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Across The Universe Script

Is there anybody
Going to listen to my story

All about the girl who came to stay

She's the kind of girl
You want so much

It makes you sorry

Still you don't regret a single day

Hold me tight

Tell me I'm the only one

And then I might

Never be the lonely one

So hold me tight



It's you

Who will take me out next week.

You'll be halfway around the world.

Well, it better not be Phil Scully.

Come here.

I'll be back soon.

They give you a furlough
after boot camp.

And after that.

- Yeah. All right.
- Good night. I'll see you tomorrow.

All right, then.

Don't spend it all at once.
Last one for a while, eh, son.

- Last one ever, Cyril.
- I felt the same at your age.

I told myself, "When I'm 64,
I'll be long gone from this place."

- But I'm still here.
- Move it along.

Some of us are thirsty and
the pubs have been open five minutes.

Hi, Charlie.

You're gonna miss this place.

Don't count on it, Phil.

I've ironed your best shirts.

I'll be shoveling coal in a furnace,
Mum. I don't think I'll be wearing them.

You'll be wearing them
when you go ashore in America.

Yeah, well, that could be
months from now.

If you wanted a seafaring life...

...couldn't you have
signed up for the Mersey Ferry.

At least you'd be home
for your supper every night.

I sometimes feel
you're not telling me everything.

I just need a break
from the yard, Molly.

I'll be back before you know it.

Jr do you need a break from me.
Is that what this is about.

Come here.

Close your eyes and I'll kiss ya

Tomorrow I'll miss ya

And remember I'll always be true

- Pull the other one.
- What.

And then while I'm away

I'll write home every day

You better.

And I'll send all my loving to you

You bastard.

- Bye, sweetheart!
- Bye!

Goodbye, Danny!


- Go deep!
- Let's go...


All right, ladies, let's take a break.
Come on.

Yeah, I'll tell you somethin'

I think you'll understand

When I say that somethin'

I wanna hold your hand

Jh, please say to me

You'll let me be your man

And please say to me

You'll let me hold your hand

And when I touch you
I feel happy inside

It's such a feeling that my love

I can't hide

Hop in.

Thanks, mate. Appreciate it.

Sorry. Excuse me.

Shit! Goddamn it.

Thanks, man.

Excuse me, you don't where I
could find Professor Huber, do you.

No such person.
Not that I'm aware of.

Professor Wesley Huber.

Listen, I've pissed off
every professor in Princeton...

...and he's not one of them.

Jh, wait a second,
there's a Wes Huber.

That's him right over there.

Can I have a word.

If you're looking for work here,
check with administration.

I got a job, thanks.

You sound like a limey.

I am, yeah.

I was stationed there during the war.
I had some good times.

Yeah, I know.

At Burtonwood, right.

How would you know that.

L... I believe I'm your son.

I don't think so.

My mother's Martha Feeny.

How'd you track me down.

Through Army records.

If I would have known about you...

What. You would've come back,
is that it.

You know, she said that wouldn't
have proved that you loved her...

...only that you felt obligated.

Well, it would have been better
than raising a kid on her own.

Yeah, well, she wasn't the only one
in those days.

You could excuse a bastard by saying
his dad was killed in the war.

Did she find someone else.

There were a few hopefuls
over the years, yeah.

I think I scared them off.

- Listen, kid, l...
- It's Jude.


I got a family.
I got a wife, I got two kids.

Yeah, look. Mr. Huber,
I didn't come here to derail your life.

You know. And I'm not here
for your love or your approval.

I'm just here so that we both...

Both know
that the other one exists.

All right.

- Fifteen bucks says you miss this shot.
- Fifty says your sister still marries me.

Yeah, well, maybe.

All right, window. Let's go.

- All right, ladies.
- There you go.

- Ready.
- Yep.




You missed!

- Whatever.
- It was the wind.

- Set me up.
- I believe in you.

You couldn't hit the barn side
of a broad, man. Come on.

There you go.


Jh, yes! Yes! Yes!

- How do you like me now.
- We're gonna get you, asshole!

How do you like me. Go to bed.
Go to bed, you ain't got nothing.

- Yeah, they're going back into...
- They're not going back to bed.

- No, they're not.
- Go, go, go.

Go, go, go.

