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C8 no L3276 March 3 1933
1hls ls an appeal from Lhe declslon of Lhe CourL of lndusLrlal
8elaLlons (Cl8)
Cn Lhe appealed case A1Ck8lC WLuCL Mu1uAL 8LnLll1
ASSCClA1lCn (8espondenL) demanded from Lhe A1Ck8lC WLuCL
MlnlnC CC lnC (eLlLloner) varlous concesslons such as
(a) an lncrease of 030 ln wages
(b)commuLaLlon of slck and vacaLlon leave lf noL en[oyed
durlng Lhe year
(c) varlous prlvlleges such as free medlcal care medlclne and
(d)rlghL Lo a closed shop check off eLc
(e) no dlsmlssal wlLhouL prlor [usL cause and wlLh a prlor
lnvesLlgaLlon eLc
Some of Lhe demands were provlded however Lhe CourL rendered a
declslon mos |mporf prov|s|os of w|c wr os f|x|
m||mum wf for |forrs f 320 declarlng LhaL
addlLlonal compensaLlon represenLlng efflclency bonus should noL be
lncluded as parL of Lhe wage
1he peLlLloner conLends LhaL Lhe basls for Lhe mlnlmum wage
wou|d d of |forr fd |s ffm||y for food as such Lhe
amounL should be 238 and noL fmou fcuf||y spds
WCN Lhe deLermlnaLlon of Lhe CourL of lndusLrlal 8elaLlons afflxlng
Lhe mlnlmum wage aL 320 was proper?
LS 1he Supreme CourL afflrms Lhe declslon of Lhe Cl8
1he respondenL courL found LhaL 238 ls Lhe mlolmom
omooot octoolly oeeJeJ by Lhe laborer and hls famlly 8u f dos
o mf f | |s |s fcuf| xps A prsos ds |crfs fs
|s mfs |crfs 1|s |s ru o o|y fs o food u fs o
vry| |s ducf|o c|o| rf|m c 1 |fw
ufrfs |forr f ff|r fd [us wf 1 m||mum mus
ff|r fd [us 1 m||mum wf cf y o mfs |mp|y o|y
fcuf| m||mum Some margln or leeway musL be provlded over and
above Lhe mlnlmum Lo Lake care of conLlngencles such as lncrease of
prlces of commodlLles and deslrable lmprovemenL ln hls mode of
llvlng CerLalnly Lhe amounL of 022 a day (dlfference beLween 280
flxed and 238 acLual) ls noL excesslve for Lhls purpose 1haL Lhe 3
mlnlmum wage flxed ln Lhe law ls sLlll far below whaL ls consldered a
falr and [usL mlnlmum ls shown by Lhe facL LhaL Lhls amounL ls only
for Lhe year afLer Lhe law Lakes effecL as LhereafLer Lhe law flxes lL aL
4 nelLher may lL be correcLly conLended LhaL Lhe demand for
lncrease ls due Lo an alleged pernlclous pracLlce lrequenL demands
for lncrease are lndlcaLlve of a healLhy splrlL of wakefulness Lo Lhe
demands of a progresslng and an lncreaslngly more expenslve world

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