* (20:22:26) Eileen: wb (20:22:48) Kinkyclawz: Aww, are you feeling better Fang? (20:23:03) Aubergine: i'm surprised you took your eyes off the screen

(20:23:16) Kinkyclawz: LMAO (20:23:24) Fang: I layed down in full view of the screen (20:23:46) Kinkyclawz: Ahhh, what a lovely plan, well done Fang. :S (20:23:48) Kinkyclawz: even (20:24:02) Eileen: Clever Doctor (20:24:10) Fang: Eileen taught me a useful trick (20:24:19) Aubergine: it's often best to lay down before you pass out (20:24:35) Fang: she does the same thing, clear a space in case you need to lay down of ROFL (20:24:51) Aubergine: lol (20:25:04) Eileen: lol i do (20:25:27) Kinkyclawz: Ahh, what a celver lesson to adapt for pre-faint lie downs. (20:26:04) Fang: I had to move a poof and everything (20:26:05) Kinkyclawz: I only have to clear a small space for LMAO-ing, but might adapt your idea too Eielen (20:26:10) Kinkyclawz: Erm Eileen rather. (20:26:12) Aubergine: that's safer than putting your head between your knees (20:26:19) Kinkyclawz: Was he visiting? (20:26:37) Kinkyclawz: LMAO For sure! (20:26:57) Fang: no it's a thing you sit on (20:27:04) Fang: ...wait, that doesn't sound any better (20:27:13) Eileen: Poof visited you? (20:27:35) Kinkyclawz: Oh, those kinds. Isn;t it spelt pouffe in French and we've shortened it? Not sure. (20:27:45) Aubergine: I guess it's better than poo (20:28:15) Eileen: oh much better! esp if you sit on it (20:28:15) Kinkyclawz: indeed, you dont want to faint to ROFL in that. (20:28:27) Eileen: lol (20:28:27) Fang: http://innumerablegoods.typepad. com/innumerable_goods/images/2008/04/01/dosa_poof_brl_2.jpg (20:28:31) Kinkyclawz: LMAO you phrased it so much better Eileen! (20:28:50) Fang: I like the leather on my poofs (20:28:50) Kinkyclawz: Is that yours? (20:28:56) Aubergine: i call those foot stools (20:29:04) Eileen: awwwwwwwwwww such a cute one (20:29:08) Kinkyclawz: Oh, you have good taste Doctor. (20:29:09) Fang: nah I don't have one really (20:29:36) Eileen: *hands Fang a bit of taste* (20:29:48) Aubergine: that one looks poofy (20:29:51) Kinkyclawz: Ohh, you were inventing things you say in the caht room? For shame! We never do things like that. *moves behind the insanity tree that really exists* (20:29:54) Fang: as we've already established they get in the way when ROFL (20:30:11) Fang: thanks Eileen, I know you have good taste (20:30:22) Eileen: noooooooo that's not mine! (20:30:24) Kinkyclawz: See? s/h284/Kinkyclawz/389832_184687271619250_183054935115817_410270_63

8672697_n.jpg (20:30:26) Eileen: it's yours (20:30:33) Kinkyclawz: LOL (20:30:39) Eileen: you left it in the bathroom this morning (20:30:51) Kinkyclawz: Ohhhh (20:31:01) Eileen: rofl (21:31:35) Fang: don't rofl in the bathroom, there's even less room and you may knock something over (21:31:46) Fang: insanity wood from the insanity tree? (21:31:53) Kinkyclawz: Or hit the sink. (21:32:06) Eileen: no im talking about your taste (21:32:11) Eileen: ouch! (21:32:13) Kinkyclawz: yeah, I think thats one fo the missing branches that were blown down in high winds. (21:32:55) Eileen: ah now we know where it ended up (21:32:59) Aubergine: or fall into the bidet (21:33:24) Kinkyclawz: at least the bidet water will revive you? (21:33:41) Aubergine: that's the bright side I guess (21:34:04) Kinkyclawz: Ah, optimism rules does it not? (20:34:04) Kinkyclawz: Ah, optimism rules does it not? (20:34:57) Fang: bidet? those tiny toliets? (20:35:27) Kinkyclawz: Oh bugger!! Can someone send me the chatlog from here please: (20:30:26) Eileen: it's yours (20:30:33) Kinkyclawz: LOL (20:30:39) Eileen: you left it in the bathroom this morning (20:30:51) Kinkyclawz: Ohhhh (20:31:01) Eileen: rofl (20:35:41) Kinkyclawz: My browser went funny yet again. TSK (20:36:12) Kinkyclawz: Indeed, those tiny toilets Fang. Ahem. (20:36:40) Eileen: you left the chatlog in the bathroom? (20:36:45) Fang: y'know I think those things are cursed, whenever I use one of those I'm never invited back (20:37:01) Fang: that's why you shouldn't leave it in the bathroom then ROFL, it gets broken (20:37:08) Kinkyclawz: I did, its so embarrasssing Eileen. *blushes* (20:37:27) Kinkyclawz: I bet they never flush properly do they Fang? (20:37:28) Eileen: lol (20:37:28) Fang: I can't send it, I'm still a bit funny (20:35:41) Kinkyclawz: My browser went funny yet again. TSK(20:36:12) Kinkyclawz: Indeed, those tiny toilets Fang. Ahem. (20:36:40) Eileen: you left the chatlog in the bathroom?(20:36:45) Fang: y'know I think those things are cursed, whenever I use one of those I'm never invited back(20:37:01) Fang: that's why you shouldn't leave it in the bathroom then ROFL, it gets broken (20:37:37) Eileen: don't be, KC (20:37:55) Kinkyclawz: Really? (20:38:14) Eileen: really (20:38:15) Kinkyclawz: Aww, not good Fang, but fear not, sometimes they do that