They went this way. Come on!

Shit, I'm out of shape.

You're the guy who was
asking for the janitor, right.


So, what are you,
like the assistant janitor.

I'm just bunking down here,
you know, temporarily.

- Why.
- Why do you need to know.

You're wanted by the cops, huh.

You know, it looks to me as though
you're the one who's on the run.

Thank you for that, by the way.

What would they have done
if they caught you.

I don't know. Something involving
genitalia and shoe polish.

- Nasty.
- Yeah.

- Where's that accent from.
- Same place as me. Liverpool.

And do you have a name.


- It's Jude.
- Max.

I'm pleased to meet you.

Well, Jude,
as a stranger to our shores...

...the least I can do is offer you
some Ivy League hospitality.


Welcome to the nursery.

What would you do
If I sang out of tune

- Thank you.
- Would you stand up

And walk out on me.

- Hey. I'm Chris.
- Lend me your ears

- And I'll sing you a song
- Thanks.

- And I'll try not to sing out of key
- There we go. All right.

I get by
With a little help from my friends

He gets high
With a little help from his friends

- Take it easy, man.
- Hold it in.

I can't believe her.

I'm never having children.

- Really.
- No.

Think about it, it's pure narcissism.

I mean, people putting out little
carbon copies of themselves, going:

"Jh, doesn't he have
his father's eyes.

Doesn't he have his mother's lips."

It's disgusting.

Well, what about adoption.



Every night
When everybody has fun

Here am I
Sitting all on my own

It won't be long, yeah

Till I belong to you

Since you left me, I'm so alone

Now you're coming
You're coming on home

I'll be good like I know I should

- Do you know when.
- Next weekend.

He got a pass
before his outfit ships out.

I tell you, man,
this is my favorite time of day.

- Look at these. That one, she's cute.
- Emily!

- Look at these. That one, she's cute.
- Emily!

- Hey.
- Max!


- How are you. Good.
- I'm good.

- Damn.
- Max, you're such a pervert.

What. Some of them
are kind of cute.

When did Emily get tits.


This is Jude. I asked him over
for Thanksgiving.

We don't have it in England.
Is it.... Is it a big deal.

Well, it's a heartwarming
American tradition.

Yeah. It celebrates the time...

...when the Indians shared their food
with the early settlers.

And how did we repay them.
We slaughter them in thousands...

...and then ship them off
to the shittiest bits of real estate.

I'm Lucy.

I went to the closet under the stairs
and my clubs weren't there.

- If you'd asked...
- You'd have said no.

I never knew Princeton
had a golf program.

They don't.

It's just my way of unwinding,
you know.

Whack a few balls around
at the end of the day.

Those lectures can fry your brains.

"Lectures." What lectures.
He dropped two courses.

Is that fashionable.

Is what fashionable.

- Your haircut, or lack of one.
- Androgyny suits you, Max.

These kids are so spoiled.

I washed dishes
to put myself through college.

You've never washed one since.
More stuffing, Jude.

I'm stuffed enough, thanks.

You have any idea what your father
pays for those tuition fees.

- Please.
- You know, Uncle Teddy...

...he won't have to
pay them much longer.

- I'm dropping out.
- The cranberry sauce isn't as tangy...

- Don't be ridiculous.
- I am not cut out...

...for this collegiate crap.

No problem. What are you....
What's your plans.

You gonna buy a broken-down
station wagon...

...and drive across America
like Jack...

- What is it.
- Kerouac.

- Mom.
- I read.

Well, actually, I was hoping to borrow
your car, Dad. It's got AC and stereo.

Goddamn it, Max!

Be serious for once.

What do you actually intend
to do with your life.

Why is it always about,
"What will you do."

"What will you do. What will he do.
Jh, my God, what will he do."

Do, do, do, do, do.

Why isn't the issue here who I am.

Because, Maxwell,
what you do defines who you are.

No, Uncle Teddy,
who you are defines what you do.

Right, Jude.

Surely it's not what you do...

...but it's the way that you do it.

Sorry you had to sit through that.

Is it like that at your house.

Not really, no.

It's just me and me mum... me education
is rarely a topic of conversation.

Max said you came here
to find your father.

- You jumped ship.
- Yeah, I did. Yeah.

