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I|nd|ngs from the ma|n textbook

Strateg|c Management
I|nd|ngs from the add|t|ona| textbook
8anker to the oor
Innovation reIers to the act oI creating
new processes or products. In the long
run, it is the most important building
blocks oI competitive advantage.
I was not an agronomist. But I made it my business to
Iind out how to grow more in each cycle.
I kept looking Ior new ways Ior the university to
make a diIIerence in the community.
I sat down with my students and explained how
important it was to replace the low yielding local
variety oI rice with a high-yielding variety developed
in the Philippines. We sat down with the Iarmers to
tell them how important this was Ior them. My
interests and concerns Ior local Iarming were entirely

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