and sometimes they don't, not sure wht I did to stop it doing that to be hoenst. (20:38:28) Eileen: oh everything is in capital letter (20:38:37) Kinkyclawz: Phew. *stops blushing* Does it happen to you too? Leaving the chatlog in the bahtroom? (20:38:48) Eileen: sometimes (20:38:55) Eileen: i dont talk about it much (20:39:00) Kinkyclawz: Heh, I'd not noticed that, only that it was all on a line. LOL (20:39:04) Fang: yeah there's often a log in my bathroom (20:39:19) Kinkyclawz: Se should start a mutual support group, very secret and hush hush. (20:39:29) Kinkyclawz: Really, do you caht with it? (20:39:45) Aubergine: very hush hush (20:39:46) Fang: oh yeah! me neither KC, stupid thing, Willie almost didn't let me in at all tonight (20:39:48) Fang: I blame him (20:40:17) Aubergine: Willie wouldn't let you in (20:40:21) Aubergine: how horrible (20:40:34) Fang: of course not KC, a log can't speak back once it's in log form (20:40:59) Aubergine: was it a floating log or a siner (20:41:07) Aubergine: sinker (20:41:10) Eileen: KC here is a part of the log: (log quoted, with thanks from KC to Eileen for helping out) (20:41:14) Fang: no he wouldn't Genie, some sort of error message appeared in th epubs place (20:41:19) Eileen: you need more? (20:41:43) Fang: Genie! you don't need the details of my log! (20:41:53) Fang: can we take this out of the bathroom? (20:42:22) Kinkyclawz: Oh no, that's perfect thanks Eileen! *hugz tightly* (20:42:37) Eileen: awesome! (20:42:44) Eileen: see some logs are not in bathrooms (20:43:21) Aubergine: lets move out of the bathroom and into the chatroom (20:43:27) Fang: yeah sometimes I have logs in the woods I suppose (20:43:39) Aubergine: and maybe discuss something on topic (20:43:47) Kinkyclawz: Bears do too! (20:43:48) Fang: but still like Genie said chatrooms not woods or bathrooms (20:44:01) Fang: Bears have chat logs? don't be silly (20:44:11) Kinkyclawz: *wanders back to the chatroom* Erm, is this on topic? (20:44:15) Fang: oh yeah a topic, hang on I have one around her somewhere (20:44:20) Kinkyclawz: ***** (20:45:44) Kinkyclawz: *muses as she always thought bears had chatlogs out there in the woods - wonders if she misunderstood the old saying* *comes back to Insanity* Check your pockets Fang, maybe the topic is mixed in with the lint? (20:45:57) Fang: found it! (20:45:59) Fang: man/

(20:46:14) Fang: yeah it's the same topic as the past few weeks but with an added twist (20:46:27) Eileen: sorry sides load slowly today (20:46:40) Fang: *awaits news that you discussed it 40 mins ago just after the post-it notes* (20:46:49) Kinkyclawz: Isn't that the one we discussed last week? (20:46:58) Fang: no it's ever so slightly different (21:47:11) Fang: we could get two minutes discussion from it, as long as it goes silent for one minute (21:47:29) Eileen: we do we do!!! (21:47:44) Eileen: *means the insanity embrace pic* (21:48:30) Kinkyclawz: Ah, yes, I remember now that I read this one later. Its the same reason, he didnt't want to carry on a George without his Mitchell. I can understand his feelings. (21:48:54) Aubergine: If he really felt this way why pretend as if he was going to do series 4 (21:48:5 Kinkyclawz: LOL Its a good pic isn;t it Eileen. LOL (21:49:19) Fang: y'know that pic is kind of creepy, the one with the y-fronts on his head isn't as into it as the one that co-ordinated his boxers with his shirt (21:49:36) Kinkyclawz: He probably wasn't allowed to sya anything until now by the BBC, though everyone on Twitter sort of knew anyway since he'd not mentioned anything for motnhs. (21:49:38) Fang: I don't think y-fronts wanted to be felt up and french kissed (21:50:05) Kinkyclawz: RE the pic: You're right Fang. Insane by proxy methinks. LOL (21:50:09) Fang: exactly Genie, more or less what I said already but I don't think he's handled leaving very well (21:50:28) Kinkyclawz: Y fronts are more up front than that. Y? because they are! (21:50:37) Kinkyclawz: *giggles to herself a little madly* (21:51:01) Aubergine: he's handled it poorly. he should have been up front like Aidan and taken his lumps (21:51:19) Eileen: *giggles too without knowing Y* (21:51:32) Aubergine: oh geez (21:51:33) Eileen: i agree Genie and Fang (21:51:46) Eileen: not Gs, Y! (21:52:05) Fang: unless of course G is stringing Y along (21:52:18) Eileen: hmmm possible (21:52:29) Kinkyclawz: Could be Fang! (21:52:36) Kinkyclawz: Ah see how quickly a topic dies? (21:52:44) Kinkyclawz: There is another thing... (21:53:00) Kinkyclawz: I wonder if those interviews weren't taken a long time ago and only now released on the BBC's behest? (21:53:03) Aubergine: that lasted longer than predicted (21:53:14) Fang: that makes sense KC, if there's one walking independent hand there should be another (21:53:20) Kinkyclawz: It did actually, well doe fang! (21:53:27) Kinkyclawz: or well done Fang. LOL (21:54:09) Fang: shame JD isn't here as I had an image for him too, have any of you

