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Loss of teeth is frequently associated with periodontal disease in older adults. The aim of this review was to present the effects of aging on the periodontal tissues. Aging alone does not lead to critical loss of periodontal attachment in healthy elderly persons. The effects of aging on periodontal tissues are based on molecular changes in the periodontal cells, which intensify bone loss in elderly patients with periodontitis. These effects may be associated with (1) alterations in differentiation and proliferation of osteoblasts and osteoclasts; (2) an increase in periodontal cell response to the oral microbiota and mechanical stress leading to the secretion of cytokines involved in osseous resorption; and (3) systemic endocrine alterations in the elderly people.

Effects of human aging on periodontal tissues

Eder Abreu Huttner, MSD, DDS;1 Denise Cantarelli Machado, MSD, DDS, PhD;1 Rogrio Belle de Oliveira, MSD, DDS, PhD;2 Andr Gustavo Freitas Antunes, MSD;1 Eduardo Hebling, MSD, DDS, PhD3*

of Biomedical Gerontology, Biomedical Research Institute, Pontifical Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre, Brazil; 2School of Dentistry, Pontifical Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre, Brazil; 3Department of Community Dentistry, Piracicaba Dental School, University of Campinas, Piracicaba, Brazil. *Corresponding author e-mail: Spec Care Dentist 29(4): 149-155, 2009

Improvement in both social living conditions and health care has led to a greater life span for people across the globe,1 resulting in an increase in periodontal disease expectancy among the dentate elderly people.2 Some loss of periodontal attachment and alveolar bone may be expected in older persons, but age alone in a healthy adult does not lead to a critical loss of periodontal support. Although moderate loss of both alveolar bone and periodontal attachment is common in the elderly people, severe periodontitisdefined as periodontal attachment loss of 6 mm or more and radiographic bone loss of 50% or more involving at least one toothis not a natural consequence of aging.3


aging, periodontium,

Alterations in oral tissues do occur with age.4 These histophysiological and clinical alterations in the oral cavity associated with age must be differentiated from pathological conditions.5 Some studies6,7 in humans and animals have reported that alterations in periodontium dynamics occur with age. Although the severity of periodontal disease is known to be associated with age, functional changes in periodontal tissue cells during the aging process have not been well characterized.8 It is important to define how cellular aging affects the progression of periodontal diseases associated with aging.6 The aim of this review was to present the effects of human aging on periodontal tissues.

Changes in per iodontal tissues associated with aging

The periodontiumthe tissues that support the teethconsists of gingiva, periodontal ligament, cementum, and alveolar bone. Anatomical and functional changes in periodontal tissues have been reported as being associated with the aging process.9 Gingiva, a tissue exposed to the oral cavity, is histologically formed by epithelium and connective tissues. Changes in the human oral epithelium caused by aging are related to a thinning of the epithelium and diminished keratinization. There are conflicting reports

2009 Special Care Dentistry Association and Wiley Periodicals, Inc. doi: 10.1111/j.1754-4505.2009.00082.x

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regarding the shape of the rete pegs, such as a flattening of rete pegs, and an increase in the height of the epithelial ridges associated with aging. In a morphological three-dimensional study9 of the epithelium-connective tissue interface, connective tissue ridges were observed to be more prevalent in young individuals, whereas connective tissue papillae were predominant in elderly individuals. The change from ridges to papillae involves the formation of epithelial cross-ridges with increasing age. Furthermore, it has been reported that the number of cellular elements decreases as age increases.9 The fibroblasts are the main cells in the synthesis of periodontal connective tissue. There are phenotypic subpopulations of fibroblasts with different functions in the synthesis and maintenance of extracellular matrix constituents.10 In vivo and in vitro studies6,11-13 have shown functional and structural alterations in fibroblasts associated with aging. Gingival fibroblasts (GFs) may be constantly affected by oral bacteria and its products, such as the lipopolysaccharides (LPS), present in their cell walls. The LPS induces GF to release some inflammatory cytokines such as prostaglandin E2 (PGE2), interleukin (IL)-1 , and plasminogen activator (PA).6,14 The influence of these inflammatory mediators on both GF and periodontal ligament fibroblasts (PLFs) may be an important factor in the severity of periodontal disease.6 Quantitative differences in protein synthesis were found in young and old GFs in vitro. Collagen production decreased more than fivefold as a function of increasing donor age.15 Old fibroblasts also presented an increased rate of collagen intracellular phagocytosis, which can affect the balance between synthesis and degradation of collagen in the connective tissue.12 The aging process in GF causes an increase in DNA structure methylation of collagen alpha-1 gene, followed by a reduction in mRNA levels and collagen type I synthesis.13 Alterations in the composition of extracellular matrix proteoglycans secreted by GF in vitro were also observed. The proteoglycans secreted by old fibroblasts presented an increase in