It was weird when I got
this Princeton address, you know.

I had it in my head that he might be
some kind of Einstein or something.

But it turns out he's just
a working stiff like meself.

How'd it go.

It was okay.

I mean, he didn't invite me back
for Thanksgiving.

Might've been a bit tricky anyway. I've
spent half me life trying to hate him.

He walked out on me mum
when I was just a bun in the oven.

I never realized I had it so easy.

I mean, we're so... normal.

Jh, yeah.

I don't know, dinner was quite lively.

You know, when do that lot start
chucking plates at each other.

- Dessert. Yeah.
- Jh, dessert. All right, yeah.

My God, you...
You have perfect teeth.

No, you do, they're perfect.

People in Liverpool,
they only seldom do.

They stick out in all different
directions. It's horrible.

You never heard of braces.

Yes, I have, thank you very much.
We use them to keep our trousers up.

Goddamn it! It's like this
every time I come home.

I mean, what the hell do they
talk about when I'm not here.

You, mainly.

Jude, shit. I'm sorry, man.

Come on, we gotta
do something with him.

He's a sailor on leave. He needs
a bar, a brawl and a brothel.

I've just seen a face

I can't forget
The time or place where we just met

She's just the girl for me

And I want all the world to see
We've met


Why, thank you.

Jh, yes!

What will you do
if you don't go back to college.

What any irresponsible, unmotivated
dropout would do:

Go to New York. Like, tonight.

What's the rush.

I mean, I like it here.

Come on. The most exciting thing
that ever happened here...

...was when they got automatic
pin setting. I'm talking the Village.

Think about it.
Great music, great dope, orgies.

It'll be a gas!


She's got a boyfriend.

That's okay. I've got a girlfriend.

Forget it, man.

I'm not living here.

You must be the two who called.

Yeah. We saw your ad
in Rat Magazine.

Right. Come on in.

It's our kitchen through here.

This would be our main room... room, whatever room.

Real bummer losing my last tenant.

He played sax at the Gaslight.
Jut all night, slept all day.

We could do that.

You'd have to, man,
because I'm a singer.

I can't have no one screwing up
my beauty sleep before 2:00.

Someone can take this bedroom.

I'm gonna need two weeks in advance,
guys. Is that a problem.

- No, no, no, that's not a problem at all.
- You look kind of clean-cut.

Then again, could've murdered
your granny with a hammer.

Actually, we're students.

I'm Jude and he's Max.

I'm Sadie.

That's me. Jut of bounds.

- Are you famous, Sadie.
- Man.

Not yet.

You guys have
a good memory for faces.

Yeah, I think so. Why.

There's no mirror in your bathroom.

- Jh, man! What a fox!
- Yes!

I mean, for an older woman, huh.

Max, I will pay for my share of the rent
just as soon as I get a job, man.

Jude, don't worry about it.
Look where we are, man.

Move it, pal. Come on.

Get out of here.

Get on the ground!
Get down!


The 7:05 Northeast Limited
leaving for New York City... ready for boarding
on Platform 20.

Platform 20, Northeast Limited
now ready for boarding.

Check it out, man.

Check it out.


What the hell are you doing, man.

Desmond, this boy
wants to talk to you.


I love it.

"Just stand on your head."
She said, "Why."

"I wanna see what it'd look like
through a beer."

- Get off me.
- Jh, man.

Hey, do you write your own songs,


I got 20 in a notebook...

...another 10 in my head.

Leave room for anything else.

Music's the only thing
that makes sense anymore, man.

Play it loud enough,
it keeps the demons at bay.

Hello, hello. Who are you.

- Prudence.
- Where you from, Prudence.


Jh, and before nowhere.


Then I was living
with this guy across the street.

Did he do that to you.

He was a mistake.

Where'd she come from.

She came in
through the bathroom window.


I understand you need to get away...

...but why not come to Europe
with your father and me.

I'd rather be with Max.

In New York.

Just for the summer,
till I go to college.

I shudder to think how Max lives,
or what he's up to.

He always attracts
the most dubious people.

He's probably surrounded by
promiscuous dope fiends.


You know me. I don't even smoke.

The big, bad city's
not gonna get me.

Isn't she fantastic.


She's our landlady.

