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Abdom AnaL

A 8ony Landmarks
1 lllum
a lllac cresL
b lllac Lubercle
c CreaLer SclaLlc noLch
2 Sacrum
a Sacral promonLory lumbar [unc
3 lschlum
a lschlal splne
b Lesser SclaLlc noLch
c lschlal 1uberoslLy
4 lschloublc 8amll
3 ubls
a ublc symphysls
b ublc CresL
c ublc 1ubercle
d ecLen ubls llne

8 elvlc lloor
1 LevaLor Anl
2 Coccygeus
3 lrlformls

C erlneum 8ony 8oundarles
1 arL of body beLween Lhlghs
2 AnL
a ublc symphysls
3 AnLLaL
a lschlopublc ramus
4 LaL
a lschlal LuberoslLy
3 osLLaL
a SacroLuberous LlgamenL
6 osL
a Lower Sacral/Coccyx end
7 lrom urogenlLal Anal 1rlangles
8 urogenlLal 1rlangle
a ublc symphyslslschlal 1uberoslLles
9 Anal
a Lower end Sacrum/Coccyxlschlal LuberoslLles
b conLalns Anal Canal lschloanal fossa (elLher slde)

u lschloAnal lossa 8oundarles
1 AnL
a lschlal 1uberoslLles (posL border of urogenlLal dlaphragm)
2 LaL
a CbLuraLor lnLernus CbLuraLor lascla
3 osL
a CluLeus Maxlmus SacroLuberous llgamenL
4 Medlal
a LevaLor Anl LxLernal Anal SphlncLer
3 Apex
a LevaLor Anl meeLs CbLuraLor lnLernus
6 8ase
a Skln SubcuL Llssue

L lschloAnal lossa ConLenLs
1 laL
a bursL lnLo skln mem llsLula ln Ano
2 llbrous 1lssue
3 lnf 8ecLal nerve vessels
4 LaL wall
a udendal Canal (Alcock)
b conLalns udendal nerve lnf vessels

l CluLeus Maxlmus
1 AcLlons
a SupporL pelvls sLand up sLralghL
b brlngs Lhlgh ln llne for exLended femur
2 Crlgn
a lllum gluLeal surface (behlnd gluLeal llne)
b Sacrum Coccyx SacroLuberous llgamenL
3 lnseLlon
a llloLlblal LracL
b CluLeal LuberoslLy of lemur
4 lnf CluLeal nerve
3 Cverlays
a CluLeus Medlus
b CluLeus Mlnlmus
c lrlformls

C CreaLer SclaLlc loramen
1 lrlformls
2 Above lrlformls
a Sup CluLeal vessels
b Sup CluLeal nerve
3 8elow lrlformls
a lnf CluLeal vessels
b lnf CluLeal nerve
c SclaLlc nerve
d osL CuL 1hlgh nerve
e udendal nerve
f lnLernal udendal vessels
g CbLuraLor lnLernus nerve

P Lesser SclaLlc loramen
1 1endon of CbLuraLor lnLernus
2 nerve Lo CbLuraLor lnLernus
3 udendal nerve (reenLers pelvls)
4 lnLernal udendal nerve

l Sacro1uberous LlgamenL
1 upper end
a aLLaches osL Sup lllac Splne
b osL Sacrolllac llgamenLs
c LaL lower sacrum coccyx
2 Lower end
a lschlal LuberoslLy Medlal border
b Lhe lalclform Margln

! SacroSplnous LlgamenL
1 lschlal Splne LaL low Sacrum/Coccyx

k udendal nerve lnf vessels

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