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Medical Parasitology (DML 605)


Case study 1:
A previous healthy 28 year old man , who had recently return Irom a trip to Mexico,
was seen by his Iamily physician Ior crampy abdominal pain, malaise, slight Iever and
bloody, mucoid diarrhea. Liquid stool specimens were collected and submitted Ior culture
and enteric bacterial pathogens, as well as parasites.
Stool cultures were negative Ior bacterial pathogens, examination Ior ova and
parasites was positive Ior motile trophozoites in the saline wet mount, and ameboid
trophozoites with Iinely granular cytoplasm and ingested red blood cells in the permanent
trichrome stain.

1. hat intestinal parasite would you consider in making a diagnosis?
2. How can you diIIerentiate pathogenic Irom non pathogenic species oI this parasite?
3. Is this parasite capable oI causing extra-intestinal inIection? hat organ is most
commonly involved?
4. How is this parasite transmitted?
5. Should this patient be treated? How? (10 marks)

Case study 2:
An unpreserved stool sample arrives in the clinical laboratory oI UM hospital at 10.30 a.m.
the requisition slip and sample are properly labelled with the patient`s name, hospital number,
physician and time oI collection (11.30 p.m). The request is Ior an ova and parasite exam.
The specimen within the container appears to have a watery consistency.

1. Should the specimen be processed Ior ova and parasite exam?
2. hat Iorm oI the protozoan parasite would you expect to Iind? (5 marks)

Case study 1:
1. . histolytica
2. Cyst: . histolytica 4 nuclei, E. coli 8 nuclei.
Trophozoite: . histolytica Iine granular cytoplasm, E. coli unevenly distributed
3. rain abscess, lung abcess, liver abscess.
4. Amebicidal agents: Luminal amebicides and tissue amebicides.

Case study 2:
1. o. the specimen should be examined within 24 hour and put in suitable preservative.
2. Cyst

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