the rates of heparan sulfate and a reduction in chondroitin sulfate in relation to young fibroblasts.16 The periodontal ligament, which is a soft connective tissue, serves to anchor the tooth to the alveolar bone and functions as a cushion between hard tissues to mitigate the occlusal force. It is basically made up of fibroblasts, cementoblasts, osteoblasts, osteoclasts, Malassez epithelial rests, and collagen matrix (Sharpeys fibers). The periodontal ligament cells are involved in the repair of alveolar bone, cementum, and the periodontal ligament itself, being able to differentiate into osteoblasts, cementoblasts, and fibroblasts.17 The fiber and cellular contents decrease and the structure of the periodontal ligament becomes irregular with age. PLFs are constantly subjected to mechanical stress caused by mastication or occlusal forces. Cultured PLFs were observed to produce a large amount of PGE2, IL-1 , and PA in response to mechanical stress.6 The aging process may induce a significant reduction in chemotaxis, motility, and proliferation rates of periodontal ligament cells. The chemotaxis and differentiation of osteoclasts from the periodontal ligament induced by devitalized osseous matrix might be influenced by the donors age. A reduction in osteoblast chemotaxis and lower rate of osteoclast differentiation in the cells of elderly donors were observed.18 The cells of the periodontal ligament from elderly persons had lower rates of chemotaxis and proliferation than the cells of the periodontal ligament from young patients.19 The reduced ability of senescent cells to express the c-fos ligand may be associated with the low rates of chemotaxis and proliferation of these cells.20 The expression of osteocalcin in fibroblasts from the periodontal ligament is either reduced or ceased in senescent fibroblasts. This reduction may be directly related to the cells difficulty in progressing in the cellular cycle (G1-S) and accomplishing cell respiration.21 Cementum is a calcified connective tissue covering the roots of teeth. Its formation is a continuous process that occurs throughout the life of humans

and animals. Hence, with age, the cementum increases in width. It has been demonstrated that there is a tendency toward greater cemental apposition in the apical region of the teeth. In addition, during cementum formation, collagen fibers are embedded in the cementum.9 Aging and cell death is a normal characteristic of the life cycle of the cementocytes. This may be due to a rapid reduction in the accessibility of nutritive substances together with poor elimination of waste products of cementocytes. In general, cementum is acellular except at the root apices and in the furcation areas of multirooted teeth. With increasing age, the process of cementum formation becomes acellular. Although remodeling of cementum does not normally take place, local resorption at the cementum surface followed by cementum apposition is often observed. Resorption and apposition of cementum increased with age and may also be responsible for an increased irregularity of the cemental surface.9,22 The alveolar bone serves to support the teeth in association with the periodontal ligament. Bone formation steadily declines with age, resulting in significant loss of bone mass.23 The alveolar bone has high plasticity, which under physiological conditions is kept by the equilibrium between osteoblastic and osteoclastic activities. These cells are directly or indirectly influenced by the action of parathyroid hormone (PTH), vitamin D metabolites, calcitonin, estrogen, plasmatic concentration of calcium and phosphates, neurotransmitters, growth factors, and local cytokines.24 The reduction in bone formation may be due to a decrease in osteoblastproliferating precursors or to decreased synthesis and secretion of essential bone matrix proteins.6,23 The extracellular matrix surrounding osteoblasts has been shown to play an important role in bone metabolism.6 Possible dysfunction of this matrix may occur concomitantly with the aging process.6 One hypothesis of aging postulates that the oxygen-free radical is a major contributor to the aging process25; also, oxygen-free radicals have been implicated