played the original Zelda? (21:54:27) Eileen: nope (21:54:28) Kinkyclawz: Um, no I'm afrid not (21:54:38) Aubergine: nah (21:54:43) Fang: well I'm glad we fulfilled the minimum topic quota mentioned in our contracts (21:54:45) Fang: dammit! (21:55:32) Fang: well screw it you can see it anyway, then pretend that you understand by nodding appreciatively (21:55:33) Fang: sion/354850/Tin_Man_Gets_a_Heart/showmore,designs (21:55:43) Eileen: (21:55:53) Kinkyclawz: hehe, we did! (21:56:34) Fang: LOL, it says "don't blink" and the link features a wide-eyed emoticon (21:57:02) Eileen: oops (21:57:06) Eileen: r_luyu8g84Hm1qb2bwyo1_500.jpg (21:57:10) Aubergine: cute (21:57:13) Kinkyclawz: Aww, tin man getting a heart is cute! (21:57:31) Eileen: still loading (21:57:33) Fang: Aww Amy is so cute (21:57:36) Kinkyclawz: LOL entirely accidental but totally appropriate Fang! LOL (21:57:50) Eileen: awww nooooooooo! (21:57:57) Aubergine: is she fully articulate (21:58:00) Kinkyclawz: Karen Gillan playing with her dollie? (21:58:01) Fang: oh the tin-man, yeah...cute *nods appreciatively* (21:58:12) Fang: I'd like to play with Amy too (21:58:17) Kinkyclawz: Karen, yes I think she might be but I cant be sure. (21:58:20) Eileen: zelda!!!!!!!! (21:58:25) Eileen: rofl (21:58:32) Kinkyclawz: lmao (21:58:33) Eileen: You sure, KC? (21:59:20) Eileen: (21:59:24) Fang: Oh did you hear they're doing an American Dr Who movie, and it's a reboot? I just wish there was a head-shaking emoticon (21:59:39) Fang: lol, poor pussy (21:59:43) Kinkyclawz: I'm sending the tin man link to JD via facebok so he won't feel left out. LOL BRB (22:00:22) Fang: oh dear, KC still hasn't got the hang of the internet, she has 12 different computers and uses each one to access one site (22:00:29) Eileen: (22:00:33) Fang: she doesn't realise you can access them all on the same one (22:00:49) Fang: ah responsible Eileen knows to include the link (22:00:56) Eileen: *shakes head* (22:01:08) Eileen: *nods* (22:01:16) Fang: *watches Eileen's hair swish*

(22:01:21) Aubergine: that can't be true, fang (22:01:30) Fang: it's like a loreal advert, because she's worth it (22:01:34) Eileen: *head bangs* (22:02:06) Aubergine: she must know about the tabs in her browser (22:02:21) Fang: Can I bang you Eileen? (22:02:30) Aubergine: I myself have five or six open right now (22:02:30) Fang: Can I bang with you Eileen? (22:02:34) Eileen: *faints* (22:02:35) Fang: oops sorrt (22:02:39) Fang: oops sorry (22:02:43) Fang: typos everywhere (22:02:54) Fang: but why else would she leave? (22:02:57) Eileen: FAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAANG!!! (22:03:06) Fang: unless she left something else in the bathroom? (22:03:15) Aubergine: are you apologizing for the typo (22:03:31) Fang: man I bet your denist loves you? you can say AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA for ages (22:03:46) Fang: yes I am Genie, I missed out a word then made a typo in the apology (22:03:47) Eileen: 79 tabs open (22:04:11) Eileen: She does, Fang (22:04:16) Fang: wow! now that's multi-tasking (22:04:17) Aubergine: you have 79 tabs open at onece (22:04:19) Eileen: she loves me saying AAAAAAAAAAAA (22:04:22) Eileen: yes (22:04:26) Aubergine: how do you keep track (22:04:29) Willie: Kinkyclawz has been logged out (Timeout). (21:04:37) Fang: oh noes! (21:04:38) Willie: Kinkyclawz enters the channel. (21:04:38) Aubergine: ooops (21:04:39) Fang: WIllie! (21:04:41) Eileen: i can tell you google cromes limit seems to be 80 (21:04:46) Eileen: KC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (21:04:50) Eileen: i dont keep track (21:04:54) Kinkyclawz: Bleugh, I'm back but my silly browser shut down. (21:05:04) Eileen: wb!!!!!!!!!!!!! (21:05:05) Fang: hooray, she has returned! (21:05:07) Aubergine: okay then that's easier (21:05:11) Aubergine: wb (21:05:12) Kinkyclawz: Sorry. Erm, could someone send me the chatlog please? (21:05:18) Kinkyclawz: thanks! (21:05:23) Eileen: when do you know you have lost control of your internet activity? (21:05:36) Kinkyclawz: About here: (20:46:27) Eileen: sorry sides load slowly today (20:46:40) Fang: *awaits news that you discussed it 40 mins ago just after the post-it notes* (20:46:49) Kinkyclawz: Isn't that the one we discussed last week? (20:46:5 Fang: no it's ever so slightly different

