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Great kobert Irost oems

What is the literal, not symbolic, theme oI "AIter Apple Picking"?

swer Sleep Lhe narraLor menLlons sleep several Llmes LhroughouL Lhe poem and mosL
readers feel LhaL lrosL uses sleep as a meLaphor for deaLh
ow blg are Lhe blueberrles ln Lhe apLly LlLled 8lueberrles?
Answer: As big as the end oI your thumb
Many oI Frost's poems contained vivid imagery oI nature, both benevolent and violent.
3 In "Mending Wall," when do the narrator and his neighbor Iind and repair the
breaks in the Ience?
Answer: Spring the narrator doesn't understand why nature hates the wall, but every spring, he
and his neighbor repair the Ience between them once again.
4 In "Home Burial," how many headstones in the Iamily graveyard are visible Irom
the window?
Answer: Four Three gravestones are oI slate, and one is oI marble (lines 24-27).
5 Which Robert Frost poem is NOT a sonnet?
Answer: Stopping By Woods on a Snowy Evening
"Stopping By Woods on a Snowy Evening" has 16 lines; thereIore, it is not a sonnet.
6 In "Nothing Gold Can Stay," what is nature's early leaI?
Answer: A Ilower Although nature's Iirst leaI is a Ilower, it only lasts an hour.
7 In "The Runaway," what runaway does the narrator Iind?
Answer: A colt
The little colt ran away in the wintertime. The narrator wonders iI the colt is aIraid oI the snow.
8 What is the last word oI "Fire and Ice"?
Answer: SuIIice The narrator believes that either
way would be an acceptable way to end the world, but he "holds with those who Iavor Iire."
9 In "Out, Out--," what state is mentioned?
Answer: Vermont
The narrator states that the sun sets behind Iive mountain ranges, Iar into Vermont.
What type oI wood does the narrator Iind neatly stacked in "The Wood-Pile"?
Answer: Maple The
neat pile oI wood is obviously old, and the narrator is perplexed as to who leIt it there to decay.

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