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new rules for startups. @maheshmurthy

Learnings from brands managed


Learnings from brands created


Geography is history

You can design your business to start from anywhere. Even Yeshwantpur.

The trend means the end.

Prepare to be a trend-setter, not a trend-follower. Toil a few years in anonymity till then.

30 25 20 15 10 5 0 A B C D E

80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 A B C D E

The winner takes it all.

No room for complacence. Be no.1 or no.2. Or dont bother. Big rewards for success.

Hard to enter a pre-existing sector.

Easier to create a new one.

Forget billion-dollar market size. Discover how big it is as you go along.

Biggest determinant of success is insane

customer delight and resulting word-of-mouth.

Will your friend rave about your product or service
to a stranger in a bar, unbidden?

Your marketing IQ needs to be inversely

proportional to your marketing budget

Are you remark-worthy to your TG?

If not, start again.




Digital is not just cheaper than TV as a

marketing medium. Its bigger.

Can you get digital word-of-mouth working?
Facebook = 2.5 X IPL match, Google = 15 x ToI

Dont think just 360. Think 360 by 365

Its not just about talking.

But listening, responding, analysing, then talking. Do so 24 by 7. Restructure.

Most important technical skill you need:

recruitment & retention.

Have charisma & vision to recruit for less or free? Can you stave off market salaries?


Worlds most successful VCs: customers

Vast majority of Indian and global Fortune 500 never

got VC money to start. Were the second-best option.


Before getting a VC in, think about

getting them out.

Can you IPO? Really?
Can you be acquired? Do you want to?


Forget about team. Here it starts with

one person.
VCs may parrot the Silicon Valley line. But its
different here. Ones a good start.


Hereditary brilliance isnt bankable.

Institutionalised brilliance is.

Can your firm survive without you?

Do you get richer over the weekend?



Be eco-friendly with money. Break

even by burning as little as possible.

Downturns can happen at any time. Survival is
80% of winning.


The pot of gold is the rainbow.

The payout is an awesome life.

Nobody dies of entrepreneurship.

Its the best kind of life there is.


Thanks, Im

+91 98922 49969

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