- You live with my brother too.
- Yeah, him and Jude took me in.

I don't sleep with them anymore.

Thank you.

Hey, Lucy.

How do you like New York so far.

This is all I've seen. I only
got off the train three hours ago.

- Jh, yeah.
- Let's hear it for the Po Boys, y'all.

Do you wanna go out
and get some fresh air.

- Yeah.
- How about another one.

- All right, bring it home!
- All right!

Man, it's packed in there.

Your girlfriend didn't look too happy
about us leaving together.

She... She's not my girlfriend.

Well, you know, she's a friend
who's a girl.

I thought you'd gone home.

No, no. I like it here.

Although I'm not really here.

You know, without a visa
I don't officially exist.

It's exhilarating in a way. It's like
a weird kind of freedom. You know.


Are you okay.

I mean, you know,
I heard what happened.



...a letter came for Max
before I left home...

...and I haven't been able
to bring myself to give it to him yet.

- Scrub the floor, right, Jo-Jo.
- That's disgusting.

That was great, man.
You got a really good sound.

You shouldn't have
dropped out of college, Max.

Your sister's right. You had that
whole Ivy League thing going for you.

- And your father's a lawyer and shit.
- Max, what exactly does it say.

It says I have to report to
an induction center on the 7th.


You got a week to contract
some fatal disease.

Guys tried all kinds of stuff
when I did my time.

- You were in the military, Jo-Jo.
- No escaping it where I'm from.

I went in when I was 17.

Say you're a homo.
They don't take homos.

Just say you're a pedophile.
Say you wanna go into the villages...

...and you wanna rape and pillage
all the little girls that look like me.

I remember this one cat.

He ate a ton of beets
the night before the physical.

- Looks like blood when you piss.
- Well, I hate beets.

- Can we get the check, please.
- In a minute.

- What is with these pricks.
- Calm down.

My mate's brother swallowed
a ball of cotton to get out the army.

What does that do.

It shows up as, like,
a shadow on the x-ray.

- Track marks. They won't take a junkie.
- You want him to shoot up.

No. We could just jab his arm
with a needle a few times.

Make it a rusty needle.
Then it'll get infected.

- That could work.
- Yeah. Gets all nasty.

- Max.
- Jh, man, Max, what are you doing.

You can burn that paper, boy...

...but you still gotta show.

Daniel couldn't wait to go.

He saw it as his patriotic duty.

And I went along with it.

I was proud of him, I guess.

Apparently, he did
something brave... he wore a medal
when they buried him.

You don't have to talk about this.

I want to.

I can't pretend like it didn't happen.

He was my first boyfriend.

He was the first person
I ever knew to die.

I'd never even been
to a funeral before.

I'm so scared for Max.

Listen, no one and no gun
is gonna get Max.

You know, he's so twisted,
he'll bend his way out of this fix.

Hope you're right.

I am right.

I love the bugger.

- Do you have the draft in England.
- Not anymore.

Well, I'd have been exempt
as a shipyard worker.

You should've studied art.


Well, I had to bring money
into the house.

So I joined the ranks
of the great unwashed.

Here. Come here.

Come here.

A little closer.

I just wanna get your eyes right.

You two, scram!
You're defacing city property.

- Jh, shit.
- What are you talking about.

This was just a crappy wall
and now it's a work of art.

You want me to come down there.

Please do come down.
You'll scuff up them shiny black boots.


Shit! Come on, you don't want to
get in trouble with the law.

- Let's go!
- Go! Go, go, go.

Jude, Jude, come here. Come here.

If I fell in love with you

Would you promise to be true

And help me understand

'Cause I've been in love before

And I found that love was more

Than just holding hands

If I give my heart to you

I must be sure from the very start

That you would love me
More than her

If I trust in you

Jh, please, don't run and hide

If I love you too

Jh, please, don't hurt my pride
Like her

'Cause I couldn't stand the pain

And I would be sad if our new love
Was in vain

So that's the way it is.

Yeah. That's the way it is.

Yeah, well, speaking as a brother,
I think she could do better.

Max, get out.

Well, excuse me, but as blissful as
you are in the throes of young love...

...l'm just letting you know
I got a date with Uncle Sam.

I want you

I want you so bad

I want you so bad

It's drivin' me mad

Any reason you shouldn't
be in this man's Army, son.

