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llnd your nokla n1

ldea 1o run a scavenger hunLlng conLesL based on C8 Codes
C8 Codes wlLh varlous hlnLs Lo be placed food counLer of Lhe Cafe Coffee uay food courL Across Lhe selecLed
1he person who compleLed Lhe hunL Lhe fasLesL wlll wln a new nokla n1
W llve clues ln form of C8 codes Lo be placed ln Lhe food courL of Lhe selecLed ouLleL ln Lhe selecLed clLles
W arLlclpanLs were requlred Lo scan Lhe C8 codes Lo geL a clue for Lhe nexL locaLlon and conLlnue
Lhe scavenger hunL unLll Lhey had reached all desLlnaLlons
8andom prlzes Lo be won by parLlclpanLs along Lhe way Lo keep Lhe experlence and parLlclpaLlon
llnd your nokla n1
W elecL clLy / clLles where conLesL Lo be run
W elecL 3 ouLleLs ln each clLy
W elecL a daLe and Llme Lo run a conLesL
W CreaLe 3 clues ln Lhe form of C8 codes
W arLlclpanL has Lo enLer Lhe form onllne or aL any of Lhe selecLed ouLleL Lo Lake parL ln Lhe conLesL
W ln Lhe enLry form Lhe flrsL clue ls glven
W 8ased upon Lhe clue user have Lo go Lo LhaL place Lo flnd nexL clue And every locaLlon user ls provlded wlLh a
code Lo ensure he came cross all clues/ ouLleLs
W llrsL 10 person who compleLed Lhe hunL Lhe fasLesL wlll wln a new nokla n1 and oLher glfLs
W ClfLs Lo be dlsLrlbuLlng along Lhe [ourney Lo keep up Lhe parLlclpaLlon
romoLlon Campalgn Lo be exLenslvely promoLed by lacebook LvenLs page supporLed by lacebook ads

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