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C8ILC1IVLS a 1o deLermlne lndlvldual pace facLor
b 1o measure dlsLance by paclng

A INS1kUMLN1S ACCLSSCkILS 8ange oles SLeel 1ape Markers (hubs palnL chalk or crayons)
ueLermlnlng ace lacLor
a SelecL a sLralghL and level course and on boLh ends esLabllsh markers aL leasL 90 meLers aparL
ueslgnaLe Lhese end polnLs as A and 8
b Walk over Lhe course aL a naLural pace or galL sLarLlng wlLh elLher heel or Loe over polnL A and counL
Lhe number of paces Lo reach polnL 8
c lor succeedlng Lrlals walk from 8 Lo A Lhen A Lo 8 unLll 3 Lrlals are compleLed and Lhe number of
paces recorded accordlngly
d 8efer Lo Lhe accompanylng sample formaL for Lhe recordlng of observed fleld daLa
18lAL LlnL 1ALu
nuM8L8 Cl
nC Cl
2 8A
3 A8
4 8A
3 A8

2 Measurlng ulsLance by aclng
a ueflne or esLabllsh Lhe end polnLs of anoLher level course whose lengLh ls Lo be deLermlned by
paclng ueslgnaLe Lhese end polnLs as C and u
b lor Lhe flrsL Lrlal walk over Lhe course from C Lo u aL a naLural pace and record Lhe number of
paces 1hen walk from u Lo C and agaln record Lhe number of paces
c 8epeaL Lhe above procedure unLll all flve Lrlals are compleLed
d AfLer Lhe fleld daLa ls recorded make an acLual Laplng of Lhe course Cu Lo deLermlne Lhe Laped
e 8efer Lo Lhe accompanylng sample formaL for Lhe recordlng of observed fleld daLa
18lAL LlnL nCCl
8LLA1lvL 8LClSlCn
2 uC
3 Cu
4 uC
3 Cu

CompuLlng lace lacLor (l)
a CeL Lhe sum of Lhe number of paces for Lhe flve Lrlals performed on course A8 Lhen compuLe Lhe
mean number paces
b ulvlde Lhe known or Laped lengLh of course A8 by Lhe mean number of pace for A8 Lo deLermlne Lhe
pace facLor
2 CompuLlng aced ulsLance (u)
a CeL Lhe sum of Lhe number of paces for Lhe flve Lrlals performed on course Cu Lhen compuLe Lhe
mean number paces
b MulLlply Lhe mean number of paces for Cu by Lhe pace facLor Lo obLaln Lhe paced dlsLance
3 CompuLlng 8elaLlve reclslon (8)
a ueLermlne Lhe dlfference beLween Lhe Laped dlsLance of Cu and Lhe paced dlsLance of Cu
b ulvlde Lhe dlfference by Lhe Laped dlsLance of Cu and reduce Lhe numeraLor Lo unlLy Lo deLermlne
Lhe relaLlve preclslon

1he ends of Lhe asslgned courses should be marked wlLh elLher hubs marklng plns or by chalk marks lf on
2 8ange oles are seL or held behlnd Lhe end polnLs Lo serve as guldes or markers durlng acLual paclng
3 A sLeel Lape should be used ln laylng ouL or ln measurlng Lhe acLual lengLhs of courses asslgned for paclng
4 When Laplng Lwo measuremenLs should be made for any llne and Lhe mean recorded as lLs acLual lengLh
3 1he lengLh of a slngle sLep ls Lermed a pace lL may be measured from heel Lo heel or from Loe Lo Loe Also
each Lwo paces or a double sLep ls called a sLrlde
6 aclng conslsLs of counLlng Lhe number of sLeps ln a requlred dlsLance and ls besL done by walklng wlLh
naLural sLeps
7 aclng ls used only when approxlmaLe resulLs are saLlsfacLory such as for esLlmaLlng dlsLance used for
skeLchlng and ln reconnalssance surveys aclng ls also used as a means of checklng dlsLances measured by
more accuraLe meLhods
8 1o keep one on Lhe llne whlle paclng lL ls a good pracLlce Lo flx one's eyes on a dlsLanL ob[ecL on Lhe range
behlnd Lhe pole aL Lhe farLher end of Lhe llne belng paced
9 A parLlal pace aL Lhe end of Lhe llne should be flgured ouL Lo Lhe nearesL onefourLh pace
0 1he accepLed preclslon for measurlng dlsLance by paclng usually varles from /200 Lo /300
8e[ecL measuremenLs LhaL vary from Lhe mean by more Lhan Lhree percenL
2 lf Lhe compuLed relaLlve preclslon of Lhe seL of measuremenLs ld greaLer Lhan one parL ln Lwo hundred Lhe
measuremenL should be repeaLed

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