(21:05:46) Kinkyclawz: that's a loooong time ago, isn;t it? (21:06:11) Eileen: when you have 79 tabs open in one browser and 30400 email in your mailbox (21:06:35) Aubergine: 30 thousand emails (21:06:39) Eileen: from where do you need it, KC? (21:06:40) Fang: oh no (21:06:44) Aubergine: man I complain when I have 8(21:06:46) Fang: my world has been shattered (21:06:50) Eileen: yes i cannot believe it either (21:06:51) Aubergine: or 80 (21:07:06) Eileen: you okay, Fang? (21:07:17) Eileen: the log I mean (21:07:31) Aubergine: shattered huh (21:07:38) Aubergine: why's that? (21:07:40) Fang: all this time I thought I though Eileen was an efficient German lady, but now I learn this! She's not efficient! She might even be German! I just hope she's a lady (21:07:59) Fang: it's all lies! LIES! (21:08:06) Fang: I bet she does her laundry on a Tuesday (21:08:23) Fang: and hates Supernatural (21:08:40) Aubergine: I would say reading 30 thousand emails and having 79 browser tabs is effient (21:08:41) Fang: *ROFW* (rolls on floor weeping) (21:08:52) Kinkyclawz: The bit I posted was the last thing I have, sorry Eileen. (21:08:53) Eileen: I am a girl! (21:09:00) Eileen: not sure about the lady, but female! (21:09:18) Aubergine: efficient waste of time mind you, but efficient all the same (21:09:20) Eileen: *kneels on floor and hugs FAng* (21:09:21) Fang: you fell into my trap! I knew that! but you didn't deny the rest! (21:09:29) Kinkyclawz: 30 thousand emails and 80 tabs, no wonder you get distracted suesse! (21:09:40) Eileen: see i am efficient (21:09:47) Eileen: i said 79 and 30400 (21:09:49) Eileen: (21:09:55) Kinkyclawz: Aww, poor Fang, having an insane breakdown, normal service will resume in 3...2...1... (21:10:01) Eileen: I love SPN (21:10:10) Kinkyclawz: oh, well I was close-ish. Just not efficient. (21:10:13) Eileen: My ID says Birth place: Germany (21:10:17) Fang: but that many! do you never delete them? (21:10:25) Kinkyclawz: Nice! (21:10:28) Eileen: I just did my laundry about an hour ago (21:10:38) Kinkyclawz: Hehe, I never do either so its ok. (21:10:40) Eileen: i am trying honestly, i am (21:10:48) Eileen: but they are out to smother me (21:10:50) Aubergine: look at that laundry and 79 tabs (21:10:51) Kinkyclawz: When the Sun was out on sunday?

(21:10:53) Fang: did you think that Nigerian Prince made a good offer and now every Nigerian man wants a piece of you? (21:10:55) Eileen: there is a spell on them (21:11:00) Eileen: the gemini spell? (21:11:03) Aubergine: that's efficient (21:11:05) Kinkyclawz: and 30400 emails to boots! (21:11:46) Aubergine: she must have a lot of eye candy from the SPn boys (21:12:07) Eileen: lol (21:12:18) Eileen: nigerian prince? Nooooooo (21:12:51) Aubergine: and maybe won the Colombian lottery a few times (21:13:01) Eileen: oops 30751 (21:13:01) Fang: so you're not popular with Nigerian men? (21:13:11) Eileen: not really (21:13:28) Kinkyclawz: You're not a nigerian man are you Fang? (21:13:50) Fang: no but feel free to send me large sums of money anway (21:14:17) Kinkyclawz: LOL Sounds fair. (21:14:26) Eileen: KC quick save this log: (log quoted) (21:14:34) Eileen: oops (21:14:38) Eileen: i will send it (21:14:53) Eileen: lol (21:15:04) Fang: I do have the same spelling and grammar skills as a Nigerian scammer if that helps? (21:15:10) Kinkyclawz: Thankyou Eileen! (21:15:57) Eileen: sent!!! (21:16:38) Kinkyclawz: MWAHMWAHMWAH Thankyou for svaing my bacon for the third time tonight and thankyou Genie for your help earlier too! Bleugh, silly Safari! (21:16:43) Fang: I feel sorry for genuine Nigerian Princes, it must be hard to gain people's trust and to do business (21:16:56) Fang: You're on Safari? (21:17:09) Eileen: oh! did you see a lion? (21:17:18) Fang: which means you're in Africa? (21:17:26) Fang: which means you're near Nigeria? (21:17:27) Kinkyclawz: No, but I saw a Snow Leopard. LMAO (21:17:34) Aubergine: is there such an thing as a real Nigerian Prince (21:17:50) Eileen: yay (21:18:15) Aubergine: how many warer buffalo did you see (21:18:56) Fang: yeah I'm 99% sure that there are, (21:19:23) Kinkyclawz: All updated. I'm going to ahve to save every page. LOL That rhymes! (21:19:45) Kinkyclawz: ***** (21:19:51) Aubergine: what rhymes (21:19:56) Fang: I did know a South Sudanese rebel at one time, I know that has nothing to do with anything but its not something I can easily drop into conversation. (21:20:09) Fang: Buster? (21:20:22) Kinkyclawz: Gonna have to save every page (21:20:24) Aubergine: muster (21:20:42) Kinkyclawz: You knew a Sudanese Rebel? How did that come about?

(21:20:56) Kinkyclawz: In my accent that rhymes, Genie. LOL (21:21:07) Aubergine: must be my accent that doesn't rhyme when I say it (21:21:21) Aubergine: oh I am in your head (21:21:31) Aubergine: and still not hearing the rhyme (21:21:40) Kinkyclawz: Us Northerners ahve a quite blunt accent. (21:22:15) Kinkyclawz: my head has a posh accent it seems, unlike my real accent. LOL (21:22:49) Aubergine: tha tmight ecplain it (21:22:52) Fang: he was in my class when I retook GCSE English, he did a presentation talking about corrupt officials, how he wasn't allowed to leave the country and his role as a preacher, it which was pretty awesome (21:23:05) Fang: made mine seem like crap though (21:23:09) Kinkyclawz: ***** (21:23:13) Eileen: what did i miss? (21:23:21) Fang: my accent would be considered posh by mant (21:23:24) Fang: or many (21:23:30) Fang: I'm not sure about mant (21:23:44) Aubergine: whose mant (21:24:16) Eileen: my emails: pg (21:24:40) Eileen: and my tabs: (21:25:03) Aubergine: do you speak so every syllable is heard (21:25:19) Aubergine: my you don't even know what those tabs are for (21:25:19) Fang: but you can't even see what's on the tabs! (21:25:21) Kinkyclawz: Not much Eileen, my head has a different accent inside than outside as Genie has found out, Fang once knew a Sudanese Rebel who was in his GCSE English class. And Holy moely you're busy in those tabs! How do you remember where everything is? (21:25:32) Eileen: lol no i cant (21:25:40) Eileen: that causes constant confusion (21:26:13) Eileen: oh fang, a sudanese Rebel? (21:26:27) Aubergine: well maybe I'll have to stop defending my Twister and agree with my twrother (21:26:28) Kinkyclawz: ***** (21:26:40) Aubergine: not very efficient at all (21:26:41) Eileen: Heeeeeeeeeeeeeey (21:26:49) Fang: you should just agree with me straight away, it's quicker (21:27:01) Fang: (21:27:03) Eileen: Heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeey!!! (21:27:12) Aubergine: no that can't be right Fang (21:27:15) Eileen: *sits in corner and sobs* (21:27:28) Aubergine: goes against nature (21:27:41) Aubergine: oh come on Eileen (21:27:57) Aubergine: I didn't mean to hurt your feelings by agreeing with fang

