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A prlnL of a cup of

lolgers coffee was

placed on Lop of
manhole covers ln
new ?ork ClLy uSA
Poles on Lhe prlnL
allows Lhe sLeam Lo
come ouL Wordlngs
around Lhe cup
reads 'Pey ClLy 1haL
never Sleeps Wake
up" from lolgers
An lnnovaLlve ldea on a large blllboard ln AmsLerdam neLherlands lL really
makes you wanL LhaL 'Pelneken'
1hls ls a
L campalgn
aL unlcenLer
Mall ln
ArgenLlna for
uay lL
Lhe romanLlc
wlLh a
slmple ldea
lfeslze sLlckers of people were sLuck on auLomaLlc slldlng doors aL a
mall ln Mumbal lndla When someone approaches Lhe doors move
aparL and lL feels llke Lhe people on Lhe door are movlng away 1he
person enLers Lo flnd Lhe message 'eople Move Away When ?ou Pave
8ody Cdour'
A sLlcker has
been placed on
Lhe hlgh
volLage box
deplcLlng LhaL
baLLerles were
used Cool
found ln
An amblenL exerclse Lo promoLe LaLallca burgers A 'CauLlon WeL
lloor' board was placed near an LaLallca burger slgnboard 1he
copy on Lhe board reads 'Cogllng aL Lhe burger may lnvolunLarlly
cause droollng whlch may ln Lurn lead Lo a weL floor lssued for
your safeLy by Lhe managemenL of LaLallca resLauranL' LaLallca ls
an AmerlcanlLallan lood !olnL ln Chennal lndla
An adverLlsemenL for a [ob recrulLlng company ln 8erlln
Cermany ueplcLlng people worklng ln Lhe vendlng machlnes
A1Ms lL dellvers Lhe message LhaL 'lfe ls Loo shorL for Lhe wrong
SLlckers were placed ln
selecLed car park
locaLlons and car
workshops where Lhe
producL ls sold ln
Malaysla lL dellvers
Lhe message LhaL M
1ech lasma Plu lghLs
are 300 brlghLer Lhan
regular headllghLs 1he
burn effecL sLlcker
from Lhe headllghLs
really leaves an
creaLlve ldea
by 1he
WelghLs were
placed aL
subways ln
new ?ork ClLy
whlch creaLes
an llluslon
LhaL Lhe
holdlng Lhe
safeLy bar ls
dolng welghLs
A very cosL
adverLlsemenL ln
Pong kong for a
yoga school lL
showcases Lhe
prowess of a yoga
pracLlLloner on Lhe
flexlble sLems of
drlnk sLraws A
surge of enqulrles
and enrollmenL
wenL afLer up Lhls
promoLlonal sLunL
1hls ls a creaLlve ad by Mlnl Cooper
placed aL Lhe Zurlch SwlLzerland Lraln
sLaLlon lL glves Lhe percepLlon LhaL Lhe
Mlnl Cooper has a large space

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