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Leadershlp sLyles uslng Lhe rlghL one for your slLuaLlon

lrom MahaLma Candhl Lo !ack Welch and MarLln LuLher klng Lo 8udolph Clullanl Lhere are as many leadershlp sLyles as
Lhere are leaders lorLunaLely buslness people and psychologlsLs have developed useful shorLhand ways of descrlblng Lhe
maln leadershlp sLyles 1hls can help asplrlng leaders Lo undersLand and adapL Lhelr own sLyles so LhaL Lhey can lmprove
Lhelr own leadershlp WheLher you are managlng a Leam aL work capLalnlng your sporLs Leam or leadlng a ma[or
corporaLlon your leadershlp sLyle ls cruclal Lo your success Consclously or subconsclously you wlll no doubL use some of
Lhe leadershlp sLyles feaLured aL leasL some of Lhe Llme 8y undersLandlng Lhese leadershlp sLyles and Lhelr lmpacL you
can become a more flexlble beLLer leader

undersLandlng Leadershlp SLyles
1he leadershlp sLyles we look aL here are
- AuLocraLlc leadershlp
- 8ureaucraLlc leadershlp
- CharlsmaLlc leadershlp
- uemocraLlc leadershlp/parLlclpaLlve leadershlp
- Lalssezfalre leadershlp
- eopleorlenLed leadershlp/relaLlonsorlenLed leadershlp
- ServanL leadershlp
- 1askorlenLed leadershlp
- 1ransacLlonal leadershlp
- 1ransformaLlonal leadershlp

AuLocraLlc Leadershlp
AuLocraLlc leadershlp ls an exLreme form of LransacLlonal leadershlp where a leader exerLs hlgh levels of power over hls or
her employees or Leam members eople wlLhln Lhe Leam are glven few opporLunlLles for maklng suggesLlons even lf
Lhese would be ln Lhe Leams or organlzaLlon's lnLeresL MosL people Lend Lo resenL belng LreaLed llke Lhls 8ecause of Lhls
auLocraLlc leadershlp usually leads Lo hlgh levels of absenLeelsm and sLaff Lurnover Also Lhe Leams ouLpuL does noL
beneflL from Lhe creaLlvlLy and experlence of all Leam members so many of Lhe beneflLs of Leamwork are losL lor some
rouLlne and unskllled [obs however Lhls sLyle can remaln effecLlve where Lhe advanLages of conLrol ouLwelgh Lhe

8ureaucraLlc Leadershlp
8ureaucraLlc leaders work by Lhe book" ensurlng LhaL Lhelr sLaff follow procedures exacLly 1hls ls a
very approprlaLe sLyle for work lnvolvlng serlous safeLy rlsks (such as worklng wlLh machlnery wlLh Loxlc
subsLances or aL helghLs) or where large sums of money are lnvolved (such as cashhandllng)ln oLher
slLuaLlons Lhe lnflexlblllLy and hlgh levels of conLrol exerLed can demorallze sLaff and can dlmlnlsh Lhe
organlzaLlons ablllLy Lo reacL Lo changlng exLernal clrcumsLances
CharlsmaLlc Leadershlp
A charlsmaLlc leadershlp sLyle can appear slmllar Lo a LransformaLlonalleadershlp sLyle ln LhaL Lhe
leader ln[ecLs huge doses of enLhuslasm lnLo hls or her Leam and ls very energeLlc ln drlvlng oLhers
forwardPowever a charlsmaLlc leader can Lend Lo belleve more ln hlm or herself Lhanln Lhelr Leam
1hls can creaLe a rlsk LhaL a pro[ecL or even an enLlreorganlzaLlon mlghL collapse lf Lhe leader were Lo
leave ln Lhe eyes of Lhelr followers success ls Lled up wlLh Lhe presence of Lhe charlsmaLlc leader
Assuch charlsmaLlc leadershlp carrles greaL responslblllLy and needs longLermcommlLmenL from Lhe
uemocraLlc Leadershlp or arLlclpaLlve Leadershlp
AlLhough a democraLlc leader wlll make Lhe flnal declslon he or she lnvlLesoLher members of Lhe Leam
Lo conLrlbuLe Lo Lhe declslonmaklng process 1hlsnoL only lncreases [ob saLlsfacLlon by lnvolvlng
employees or Leam members lnwhaL's golng on buL lL also helps Lo develop people's skllls Lmployees
andLeam members feel ln conLrol of Lhelr own desLlny and so are moLlvaLed Lo workhard by more Lhan
[usL a flnanclal rewardAs parLlclpaLlon Lakes Llme Lhls sLyle can lead Lo Lhlngs happenlng more
slowlyLhan an auLocraLlc approach buL ofLen Lhe end resulL ls beLLer lL can be mosLsulLable where
Leam worklng ls essenLlal and quallLy ls more lmporLanL Lhanspeed Lo markeL or producLlvlLy
Lalssezlalre Leadershlp
1hls lrench phrase means leave lL be" and ls used Lo descrlbe a leader wholeaves hls or her colleagues
Lo geL on wlLh Lhelr work lL can be effecLlve lf Lheleader monlLors whaL ls belng achleved and
communlcaLes Lhls back Lo hls or her Leam regularly MosL ofLen lalssezfalre leadershlp works for
Leams lnwhlch Lhe lndlvlduals are very experlenced and skllled selfsLarLersunforLunaLely lL can also
refer Lo slLuaLlons where managers are noL exerLlngsufflclenL conLrol
eopleCrlenLed Leadershlp or 8elaLlonsCrlenLed Leadershlp