(21:28:05) Kinkyclawz: Ohh, don't sob Eileen, I still think you're efficient, confusion or not. *hugz* (21:28:23) Eileen: its not me, it's the addiction! (21:28:29) Kinkyclawz: 'cause that means I'm efficient by proxy. *is unjustly proud* (21:28:33) Aubergine: see fang why I can't agree with you (21:28:43) Fang: *sits in the other corner crying as I have proof Eileen isn't efficient* (21:28:54) Kinkyclawz: Addiciton, terrible thing. LOL (21:29:05) Aubergine: oh dear (21:29:08) Kinkyclawz: ***** (21:29:39) Eileen: *sobs louder than Fang* (21:29:46) Kinkyclawz: Hmm, who do we hug now? Genie, do you want to take over hugging Eileen and I'll comfort Fang? (21:29:46) Aubergine: maybe we should all retreat into separate corners until we can agree to disagree (21:29:48) Fang: so whenever you don't agree with me I can assume that you're only saying that to spare the feelings that others, understood (21:30:11) Kinkyclawz: Hehe, that could make you feel better Fang? (21:30:24) Aubergine: absolutely (21:30:50) Kinkyclawz: Hmm, there are more corners than chatpackers, this could be interesting. (21:30:54) Aubergine: chatroom is no fun when there are hurt feelings (21:31:12) Kinkyclawz: No, its not good when hurt feelings are flying around. (21:31:20) Aubergine: all the shouting over sobs (21:31:25) Eileen: I am efficient! (21:31:47) Aubergine: yes you are so efficient (21:31:52) Eileen: I efficiently realized that my efficiency is blocked by my addiction (21:32:12) Fang: Oh i see when I'm hurt by stray slaps, clawz, falling anvils, tackle hugs etc it's all fun and games but one Eileen's feelings are hurt it's serious (21:32:37) Aubergine: addiction is serious business (21:32:51) Aubergine: your a strong lad, Fang, (21:32:57) Eileen: (21:32:58) Fang: hmm yeah that makes sense... I can just about believe that... yeah you're efficient Eileen, nothing is wrong, all is right with the world (21:33:01) Aubergine: these things don't really hurt you (21:33:15) Kinkyclawz: How about this? Eileen, you're far more efficient that my way & Fang, you're always right even when we don't agree with you. (21:33:17) Aubergine: lmao (21:33:17) Fang: yeah true, and when they do I sort of like it (21:33:33) Kinkyclawz: ***** (21:33:56) Eileen: no im not always right! (21:34:00) Eileen: (21:34:13) Aubergine: okay is everyone ready for a group hug (21:34:25) Aubergine holds out arms (21:34:34) Aubergine: come on (21:35:08) Aubergine: you'll feel better (21:35:14) Kinkyclawz: *joins the group hug*

(21:35:25) Kinkyclawz: *beckons Eileen and Fang in* (21:35:35) Aubergine: see that's nice. come on you two (21:35:54) Eileen: *joins group hug ignoring Fang* (21:36:04) Aubergine: aww (21:36:12) Aubergine: come on fang (21:36:17) Aubergine: join the twister hug (21:36:26) Eileen: fang you're a man, you can stand these things (21:36:40) Kinkyclawz: *whispers to Genie* Oh no, is it Paris all over again? (21:36:42) Fang: *joins hug* (21:36:53) Aubergine: wonderful (21:36:57) Eileen: and before I said im efficient I never said im efficient (21:37:01) Eileen: you just assumed (21:37:04) Aubergine hugs tighter (21:37:06) Kinkyclawz: ***** (21:37:13) Eileen: *feels steem coming from her ears* (21:37:33) Aubergine: well that okay then (21:37:34) Fang: I was just a bit annoyed that when Eileen posted those links all the other photos were password protected, I though it might have been where she kept her naked photos (21:37:45) Fang: er... forget I said that (21:37:55) Fang: you're right I shouldn't assume (21:38:11) Eileen: (21:38:15) Kinkyclawz: *hugz tighter too... can't see for the steam coming out of Eileen's ears* Ah, but efficiency is an assumption when someone is so much better at telling the time than us, Eileen. (21:38:19) Fang: we'll help you trough you're addiction Eileen, admitting it is the first step (21:38:25) Aubergine: because when you assume u make an ass out u and me (21:38:27) Kinkyclawz: LOL (21:38:39) Fang: always back to the ass (21:38:46) Kinkyclawz: LMAO (21:38:51) Eileen: whose ass? (21:38:51) Fang: see! (21:39:00) Aubergine: yes man ass (21:39:07) Fang: noooooooooooooooo! (21:39:12) Kinkyclawz: ***** (21:39:17) Eileen: yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeees! (21:39:18) Fang: ... (21:39:22) Fang: mankini! (21:39:27) Eileen: mankini! (21:39:32) Kinkyclawz: *faints* (21:39:36) Aubergine: no not man.... (21:39:44) Eileen: *winks at Fang* (21:39:50) Aubergine: no look what you've done (21:39:53) Eileen: that went well! (21:40:04) Kinkyclawz: *stays fainted*