I'm a cross-dressing homosexual
pacifist with a spot on my lung.

Long as you don't have flat feet.

You know what really pisses me off.
Is I swallowed all those cotton balls...

...and they never even
took an x-ray.

- You still have options, man.
- Yeah, jail or Canada...

...and they both suck.

I mean, I could never come home.
So, what is it.

It's a choice of a 6-by-4 cell or an
endless wasteland of frozen tundra.

- Montreal's cool.
- Man, they speak French.

So learn French.
Learn French or die.

You think Sadie knows.

Knows what.

Let me see.

- No way.
- You look gorgeous.

Sadie, come on. What....

- It's my band, honey.
- I can't wear this.

It's Tuxedo Club. For my 'do.


- Cool.
- Don't start.

What is it, Max.

Prudence. Come on, sweet pea.

We all love you.

- How long's she been in there.
- All night, I guess.

- Come on, Pru.
- What's going on.

It's Prudence.
I think she's hung up on me.

Dear Prudence

Won't you come out to play.

Dear Prudence

Greet the brand-new day

The sun is up, the sky is blue

It's beautiful and so are you

- Sadie, we gotta go.
- Later.

Hey, hey, LBJ.
How many kids did you kill today.

Jur voice is our weapon.
And united we will win!

That's right, yeah!

You can crush the idealists,
but you cannot crush their ideals!

The Americans are forcing even their
friends into becoming their enemies.

Every day the hatred increases... the hearts of the Vietnamese
who want us out!

The image of America
will never again... the image of revolution,
freedom and democracy...

...but the image
of violent imperialism!

Hey, Luce! Luce, come on,
stop worrying about it.

Nothing's gonna happen to me.

I could go in the Army
and not get shipped to anywhere.

Play a lot of cards, learn how to box.

Come on, look at this.
It's happening everywhere, man.

Maybe LBJ will have a change of heart
and call the whole thing off, huh.

This war is totally immoral!

- As soon as possible.
- Yeah, I can get it.

Paco. This is Lucy Carrigan.

She's an old friend.
She's not a student...

...but she's interested in what we do.
Wanted to meet you.

- Paco.
- Nice to meet you.

How'd you hear about us.

I saw you at the Fifth Avenue peace
march. I was moved by your speech.

I'm thinking of renting the spare room
since Prudence split.

Jesus, Max.

Well, she's Prudence. She'll show.

You're up before 2 and
looking wicked cool. Who's it for.

- I have a meeting.
- Why, is that a prayer meeting.

Yeah, for your twisted soul.

- Put my shirt away when you're done.
- Yes, ma'am.

What the hell was that.

That's Dr. Robert.

He's here to plug his book.

Spread the word.

There's a party for him tonight
if you wanna join me.

We could celebrate.

I haven't said yes yet, Bill.

Sign with my label.

I'll put you in a studio within a month
and get you a publishing deal.

It sounds fantastic, man. But I still
gotta talk it over with the guys.

No, you don't.

- Whose place is this.
- Luna Park, Dr. Robert's publisher.

There she is. Luna!

Bill, good to see you.

Luna Park.

- Wow, this place is amazing.
- This is Sadie.

Fabulous singer and future star,
if she's smart and signs with me.

Jh, look at this, pink punch.


- You're not listening.
- Your guitar sound is a little lazy.

- We need it tighter, not slick.
- This band gets behind me.

Ladies and gentlemen,
I give you Dr. Robert.

Time is not on our hands, people.

Time is slipping through them.

We gotta transcend the bullshit,
and fast.

But, hey, no point butting your heads
bucking the system.

Let them get all snarled up
in their dreary hive.

Never knock the way
another cat swings, man.

Hate to mess with your groove,
New York...

...but we're about two years
ahead of you on the coast.

We already graduated
from what's been going on... where it's gone.


Nice. Nice.

Love the people. Love the people.
We love the people.

Where are we.

I don't know.
And I don't know how we got here.

What is that place.

Headquarters of
the League of Spiritual Deliverance.

The home of Dr. Geary.

Another outlaw like myself.
We're navigators.

We're aviators. We're...

...eating taters.
Masturbating alligators.

Bombardiers, we got no fears,
won't shed no tears.