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as a cause of cellular damage.26 An in vitro study showed that oxygen radicaltreated fibronectin (FN) as substratum diminished bone nodule formation by osteoblasts when compared to intact FN. This finding suggested that FN plays an important role in osteoblast activity and that FN damaged by oxygen radicals during the aging process may be related to less bone formation.6

hormonal therapies suggest that estrogen is indicated for prevention and treatment of osteoporosis. The reduction in alveolar bone loss and tooth loss is a secondary benefit.31,32 Some risks associated with hormonal therapy such as an increase in the incidence of breast cancer, thromboembolic diseases, and myocardial infarction were also reported.38

Systemic aging and per iodontium

Some alterations in the endocrine profile that influences osseous metabolism occur with age. Vitamin D deficiency is a common phenomenon observed in community-dwelling elderly persons.27 The low levels of calcium resulting from vitamin D deficiency associated with renal insufficiency might lead to secondary hyperparathyroidism.28 The high levels of PTH resulting from secondary hyperparathyroidism act in the mobilization of osseous calcium and can cause mineralization problems, such as bone fractures, and a reduction in osseous density.29 Osteopenia and osteoporosis are considered important risk factors for alveolar bone loss in the presence of periodontal disease.30,31 Female patients with osteoporosis or osteopenia have greater levels of alveolar bone loss, when compared to patients with normal mineral osseous density.32,33 Estrogen therapy in patients with osteoporosis may reduce gingival inflammation and alveolar bone loss when compared to patients with untreated osteoporosis.34,35 A randomized double-blind study involving patients with osteoporosis showed a rise in alveolar bone levels for the group that received estrogen therapy when compared to the placebo group.36 The influence of calcium (1,000 mg/ day) and vitamin D supplements in elderly patients with osteoporosis has been evaluated. The results showed a reduction in tooth loss in patients who took calcium and vitamin D compared to the placebo after 5 years.37 Studies30-36 evaluating the periodontal status and
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Immune senescence and per iodontal cells interaction

Aging-related immunological alterations in leukocyte subpopulations have been reported.39 Thymus involution in humans has been observed up to the age of 70 years.40 T-lymphocytes are considered thymus-dependent cells and are of fundamental importance in the immune response. Reductions in peripheral blood T-lymphocytes, mitotic agents, anti-CD3, and monoclonal antibodies are the main alterations in the senescent phenotypes of T-lymphocytes.41 The proliferative phase alterations in T-lymphocytes may be induced by the reduced secretion of IL-2 and reduced expression of its highaffinity receptors.41,42 The reduced expression patterns of IL-2 and IL-2R in peripheral monocytes of elderly patients have been reported as influencing the proliferative response of T-lymphocytes.41 IL-2 is produced by helper T-cells and plays an important role in the proliferation and differentiation of virgin T-cells into effector T-cells.42 Alterations in B-lymphocyte subpopulations have been observed in the elderly people.43 The reduction in the peripheral blood population of Blymphocytes is associated with the decrease in the production of highspecificity antibodies as well as in the avidity of antigen-antibody complexes.43 An increase has been noted in CD45RA memory cell circulation relative to CD45RO virgin cells diminishing the response to new antigens. Other changes in immune senescence include a decline in macrophage, neutrophil, and natural killer cell function with aging.44