1hls sLyle of leadershlp ls Lhe opposlLe of LaskorlenLedleadershlp Lhe leader lsLoLally focused on
organlzlng supporLlng and developlng Lhe people ln Lheleader's Leam A parLlclpaLlve sLyle lL Lends Lo
lead Lo good Leamwork andcreaLlve collaboraLlon Powever Laken Lo exLremes lL can lead Lo fallure
Loachleve Lhe Leams goalsln pracLlce mosL leaders use boLh LaskorlenLed and peopleorlenLed sLyles
of leadershlp
ServanL Leadershlp
1hls Lerm colned by 8oberL Creenleaf ln Lhe 1970s descrlbes a leader who lsofLen noL formally
recognlzed as such When someone aL any level wlLhln anorganlzaLlon leads slmply by vlrLue of
meeLlng Lhe needs of hls or her Leam heor she ls descrlbed as a servanL leader"ln many ways servanL
leadershlp ls a form of democraLlc leadershlp as Lhewhole Leam Lends Lo be lnvolved ln declslon
maklngSupporLers of Lhe servanL leadershlp model suggesL lL ls an lmporLanL wayahead ln a world
where values are lncreaslngly lmporLanL ln whlch servanLleaders achleve power on Lhe basls of Lhelr
values and ldeals CLhers belleveLhaL ln compeLlLlve leadershlp slLuaLlons people pracLlclng servanL
leadershlpwlll ofLen flnd Lhemselves lefL behlnd by leaders uslng oLher leadershlp sLyles
1askCrlenLed Leadershlp
A hlghly LaskorlenLed leader focuses only on geLLlng Lhe [ob done and can bequlLe auLocraLlc Pe or
she wlll acLlvely deflne Lhe work and Lheroles requlredpuL sLrucLures ln place plan organlze and
monlLor Powever as LaskorlenLedleaders spare llLLle LhoughL for Lhe wellbelng of Lhelr Leams Lhls
approach cansuffer many of Lhe flaws of auLocraLlc leadershlp wlLh dlfflculLles ln moLlvaLlngand
reLalnlng sLaff 1askorlenLed leaders can beneflL from an undersLandlng of Lhe 8lakeMouLon
Managerlal Crld whlch can help Lhem ldenLlfy speclflc areasfor developmenL LhaL wlll help Lhem lnvolve
people more
1ransacLlonal Leadershlp
1hls sLyle of leadershlp sLarLs wlLh Lhe premlse LhaL Leam members agree Loobey Lhelr leader LoLally
when Lhey Lake a [ob on Lhe LransacLlon" ls (usually)LhaL Lhe organlzaLlon pays Lhe Leam members ln
reLurn for Lhelr efforL andcompllance As such Lhe leader has Lhe rlghL Lo punlsh" Leam members lf
Lhelr work doesn'L meeL Lhe predeLermlned sLandard1eam members can do llLLle Lo lmprove Lhelr [ob
saLlsfacLlon under LransacLlonalleadershlp 1he leader could glve Leam members some conLrol of Lhelr
lncome/reward by uslng lncenLlves LhaL encourage even hlgher sLandards or greaLer producLlvlLy
AlLernaLlvely a LransacLlonal leader could pracLlce managemenL by excepLlon" whereby raLher Lhan
rewardlng beLLer work he or she would Lake correcLlve acLlon lf Lhe requlred sLandards were noL
meL1ransacLlonal leadershlp ls really [usL a way of managlng raLher a Lrueleadershlp sLyle as Lhe focus
ls on shorLLerm Lasks lL has serlous llmlLaLlonsfor knowledgebased or creaLlve work buL remalns a
common sLyle ln manyorganlzaLlons
1ransformaLlonal Leadershlp
A person wlLh Lhls leadershlp sLyle ls a Lrue leader who lnsplres hls or her LeamwlLh a shared vlslon of
Lhe fuLure 1ransformaLlonal leaders are hlghly vlslbleand spend a loL of Llme communlcaLlng 1hey
don'L necessarlly lead from LhefronL as Lhey Lend Lo delegaLe responslblllLy amongsL Lhelr Leams Whlle
Lhelr enLhuslasm ls ofLen lnfecLlous Lhey can need Lo be supporLed by deLallpeople"ln many
organlzaLlons boLh LransacLlonal and LransformaLlonal leadershlp areneeded 1he LransacLlonal leaders
(or managers) ensure LhaL rouLlne work lsdone rellably whlle Lhe LransformaLlonal leaders look afLer
lnlLlaLlves LhaL addvalue1he LransformaLlonal leadershlp sLyle ls Lhe domlnanL leadershlp sLyle LaughL
lnLhe Pow Lo Lead ulscover Lhe Leader WlLhln ?ou leadershlp programalLhough we do recommend
LhaL oLher sLyles are broughL as Lhe slLuaLlondemands
uslng Lhe 8lghL SLyle SlLuaLlonal Leadershlp
Whlle Lhe 1ransformaLlon Leadershlp approach ls ofLen hlghly effecLlve Lhere lsno one rlghL" way Lo
lead or manage LhaL sulLs all slLuaLlons 1o choose LhemosL effecLlve approach for you you musL
- 1he sklll levels and experlence of Lhe members of your Leam
- 1he work lnvolved (rouLlne or new and creaLlve)
- 1he organlzaLlonal envlronmenL (sLable or radlcally changlngconservaLlve or advenLurous)
- ?ou own preferred or naLural sLyle A good leader wlll flnd hlm or herself swlLchlng lnsLlncLlvely
beLween sLyles accordlng Lo Lhe people and work Lhey are deallng wlLh 1hls ls ofLen referred Loas
slLuaLlonal leadershlp" lor example Lhe manager of a small facLory Lralns new machlne operaLlves
uslng a bureaucraLlc sLyle Lo ensure operaLlves know Lhe procedures LhaL achleve Lhe rlghL sLandards of
producL quallLy and workplace safeLy 1he same manager may adopL a more parLlclpaLlve sLyle of
leadershlp when worklng on producLlon llne lmprovemenL wlLh hls or her Leam of supervlsors