We're pushing the frontiers...

...of transcendental perception.

What's weird is we haven't met yet...

...on this or any other plane.
- Hey, doc.

- He says he won't see you, man.
- Why, is he sick.

He just said he's busy.

Did you tell that son of a bitch...

...that we drove 3000 miles
to see him.

- All right, everybody back on the bus.
- What.

We're going home. California.

- Doc.
- We just got here.

- California isn't home to all of us.
- Yeah.

What can I say. You're either
on the bus or off the bus.

- Sayonara!
- Screw you!

Jh, well, that's just perfect.

My last blowout before the Army,
we're stuck in the middle of...

- Where are we, huh.
- It doesn't matter.

"I am me as you are he as you are
me and we are all together."

That is so right. That's right.

You know, and if nobody's everybody
then someone can be anybody, right.

Listen. Do you hear the music.

- Where are we going.
- We're going out of our minds.

Come on, this way.

- Where are you taking me.
- Down the rabbit hole.

- Jh, I wanna feed the cow.
- Let's go.

Jh, my God, Jude.

Now, that's big.

For the benefit of Mr. Kite

There will be a show tonight
Jn trampoline

The Hendersons will all be there
Late of Pablo Fanque's Fair

Have you seen it.
It's great, they got stuff.

Jver men and horses
Hoops and garters

Lastly through a hogshead
Jf real fire

In this way
Mr. K. Will challenge the world

With the blue people. They're great.
They're just chilled out.

I better heat you up.

Is that Prudence.

It is!


Hi, guys!

Jh, man, that was amazing.

That was bizarre, yo. That was...

- Look at you, sweet pea.
- It's good to see you.

- You too.
- Jh, I want you to meet Rita.

She's a contortionist.

Because the world is round

It turns me on

Because the wind is high

It blows my mind

Love is old, love is new

Love is all, love is you

Blood! Down! Down!


What time do you finish.

I don't know.

I love you.

Something in the way she moves

Attracts me like no other lover

Something in the way she woos me

I don't wanna leave her now

You know I believe, and how

You're asking me
Will my love grow

I don't know

I don't know

You stick around
Now it may show

Hey, you didn't get
my left nipple right.

Jh, is that so.

Well, you know,
you were lying on your side...

...and I was drawing from a distance.

So I couldn't see it properly.

What time is it.

- Eleven o'clock, I think.
- I gotta run.

You didn't get in till 2:30.

You know Columbia's top scientists are
working for the Defense Department.

I didn't, no.

There's gonna be this demonstration
on the campus to protest it.

Paco says we need to radicalize.

It's not enough
to just hand out leaflets...

...and lie down in the middle of the
street and give flowers to cops.

Well, will he give you time off
to go to Sadie's gig. Which is tonight.

I'll try.

Well, can you try harder.

I can't believe you're telling me this.
And the rest of the guys.

- I tried to tell you this a million times.
- So this is it.

Jh, darlin'

Please believe me

I'll never do you no harm

Believe me when I tell you

I'll never do you no harm

If you leave me

I'll never make it alone

I doubt that.

Jh, believe me when I beg you

Don't ever leave me alone

What is this.

When you told me

You didn't need me anymore

I don't believe this.

Hey, where you going.

Where were we.

Jh, yeah, that's right, baby.
I don't need you. I'm gonna show you.

What the hell happened, man.
Where'd Sadie go.

Solo, man. Way solo.

Hey, how's it going. Hope we're
not interrupting the creative flow.

Still life.

Yeah, yeah, it's...

I'm sorry, what's that doing here.

Well, you don't have one.
I had a spare.

Where should I put it.

Right here is fine for now.

They're transmitting
live from Vietnam now.

It's gonna make a difference.

Bringing the war
right in the people's living room.

Yeah, well, that's all well and good,
mate, but this isn't a living room.

This is where I work.

I'm sorry, he must really
be caught up with what he's doing.

There you go.

You should probably
try to get an outside antenna.

I gotta go. You'll be there later.


Saigon command disclosed
that 5000 more U.S. Troops...

...were committed to the war
last week...

...bringing American troop strength
to over half a million men.

The Vietcong assault
on South Vietnam cities...

...produced record casualties
last week.