(21:40:18) Aubergine: it's another fine mess you got us into (21:40:23) Aubergine fans KC (21:40:26) Fang: me? (21:40:34) Fang: why is it always my fault? (21:40:42) Aubergine: both of you (21:40:42) Fang: unless you meant Eileen then carry on (21:41:03) Aubergine: you started it (21:41:10) Aubergine: she just joined in (21:41:18) Kinkyclawz: *opens an eye then stays fainted* (21:41:18) Aubergine: there there KC (21:41:28) Kinkyclawz: ***** (21:41:34) Fang: *fans KC with a fan* (21:41:34) Eileen: *glares at Fang and asks* you okay, KC? (21:41:45) Fang: I find fans best for fanning (21:41:48) Aubergine: fighting against each other one minute then ganging up on KC (21:42:10) Kinkyclawz: *opens an eye again but is spotted this time* (21:42:21) Fang: what's with the glaring? one minute it's a wink then a glare, I'm getting serious mixed signals! (21:42:39) Fang: KC! (21:42:46) Fang: you're awake! (21:42:52) Fang: you just like the sympathy! (21:42:53) Eileen: (21:42:56) Eileen: KC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (21:43:02) Kinkyclawz: Uhh, for a minute there I thought someone said the M word... (21:43:20) Kinkyclawz: Damn. Yeah, but a double M word will do that to ya. (21:43:21) Aubergine: muscle (21:43:27) Kinkyclawz: or me. (21:43:38) Kinkyclawz: that's a nice M word. Especially on a lad. (21:43:45) Eileen: M word? what M word? (21:43:55) Eileen: man? (21:43:59) Aubergine: man ass (21:44:03) Fang: Mitchell? (21:44:06) Fang: Megan? (21:44:10) Kinkyclawz: Man, mans are nice, so are men. (21:44:12) Fang: Megan whining about Mitchell? (21:44:17) Eileen: Michiga? (21:44:17) Kinkyclawz: Ugh, not Megan. (21:44:18) Aubergine: that's a nice m word (21:44:19) Eileen: n (21:44:25) Fang: Megan moaning she can't see Mitchekk's man-ass (21:44:38) Eileen: in Michigan (21:44:39) Kinkyclawz: lmao that's a common occurrence. Mitchell yes a nice M word. (21:44:43) Fang: mitchekk? stupid keyboard (21:44:44) Kinkyclawz: ***** (21:44:55) Aubergine: did we see Mitchell man ass? (21:45:04) Eileen: Mitchell is not dead

(21:45:04) Aubergine: why can't I remember that? (21:45:09) Eileen: he's just in Michigan (21:45:26) Kinkyclawz: I don't think we did, worst luck - though not for you on your HD telly Fang. May ahve been a blessing for you, hun. (21:45:26) Fang: you'd think you'd remember such a thing wouldn't you? (21:45:28) Eileen: or Malta (21:45:41) Fang: Malta is probably nicer (21:45:47) Aubergine: what's he doing in Michigan? I thought he was in NZ? (21:46:02) Eileen: Hmmm I think your right (21:46:04) Kinkyclawz: He is, he's just abroad with Herrick and Seth and Tully and all my other faves. LOL (21:46:08) Aubergine: I would hope I'd remember such a thing, Fang (21:46:18) Fang: yes we established I'm always right Eileen (21:46:21) Kinkyclawz: ***** (21:46:23) Eileen: and Sherlock (21:46:25) Fang: except when you are of course (21:46:25) Eileen: and Watson! (21:46:33) Eileen: FAAAAAAAAAANG! (21:46:37) Kinkyclawz: LOL (21:46:38) Kinkyclawz: ***** (21:47:09) Fang: man you're dentist is missing out tonight, she'd love your screaming (21:47:46) Eileen: lol (21:48:38) Kinkyclawz: hehe, good point! (21:48:49) Kinkyclawz: to your fangs Eileen, of course. Ulp.. (21:49:20) Eileen: my fangs? (21:49:24) Fang: why are you ulping? (21:49:34) Eileen: *checks her fangs* Fanks! (21:49:39) Fang: y'know, when you can't help but scream my name (21:49:58) Eileen: yeah? (21:49:59) Fang: something like *FAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAANG* (21:50:13) Fang: oops that should be in quotes not stars (21:50:29) Kinkyclawz: But the satrs make it look pretty. (21:50:46) Eileen: LOL now you lost me (21:50:47) Aubergine: you're our little star (21:50:54) Fang: awwww (21:51:02) Kinkyclawz: ***** (21:51:25) Fang: how could we lose you? unless you're map reading skills.... no I can't go there.... not after... no... forget it (21:51:43) Aubergine: lol (21:51:50) Aubergine: good save (21:52:10) Eileen: Fang is our star! (21:52:11) Eileen: lol (21:52:18) Eileen: what about my map reading skills, Fang? (21:52:20) Kinkyclawz: You're all stars! (21:52:20) Aubergine: you learn quickly, my boy (21:52:45) Kinkyclawz: And the Vice of REason has taught well.