Leadersh|p |s the |n|t|at|on of act|on to so|ve prob|em
Leadersh|p |s d|rect|ng or contro|||ng the act|v|ty of a group
Leadersh|p |s |nf|uenc|ng the act|v|t|es of group as |t moves toward |ts goa|s
Leadersh|p |s power 8ut power |s not necessar||y |eadersh|p
/eodership is power thot qrows out of persono/ chorocteristics such os chorismo expertiseond
interpersono/ ski//s


8aslc of Lhls ldea ls LhaL leader should effecLlvely relaLe hlm Lo oLhers ln organlsaLlon she musL
creaLe a valuebased aLLlLude ln Lhe organlzaLlonal seLup Leader wlLhln an organlsaLlon can have
lmpacL on company norms value developmenL so Lhe aLLlLude and value developmenL of Lhe leader ls
conLlngenL upon Lhe aLLlLudes and values of leader
1he confounder of l8M compuLers Cov CersLner ls Lhe example of glvlng value based sLaLemenL Lo hls
followers and demonsLraLlng Lhese values Lhrough hls aLLlLude and behavlour he sald

l wanL Lo manage Lhe organlsaLlon by prlnclples raLher Lhan by procedures rlnclples refer Lo values
seL for organlsaLlon whereas Lhe procedure ls code of conducL or manual for Lhe organlsaLlon lL lmplles
LhaL ls any new slLuaLlon one should noL see Lhe rules raLher one should see Lo mlnd and hearL and
declde aL Lhe nlck of Lhe Llme Lo hlm Lhe corporaLe culLure has Lo be bullL around expecLaLlons of
performance raLher Lhan value of behavlour"