Four hundred sixteen
Americans were killed...

...and 15,029 wounded...

...raising total U.S. Combat fatalities
in this country's longest war... 30,057.

Well, I got a job.

You know, as in,
"We'll pay you to do it."

I thought you'd be pleased.

What job.

It's a logo
for Sadie's record company.

It's a strawberry.

You know, red, juicy, sexy.

Yeah, get it. No.

Why were you so rude
to Paco before.

It wouldn't have killed you
to talk to him. He's got a good mind.

He's committed,
he's involved, he's...

- A shagger.
- A what.

A shagger. A Don Juan.

A seducer
of young, vulnerable women.

Jude, you know nothing about him.

Every time I go to your place,
there's about 50 people there.

There's one bloke licking stamps
and the other 49 are...

- Jh, they're all female.
- Don't exaggerate.

Trust me, I'm not.

We're in the middle of a revolution.

What are you doing,
doodles and cartoons.

- I didn't mean it like that.
- No.

No. Well, what did you mean.

Sorry I'm not the man with
the megaphone, this is what I do.

You could at least hear
what he has to say.

I suppose you don't, because
you're never gonna be drafted.

Nor will you, Lucy.

I would lie down in front of a tank...

...if it would stop this war
and bring Max home.

Yeah. Well, it wouldn't.

What do you mean, it wouldn't.
You don't think that it's worth trying.

I didn't say that. I'm...

Well, maybe when bombs
start going off here, people will listen.

You say you want a revolution

Well, you know

We all wanna change the world

Jude, what are you doing.
I can't do this right now.

You tell me that it's evolution

Well, you know

Yeah, we all wanna change the world

Jude, please. Please, don't.

But when you talk about destruction

Don't you know
That you can count me out.

- What are you doing here, friend.
- It's not the time. Not now.

Don't you know it's gonna be
All right

- Escort him to the door. Thank you.
- I'm sorry.

Come on, let's go.

I've never seen him like that.
I don't know.

You gotta leave, buddy. Come on.

- Jude!
- Who is this asshole.


Are you okay.

Get this clown out of here now!

Get him out of here!

Don't hurt him! Don't hurt him!

All right! All right!

What is the matter with you.
Why would you do that.

Jn the edge of the balcony
he was shot.

We thought a firecracker
had gone on.

Most of us were downstairs
on the lower level.

Police have issued
an all-points bulletin...

...for a well-dressed white man
seen running from the scene.

We hold these truths
to be self-evident...

...that all men are created equal.

Memphis is a confused
and shocked city tonight.

No one can believe
what has happened.

It's been just a little over an hour...

...since Dr. Martin Luther King died
from an assassin's bullet.

Dr. King was rushed to St. Joseph's
Hospital emergency room.

He died from a gunshot wound
in the neck.

I'm sick and tired of violence.

I'm tired of the war in Vietnam.

I look at you all

See the love there that's sleeping

While my guitar gently weeps

I look at the floor

And I see it needs sweeping

Still my guitar gently weeps

Not now. What is this ridiculous
bullshit. He can't even play guitar.

The sound sucked out there.
How many times....

Get out there and tell Tony to fix it
or I don't go on tomorrow night.

Come on, Sadie,
it's the ratty end of the tour. Cool it.

Find me someone
who can play the guitar, man.

This new guy's
got no soul and no stank.

Do you wanna come up
for one more, Jo.

I ain't gonna find Sadie there, man.

You better go on up to Lucy.


Well, she's probably out
fighting for the cause, you know.

It look like you been
fighting for it too, huh.

I don't have one.
That's the problem.

Words are flowing out
Like endless rain into a paper cup

They slither while they pass

They slip away
Across the universe

Pools of sorrow, waves of joy
Are drifting through my open mind

Possessing and caressing me

Nothing's gonna change my world

Images of broken light

Which dance before me
Like a million eyes

They call me on and on
Across the universe

Thoughts meander like a restless wind
Inside a letterbox

They tumble blindly as they
Make their way across the universe

Strike! Strike! Strike!

No! No!


- Jude!
- Lucy!

- Jude!
- Lucy!

- Jude!
- Lucy!

Die! Die!

You have a visitor.

What are you doing here.

I got a call from a friend of yours,
a girl.