(21:53:08) Fang: it's your influence Genie, see I even used the correct your/you're that time (21:53:31) Aubergine: very good (21:53:35) Fang: just saying that if there was a map of the chat-room you'd never be lost Eileen (21:54:27) Kinkyclawz: WE need to explore and map the chat room, is that what you're suggesting Fang? (21:54:31) Fang: actually thinking about what you said earlier (I'm a bit slow but also trying to deflect attention) my accent is hard to understand at times as I talk way too quickly (21:54:37) Kinkyclawz: As a group? (21:55:28) Kinkyclawz: ***** (21:55:32) Eileen: awwwwwwwwwww (21:55:37) Fang: yeah we could explore next week, we'd need the proper equipment, I'm sure Eileen would like to efficiently prepare (21:55:39) Eileen: something in common! (21:55:45) Eileen: i talk too quickly, too (21:55:48) Eileen: when i talk (21:55:51) Fang: you're a star? (21:55:52) Fang: oh (21:56:05) Eileen: lol (21:56:10) Eileen: no I'm a moon (21:56:16) Kinkyclawz: Hehe, both stars, both talk quickly, both lovely, how wonderful!! (21:56:24) Kinkyclawz: ***** (21:56:32) Fang: I'd like to see you moon (21:56:50) Fang: we could do some sort of group bi thing! (21:57:00) Kinkyclawz: A what?! (21:57:04) Fang: I think we could even set a record! (21:57:11) Aubergine: group bi thing (21:57:22) Fang: a group bi-lingual speed talking record (21:57:30) Fang: wasn't that obvuous? (21:57:41) Kinkyclawz: What's a group bi thing? (21:57:44) Aubergine: oh no not so much (21:58:03) Kinkyclawz: Perhaps you were talkig too fast for me to understand Fang, that must be it. (21:58:17) Kinkyclawz: ***** (14:58:19) Fang: yeah and your mind filled in the rest in it's usual way (14:58:36) Eileen: *moons over Fang* (14:58:46) Fang: 8)8)8)8)8)8)8)8)8):) (14:58:56) Kinkyclawz: LMAO He doesn't mean that kind of mooning but I think he'll enjoy it Eileen. (14:59:00) Fang: I er... have to go somewhere now (14:59:09) Kinkyclawz: Unless you really do ahve your behind in front as it were. (14:59:22) Kinkyclawz: lmao\ (14:59:32) Eileen: huh? (14:59:35) Aubergine: :O

(14:59:41) Eileen: what kind of mooning did you mean, FAng? (14:59:46) Fang: goodnight everybody (14:59:49) Kinkyclawz: Yep, my mind went to entirely the wrong place, Fang. Yours did too Genie? (14:59:58) Aubergine: good night fang (15:00:04) Eileen: what did I miss? (15:00:04) Aubergine: a timely exit (22:00:09) Eileen: Good night, Fang (22:00:14) Eileen: I will have to leave, too (22:00:19) Fang: I have to go before I get overexcited before bed (22:00:29) Fang: oh that's handy then, we can go together (22:00:34) Eileen: lol sorry (22:00:39) Kinkyclawz: FFS! Before you go Eileen, coudl you send me the chatlog from here please: (21:57:41) Kinkyclawz: What's a group bi thing? (21:57:44) Aubergine: oh no not so much (21:58:03) Kinkyclawz: Perhaps you were talkig too fast for me to understand Fang, that must be it. (21:58:17) Kinkyclawz: ***** (22:00:43) Eileen: i should have looked that up (22:00:50) Kinkyclawz: Aww, and goodnight Fang and Eileen. (22:00:50) Eileen: now i know what mooning means (22:01:08) Eileen: lol (22:01:15) Fang: see this chat is educasional (22:01:19) Eileen: its 11.01 (22:01:27) Aubergine: good I didn't want to have to explain it (22:01:27) Eileen: educational (22:01:30) Kinkyclawz: This caht is enlightening. (22:01:33) Fang: they didn't teach you that in your English class? (22:01:38) Eileen: it is (22:01:42) Eileen: no (22:01:45) Kinkyclawz: me either really but I would ahve. (22:01:46) Eileen: i wanted to look it up (22:01:47) Aubergine: no it's only 3:01 (22:01:56) Eileen: but my online dict wouldnt load (22:02:06) Fang: aww she has to correct my spelling (22:02:08) Eileen: so i just hit enter assuming it wouldnt mean anything bad (22:02:18) Kinkyclawz: I'm so glad you got the words in the right order there eileen, I'm certain you wouldn't want to look up it. (22:02:21) Eileen: (22:02:23) Fang: risky strategy with me Eileen (22:02:31) Aubergine: it's like finishing your sentences (22:02:37) Eileen: look it up (22:02:48) Eileen: lol (22:02:50) Eileen: sorry (22:02:52) Fang: *starts compling list of words to use next week* (22:03:07) Eileen: next time i wait until the dict loads

(22:03:23) Eileen: looked it up i mean (22:04:03) Aubergine: maybe if you close a tab the dictionary will load faster (22:04:05) Fang: right then goodnight, sleep tight, no talk of bed bugs Genie (22:04:28) Fang: no Genie! don't bring that up as she's leaving, we won't sleep (22:04:28) Aubergine: oh what a pity (22:05:01) Kinkyclawz: Aww, goodnight and sleep tight Fang and Eileen. LOL Good advice Genie. (22:05:25) Fang: strap-in Eileen! (22:05:53) Eileen: but nooooooooooooo, no closing the tab!!! *hyperventilates* (22:06:13) Aubergine: I didn't mean it. (22:06:17) Aubergine: Silly me. (22:06:18) Eileen: aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh (22:06:25) Aubergine: always closing my tabs (22:06:28) Eileen: *jumps around room* nooooooooooooooooooo (22:06:32) Fang: (is worried how much I liked that heavy breathing) (22:06:34) Kinkyclawz: Hush, hush, its alright Eileen, open a new window and you can use the dictionary without closing a tab. Breathe. Breathe. (22:06:55) Fang: (is less worried how much I liked the jumping around wearing only post-it notes) (22:06:57) Kinkyclawz: LOL @ Fang. (22:06:58) Eileen: *calms down* yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yeeeeeeeeees (22:07:10) Kinkyclawz: LMAO (22:07:35) Aubergine: well yes you could open another tab, but then you'ee at the limit (22:07:58) Eileen: oh damn have to open a new browser (22:07:58) Fang: oh fine don't strap in then (22:08:04) Fang: I'm still off (22:08:06) Eileen: okay, i think i better go (22:08:09) Fang: goodnight one more time (22:08:10) Eileen: *straps in* (22:08:16) Eileen: Good niiiiiiiiiiiiiight!!! (22:08:17) Fang: oh just in time (22:08:19) Aubergine: bye (22:08:27) Fang: *tardis noise* (22:08:27) Eileen: Byyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyye (22:08:29) Willie: Fang logs out of the Chat. (22:08:38) Eileen: *tardis noise* (22:08:38) Kinkyclawz: Phew, nearly missed the Tardis. Goodngiht dear ones!! (22:08:59) Aubergine: better timing than last week (22:09:08) Aubergine: when he ended up dragging her along (22:09:18) Kinkyclawz: indeed, no need to be towed along behind this week. (22:09:25) Kinkyclawz: **** (22:20:17) Aubergine: yw my pleasure (22:22:10) Aubergine: ever listen to the Nerdist writer panel podcast (22:22:13) Kinkyclawz: ***** (22:22:33) Kinkyclawz: Hmm, never heard of that podcast. Do tell me more! (22:23:06) Aubergine: it's Television/movie writers who tell you how to get into the