CersLner frequenLly meL hls employees and colleagues he used Lo dlscuss Lhe problems lssues and
asplraLlons Pe was lnlLlaLlng values envlronmenL Lhe organlsaLlon by leLLlng oLhers Lo express Lhelr
oplnlons ln Lhe lmprovemenL of Lhe organlzaLlonal seL up As an l8M execuLlve he sald LhaL Lhere are a
loL of expecLaLlon of people Lo have vlslon of l8M he sald lLs vlslon should be a serles of Lough mlnded
markeL orlenLed hlghly effecLlve sLraLegles ln each of lLs buslness
ln Lhls respecL lL ls belleved LhaL leader ln any organlsaLlon need Lo be more senslLlve abouL hls own
lmpacL ln Lhe organlsaLlon
Leader musL bulld Lhe envlronmenL of credlblllLy 1he focus of leader should be lmprovemenL of LoLal
human envlronmenL of Lhe organlsaLlon so lL ls deep lmporLanL lf Lhe human condlLlons of Lhe
organlzaLlon are lmproved Lhe economlc plcLure of organlsaLlon auLomaLlcally wlll be lmproved
lnLroduclng a model and exempllfylng Lhrough hls /her behavlour norms and values Lhe leader
ls bulldlng norms and values for Lhe whole organlsaLlon
llrsL of all he does Lhe Lask Lhen oLher followers wlll do LhaL Lask wllllngly Leadershlp ln many case ls
called as learned behavlour as lL ls an ongolng process leadershlp skllls are shaped Lhrough Lhe
feedback and ouLcomes Lhe prlmary [ob of organlzaLlonal leader ls Lo bulld relaLlonshlp wlLh co
workers managers cusLomers shareholders dlsLrlbuLors supplles eLc
lL ls belleved LhaL Lhls relaLlonshlp bulldlng and efforL lnculcaLe norms and values ln employees 's
lnLernally whlch ln Lurn resulL moLlvaLed and delegaLed employees 1o bulld effecLlve leadershlp leader
need Lo culLlvaLe cerLaln characLerlsLlcs and aLLrlbuLes
r L ||sten|ng act|ve|y

r L empathet|c

r A att|tude |s +t|ve

r D de||vers comm|tments and prom|ses

r k recogn|zes h|s and others ab|||t|es

r S sens|t|v|ty to other 's needs va|ues and be||ef system

Leader should bullL personal relaLlonshlp should know Lhe personal goals of each group member Pe
should demonsLraLe senslLlvlLy Lo each member of Lhe group She should allow Lhe members Lo resolve
Lhelr confllcLs ln amlcable way Pe should use Lhe sharlng approach and should be able Lo reclprocaLe
Lwo way process of communlcaLlon
Leader should llnk lnLernal culLure wlLh exLernal performance Leaders musL moLlvaLe Lhelr employees
ln Lhe group Lask or acLlvlLles and wlLh Lhe greaLer sense of lnvolvemenL
1hose leaders who have lncluded value based and norms ln Lhe organlzaLlon lnfacL Lhey have replaced
Lhe beaurocraLlc
Leadershlp ls where an lndlvldual ls Lhe 'hero' Lhe flrsL Lo Lake acLlon and Lhe one Lo Lake Lhe rlsks 1he
leader has vlslon drlve and enLhuslasm Lhey are acLlve ln mosL Lasks
r ManagemenL ls where someone has ulLlmaLe auLhorlLy and responslblllLy for Lhe Lask buL ls
noL necessarlly Lhe person dolng Lhe Lask Lhey dlsLrlbuLe Lhe Lask Lo oLhers ln Lhe Leam and acL
as advlsor and faclllLaLor
r Cood managers are someLlmes leaders good leaders are someLlmes managers 1he dlsLlncLlon
ls prlmarlly beLween acLlon and enabllng



r lnnovaLes
r Crlglnal
r uevelops
r locus on people
r lnsplres LrusL
r SLraLeglc long Lerm
r Asks whaL why
r Challenges sLaLus quo
r uoes rlghL Lhlng


r AdmlnlsLers
r ConvenLlonal
r MalnLalns
r locus on sysLems
r 8elles on conLrol
r 1acLlcal shorLer Lerm
r Asks how when
r Works wlLh whaL ls
r uoes Lhlngs rlghL
r LsLabllshes dlrecLlon
r Allgns people
r MoLlvaLes and lnsplres
r CreaLes change
r losLers learnlng
r 8ullds self esLeem
r Models openness and self
r Works Lowards goal(s)
r Allgns resources
r MalnLalns moLlvaLlon
r Makes change happen
r uevelops skllls
r rovldes feedback
r 8evlews and monlLors

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