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Prototype Ior a New Standardized Testing


DC NC1 kLAD 1nLSL!!! kCCLLD 1C SLC1ICN 1 ?our Llme has already begun

O SLC1ICN 1 gauges your ablllLy Lo undersLand why people behave ln cerLaln ways and Lo
ascerLaln hldden agendas Lach quesLlon provldes you wlLh a hypoLheLlcal slLuaLlon and some
posslble reasons LhaL have lnformed Lhem 1he quesLlons are predomlnaLely mulLlple cholce and
have no correcL answers many correcL answers or maybe always one besL answer (SCS
Choose Lhe 8LS1 answer) lor Lhls secLlon or any Lhose LhaL follow you wlll noL be permlLLed Lo
correcL or change any of your responses

O SLC1ICN 2 LesLs your ablllLy Lo lndenLlfy approprlaLe ouLcomes 1he quesLlons conslsL almosL
enLlrely of 1rue and lalse opLlons ?ou musL plck elLher 1kUL or IALSL no oLher opLlons are
avallable As wlLh SecLlon 1 you may noL change your answers Cf Lhe S quesLlons only 4 wlll
counL Lowards your score 1hls ls Lrue for every SecLlon excepL 1 (SCS Answer all quesLlons as lf
Lhey are scored)

O SLC1ICN 3 LesLs concepL recognlLlon and slmple vocabulary 1he quesLlons can be presenLed ln
any of several formaLs wlLh whlch you may be famlllar (SCS Cf Lhe LesL secLlons Lhls ls Lhe
mosL se|fexp|anatory)

**(SCS lf you chose Lo read Lhe lnsLrucLlons a porLlon of your
Llme has explred ConLlnue Lo SLC1ICN 2 )

use a pencll

Pere each parL of Lhe LesL ls explalned and Lhe Lypes of quesLlons you can expecL are ouLllned Also sLraLegles
opLlmlzlng success (SCS) are offered


11) uoug and Mlranda have gone Lo buy apples
a 1hey are hungry
b 1hey wlll bake a ple
c 1hey have run ouL of chlldren
d All of Lhe above

12) !lll says she has recorded someLhlng you have sald ?ou can'L remember whaL exacLly
a uon'L worry nelLher can lL
b !lll ls Lrylng scare you She doesn'L have a recorder
c ?ou have never seen !lll before uoes LhaL maLLer?
d She ls only flaLLerlng you

13) ?our nelghbor ls puLLlng a large sulLcase ln hls car
a Pls famlly llves ln llorlda
b 1here's a body ln lL
c Pow else would lL geL ouL of Lhe house
d lL's full of quesLlons
14) ?ou have Lhe followlng answer as Lhe besL response Lo Lhls quesLlon
a a
b b
13 ) uoug and Mlranda offer you a plece of ple
a 1hey suspecL you are hungry
b 1hey are bragglng
c ?ou are Lhelr chlld
d none of Lhe above

S1C uslng your pencll

**(SCS 8ead Lhe lnsLrucLlons)


21) ulllgence ls lLs own reward
18uL lALSL

22) 8ased on your answer Lo CuesLlon 14 l undersLood whaL you meanL
18uL lALSL

23) ?esLerday ls over
18uL lALSL

24) SLop waLch
18uL lALSL

23) We are boLh beLLer off now
18uL lALSL

CCn1lnuL 1C SLC1ICN 3

SecLlon 4 wlll come laLer

31) 1he alphabeL
a provldes Lhe small pleces of LhoughL
b ls a sharp fence
c makes LypewrlLers work
d whlch one?

32) lanLasy
a makes real Lhlngs work beLLer
b explodes someLlmes
c ls spelled wrong
d lsaac kllls Abraham

33) ?our mlnd
a makes a nlce phoLograph
b has spllnLs
c ls uoug and Mlranda's mlnd
d yes please

34) ______________rhymes wlLh machlne
a 1welve
b lnlLlals
c PlsLory
d ueslre
e none of Lhese
f All of Lhese
g 18uL

33) 1he whole wlde world
a recognlzes Lhls already
b lS A MA Cl M? nL8vLS
c ls somewhere else
d should apologlze
e Lakes Lhls LesL wlLh you


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