Elderly subjects, during a 3-week period of oral hygiene abstention, formed similar amounts of biofilm as young subjects, but developed more gingivitis than young subjects.45 The gingival fluid measurements and morphometric determinations made in the biopsy samples documented that the gingival lesion which formed in the older individuals was more pronounced and contained more inflammatory cells than the corresponding lesion in the younger subject sample.45 Higher levels of alpha 2-macroglobulin, IgG3, and B-lymphocytes in the crevicular fluid and a reduction in polymorphonuclear leukocytes (PMN) have also been observed in the elderly people.46 Periodontal ligament cells from the elderly people showed an increase in the production of PA,47 PGE2, IL-1 ,6,48 and IL-649 when compared to younger cells, similar to that described for stimulation with LPS.50 PA is a serine protease that acts in the activation of plasmatic plasminogen into plasmin and is secreted by many cell types, including periodontal fibroblasts. The activity of PA and the expression of tissue plasminogen activator (tPA) mRNA in fibroblasts from the periodontal ligament in vitro placed under mechanical tension were evaluated. The cells from elderly individuals showed greater activity of PA and greater expression of tPA mRNA when compared to those from young individuals.7 The action of PA is involved in physiological and pathological mechanisms of periodontium, including host-microbiota interaction, PMN migration, and proliferation and migration of both epithelial cells and fibroblasts.51 Analysis of PA distribution in the periodontium showed that, in healthy periodontium, PA is expressed in the superficial cells of the junctional epithelium. However, in patients with periodontitis, PA is expressed in all the epithelium lining of the periodontal pocket. The alteration in the patterns of PA distribution, according to periodontal status, suggests that PA may be involved in periodontal homeostasis.52 The levels of tPA and the plasminogen activator inhibitor-2 (PAI-2) are
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greater in gingival crevicular fluid of patients with periodontitis than in periodontally healthy patients.53 Patients with high levels of alveolar bone loss presented higher levels of tPA and PAI-2 than those with low levels of alveolar bone loss. A greater release of PA induced by aging might affect GFs and the periodontal ligament, and aggravate the inflammatory process and the degradation of the extracellular matrix in periodontal tissues of the elderly people.7,47 Fibroblasts from older mice (20 months of age) were found to have a significant increase in synthesis of PGE2 and IL-1 when compared to the fibroblasts from young mice (6 weeks).48,54 An increase in the production of PGE2 and Cox-2 mRNA stimulated by LPS and mechanical stress, respectively, was also observed in periodontal ligament cells from elderly donors.55,56 PGE2 is produced by the metabolism of arachidonic acid through the cyclooxygenase (COX) pathway and has a recognized role in the inflammatory process, through vascular dilatation, increased vascular permeability, and stimulation of nociceptors by histamine and bradicinine. PGE2 may have an indirect effect on alveolar bone resorption by stimulation of osteoclasts by the action of other cytokines involved in this process.57 In patients with periodontitis, high levels of PGE2 were observed to be related to the severity of periodontal disease and the increase in alveolar bone loss.58,59 The greater production of PGE2 in periodontal ligament cells from older persons might account for the greater rate of alveolar bone resorption in elderly patients.48,60 In vitro studies54,60 have reported an increase in the synthesis of IL-1 and in the expression of IL-1 mRNA in fibroblasts from human elderly donors and in fibroblasts of old mice, stimulated by mechanical stress. Human GFs from elderly donors had a greater production of IL-6 by the stimulus of LPS from Campylobacter rectus when compared to young donors.49 IL-1 is the most active cytokine in the process of bone resorption, being 15 times more potent than IL-1 and 1,000 times more potent than

TNF- .61 Patients with severe periodontal disease (periodontal pocket 6 mm) were found to have a rate of IL-1 two times higher than that observed for patients with moderate ( 4 mm) and intermediate (46 mm) periodontal disease. Another study62 reported that patients with periodontal bone loss had more IL-1 in the gingival fluid when compared to periodontal patients without bone loss (p .0001). The levels of IL1 , IL-1 , plaque accumulation, gingival fluid, and gingival inflammation in young adults (2022 years old) and older adults (6165 years old) were compared in experimental periodontal disease. Levels of IL-1 in the gingival fluid were significantly higher in older adults, with a progressive increase until the 21st day of no oral hygiene, while levels of IL-1 were similar for both groups. In older adults, there was also an increase in plaque accumulation, gingival fluid, and clinical signs of inflammation.63 The pattern of IL-1 and IL-6 secretion in periodontal disease in menopausal women was analyzed.34 An analysis of the results showed that menopausal patients who were not taking hormones had higher rates of IL1 (p .0004) and IL-6 (p .05) than patients using hormone therapy. IL-6 has an important role in the osseous lyses in periodontitis. It stimulates the growth and proliferation of osteoclast precursors, and there is evidence that it is an extracellular messenger, signaling osteoblast resorption for the osteoclast.49 A greater concentration of IL-1 and IL-8 was also observed in patients with estrogen deficiency compared to untreated patients without estrogen deficiency.64 The hypothesis has been proposed48,54,60 that the greater liberation of IL-1 by periodontal ligament cells of older adults may represent an important factor for the greater rate of alveolar bone resorption in elderly patients.

