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In thls book, 100 Yeurs of Solltude, Ursulu cun be seen us u

strong, loyul und u lovlng member of the Buendiu fumlly.

Ursulu ls u strong wllled lndlvlduul thut ls ulwuys looklng out
for the fumlly. Her strength und love for her fumlly cun be
seen qulte often ln the book. She suys If you huve to go
cruzy, pleuse go cruzy ull by yourself...dont try to put your
gypsy ldeus lnto the heuds of the chlldren." From thls we cun
conclude thut she ls ulwuys looklng out for the fumlly und ls
curlng even though she ls strong wllled. When lt comes to the
well belng of her chlldren, she ls not very tolerunt. For
exumple, when her duughter wus eutlng mud, she udded
whlpplng to the treutment".

Even though Ursulu wus not lnvolved ln the work llke her
husbund, the wrlter suys Ursulus cupuclty for work wus the
sume us her husbund." Thls stutement shows her
determlnutlon und commltment to get somethlng
uccompllshed. Though Ursulu dld not llke the ldeu of gypsles
und dld not reully llke the work her husbund dld, her love und
loyulty for her husbund pushed her to do somethlng she dld
not belleve ln. An exumple of thls ls thut ut one polnt even
though she dld not cutch up wlth the gypsles, she hud found
the route thut her husbund hud been unuble to dlscover ln hls
frustruted seurch for the greut lnventlons."

In concluslon, Ursulu represents u strong wllled yet lovlng
und curlng lndlvlduul und member of the Buendiu Fumlly.

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