Said that you were in trouble,
so I came down.

Are you all right.

I told the cops that I was a
U.S. Citizen and you were my son.

- What did they say.
- They wanted proof.

I didn't have any.

I talked the cops out of pressing
charges for the riot and stuff...

...but the bottom line,
this is an immigration issue.

Meaning they're
kicking me out of the country.

- I'm afraid so.
- Shit.

Thanks... Thanks for trying,
though, yeah.

Have you told your mother
you met me.

Not yet.

But... But l... But I will.

Look who's coming.

- How's it going, Jude.
- I'm okay, yeah.

So when did you and Phil hitch up.

About two weeks
after you stopped writing.

Jh, I'm pleased for you, though.
And a kid's on the way.

That's great.

- What was the name.
- Who.

The reason you stopped writing.

Her name was Lucy.

It was... It was good
for a while, you know.

It all seems a bit unreal.

Is this real enough for you.

Glad to be back.

Yeah. Yeah. I couldn't be happier.

She's not a girl
Who misses much

I'll be here same time next week,

I need a fix
'Cause I'm going down

Mother Superior jumped the gun

Happiness is a warm gun

When I hold you
In my arms

And when I feel
My finger on your trigger

Jh, don't you know
Nobody can do me no harm

Stop telling me this is a peaceful
march. It's much worse than that.

The dogs and the violence...

...and the people you're with are more
radical than you want me to believe.

They should be radical. You should
be radical. We should all be radical.

Daniel is dead
and Max is all fucked up...

...and this war just keeps going
on and on and nobody's listening.

- I'm listening.
- No, you're not listening.

I just don't want
my beautiful daughter to get hurt.

Look, Mom. Don't cry.

Please don't cry.

Everything's really okay here,
I promise.

It's gonna be all right, I gotta go.

Close the door.

I thought it was the other side
who dropped bombs.

- Thanks, mate.
- Thanks.

Blackbird singing
In the dead of night

Take these broken wings
And learn to fly

All your life

You were only waiting

For this moment to arise

Blackbird fly

Blackbird fly

Into the light of the dark black night

- Here, love.
- Thanks.

Last call, pal.

Hey, Jude
Don't make it bad

Take a sad song
And make it better

To let her into your heart

Then you can start
To make it better


You don't look too messed up.

Yeah, well, everything
below the neck works fine.

Does she know.

- You didn't tell her.
- Nope.

All right, good. Good.

Hey, this is your Cousin Brucie
at 720 WWEN... a live broadcast
from the top of the world with...

- Is that Sadie.
- You got that right.

Shit, we're late.

Don't let me down

Nobody ever loved me like he does

And if somebody loved me
Like she do me

Joh, she do me

Yes, she does

- Yeah!
- Hey, Prudence.

- How are you.
- Good. Welcome back.

Where's Lucy.

Don't know.
She should be on her way.

- Did you give her the right address.
- Yeah. I thought I saw her on the street.

Jh, shit.

Let's go.

Spread out.

That's it. Wrap it up. Let's go.

You have no permit. You're disturbing
the peace. Come on, off the roof.

- Come on.
- Thank you!

It's all over.

- Come on, let's go.
- Feels good to be back, baby.


Come on, we gotta clear the roof.
Let's go.

- Hey. Be nice, be nice.
- All right. Keep moving.

- Yeah, yeah.
- Joy. Happiness.

That's right.
Background singers, huh.

- Where did Jude go.
- I don't know. And where is my sister.

I'm sure I saw her, Max.

I don't understand
what the problem is.

Man, get your hands off me.

There's nothing you can do
That can't be done

Nothing you can sing
That can't be sung


Nothing you can say

But you can
Learn how to play the game

Who the hell is that.

- Jude.
- It's Jude.

There's nothing you can make
That can't be made

No one you can save
That can't be saved

Nothing you can do but you can
Learn how to be you in time

It's easy

Hey, that means you too. Let's go.

All you need is love

- Hey, kid! Get your ass out of here!
- Let him stay.

Come on. Come on, out of my way.

Let's go.

Plug it in.

- All right.
- Thanks.

That's great.

Jh, please, you have to let me
through. I need to get up there.

- I can't believe this.
- The roof is closed. The roof is closed.

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