business (22:23:11) Aubergine: very interesting (22:23:39) Kinkyclawz: Ooh, do you have a link? That could be unteresting ro say the very least (22:23:49) Kinkyclawz: interesting i meant. LOL (22:24:24) Kinkyclawz: rebellious fingers typoing. (22:24:44) Aubergine: (22:25:40) Aubergine: I'm also enjoying the girl-on-guy podcast (22:26:10) Aubergine: Aisha Tyler interviewing comics, actors and talking on every topic under the sun (22:26:12) Kinkyclawz: Hehe, dare I ask what that one is about? (22:26:45) Kinkyclawz: A bit like us without the successful celebrities? (22:26:49) Kinkyclawz: LOL (22:27:05) Aubergine: she considers herself a tomboy so she's interviewing men and talking men stuff (22:27:31) Aubergine: it is kind of like us in she talks about whatever comes to mind (22:27:57) Kinkyclawz: LOL Sounds like fun. (22:28:08) Kinkyclawz: Hence the provcative title too? (22:28:10) Aubergine: every so ofter she interviews a woman and it's out of control (22:28:25) Aubergine: she calls those girl on girl (22:28:31) Aubergine: on guy (22:28:57) Kinkyclawz: lol (22:29:12) Aubergine: it's funny (22:29:33) Aubergine: I know Aisha Tyler only as an actress, but it turns out she started out as a comic (22:29:56) Aubergine: stand up comic so she's really funny (22:30:06) Kinkyclawz: Ah, so she was used to holding ehr own in a male dominated arena, I guess. I'm assuming you mean stand up comedy of course... (22:30:22) Aubergine: yep (22:30:28) Kinkyclawz: hehe (22:30:45) Kinkyclawz: She's a pretty lady. (22:31:20) Aubergine: yes that she is (22:31:27) Kinkyclawz: hehe (22:32:29) Kinkyclawz: Have you listened to Being Human Cast lately? (22:32:39) Aubergine: she plays on that, pretty lady who plays video games, shoot guns, ride motorcycles and drinks and cusses like a sailor (22:32:56) Kinkyclawz: They're serialising my fanfic whils discussing episodes of the series. (22:33:11) Aubergine: just listen to the latest onw a few days ago (22:33:37) Kinkyclawz: Hehe, I like her style I have to say. (22:33:39) Aubergine: they finally made it to series 3 (22:34:06) Kinkyclawz: They ahve? They were talking to Valerie meachum weren't they? (22:34:40) Kinkyclawz: She's a lovely lady. (22:35:49) Kinkyclawz: I've got a lot to catch up on, just trying to make space on my comp to DL them from iTunes and get them on my iPod. (22:36:42) Aubergine: I can understand

(22:37:00) Aubergine: I have over 40 podcast to catch up on (22:37:14) Aubergine: that's down from 54 (22:37:28) Kinkyclawz: Its difficult when your harddrive onyl has so much space. (22:38:05) Aubergine: get an external one (22:38:05) Kinkyclawz: Hey, you're doing well then, good on ya! (22:38:15) Kinkyclawz: I've got one but that's full too. LOL (22:38:25) Kinkyclawz: I need another but finances won't allow it yet. (22:38:36) Aubergine: they are alot cheaper now than when I brought mine (22:38:43) Aubergine: and smaller (KC loses internet access) (22:53:08) Aubergine: well good night KC (22:56:51) Willie: Kinkyclawz enters the channel. (22:56:55) Kinkyclawz: Genie? (22:57:09) Kinkyclawz: Sorry, totally lost internet. (22:57:27) Kinkyclawz: I'm using an unprotected network at the minute... what did I miss hun? (22:57:31) Aubergine: The Blue Whale Pub Live Chat

Channel: Style: Language:

was afraid it was something like that (22:57:47) Aubergine: why did that happen (22:57:55) Aubergine: weird (22:58:22) Kinkyclawz: Not sure, a little bit odd, that, innit? Gotta say even the ethernet cable won't work on my router. Think its prob the computer though. . (22:58:26) Aubergine: missed nothing except me tellingyou good night (22:58:59) Aubergine: needs a rest. (22:59:13) Aubergine: unplug for a minute or two and it should reset (22:59:32) Kinkyclawz: thank goodness. We;; I'd best go methinks and try to sort out the tinternet problem. Goodnight, dear lady, and sleep well wehn its time for you to go. Have a lovely afternoon Twister! (22:59:50) Aubergine: I have to do that with my router ever so often (23:00:11) Aubergine: bye KC see ya next week (23:00:29) Kinkyclawz: I'll do it now while my sis isn;t online and won't complain about it. LOL (23:00:52) Aubergine: hope it all works better

(23:00:59) Kinkyclawz: Seeya next week, hopefully wiht a few less interruptions from my side. have an awesome and fun week Genie! (23:01:16) Aubergine: I will you too (23:01:37) Willie: Aubergine logs out of the Chat.

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