Aging as a r isk factor for per iodontal disease

There are reasonable grounds to suspect that increasing age could be a potential

risk factor for periodontal disease. The age-related changes in the biochemical, immunological, and physiological processes of periodontal tissues discussed in this paper support this fact. Age is associated with some moderate loss of periodontal attachment and alveolar bone, but age alone in a healthy adult does not lead to a critical loss of periodontal support. Although moderate loss of alveolar bone and periodontal attachment is common in the elderly people, severe periodontitis is not a natural consequence of aging. Cross-sectional studies measuring disease experience demonstrated more attachment loss and alveolar bone loss among older age groups, since clinical attachment level and bone loss are irreversible measures of prior disease experience.3 Longitudinal studies65-67 addressing potential relationships between age and attachment loss or bone loss showed a statistically significant relationship between age and incidence of periodontal disease. However, this age-associated increase in risk may not be linear, since some studies68-72 show no significant differences within age groups above 65 years. A more important issue is the magnitude of any increase in risk, because the studies that demonstrate statistically significant associations do not necessarily indicate that this will lead to a serious clinical outcome for older adults.73 For example, a 28-year followup study66 reported an odds ratio of 10.4 for people aged 3650 years compared with people aged 515 years. While this result is comparable in magnitude with other clinically important risk factors (the smoking odds ratio in the same study was 14), it corresponds to a mean increase in clinical attachment level of only 1.34 mm over 28 years. This level of increased risk probably is not sufficient, alone, to cause tooth loss. Consequently, the most important clinical conclusion to draw from these longitudinal studies concerning the effects of aging is that although periodontal disease is timeassociated, and aging itself appears to be responsible for some attachment and bone loss, its magnitude level is unlikely to have a clinical significance.73

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The direct contact of the oral cavity with the external environment and risk factors make it difficult to distinguish between the effects caused by environmental factors and the effects of intrinsic aging.5 Although longitudinal studies showed moderate levels of attachment loss in a high percentage of middle-aged and elderly subjects, severe loss is confined to a minority. Approximately one-fifth of older patients have experienced more generalized severe loss. The rate is higher in the oldest subjects.73 Some loss of periodontal attachment and alveolar bone is often observed in elderly populations, but age alone in a healthy adult does not lead to a critical loss of periodontal support.3 Although periodontal disease is time-associated, and aging itself appears to be responsible for some attachment loss, it is of a magnitude that is unlikely to be of clinical significance.73 This fact is influenced by multiple factors that have been found to be associated with periodontal disease prevalence and incidence.69 However, the studies6,7,47,48 comparing the behavior of young, mature, and senescent periodontal cells have helped to understand the cellular and molecular pathogenesis of periodontal disease in the elderly patient. The reduction in proliferative and chemotaxis rates of the periodontal tissue cells is an intrinsic aging event that may influence the periodontal equilibrium.13,19,20 The increased responsiveness of periodontal ligament cells to bacterial stimulus (LPS) and mechanical stress resulting in the liberation of proinflammatory cytokines, AP 7 , PGE2, IL-1 , and IL-66,48 may be an important factor responsible for the exacerbated bone loss caused by periodontitis in the elderly patient. This higher secretion of cytokines and the increased amplitude of the inflammatory process in the periodontium caused by the heightened responsiveness of periodontal ligament cells in elderly patients might lead to a degradation of extracellular matrix and to resorption of alveolar bone. These factors, associated with an increase in PTH
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and a reduction in estrogen and serum calcium,34,35 may contribute to the diversity of stimuli for the demineralization/ mineralization and degeneration/repair process responsible for alveolar bone loss in patients who have periodontal disease. Further research involving the interaction of the immune system and periodontal tissue of the elderly people with the periodontopathic microbiota will certainly contribute to the elucidation of specific molecular mechanisms of periodontal disease in the elderly patient.



9. 10.

In conclusion, aging alone does not cause a significant loss of periodontal attachment in healthy elderly persons. The effects of human aging on periodontal tissues are based on biomolecular changes of the cells of periodontium that exacerbate bone loss in elderly patients with periodontitis. These effects may be associated with (1) alterations in differentiation and proliferation of osteoblasts and osteoclasts; (2) an increase in periodontal cell response to the oral microbiota and mechanical stress leading to the secretion of cytokines involved in osseous reabsorption; and (3) systemic endocrine alterations in elderly persons.




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