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Nama : Muh Rofik No : 13 Kelas : XI IPA 2

Assalamualaikum Wr.Wb. Thanks for all occation that you have given to me,so I can stand here in front all of you. Firstly,lets say alhamdullilah,because in this time we given a chance to gathering here without any problems. In this occation ,Id like to tell you some story of the Teracces of Borobudur Temple. As reflection of budha Mahayana,Borobudur Simbolizes the ten steps or Dacabumi that one must pass to reach Budhahood. As a unity,those ten step are represented by three stage. The first stage is Kamadhatu. This is the part in wich basic decires predominate over men.This stege can not be is covered by heavy wall of stone.As a result,the reliefs that depict sceane of Karwawibangga are arso covered.The reason of this concealment is stil unkwown.However,there are two theories that have developed about the origin of this additional wall.One theory is of a construction nature.The other theory favour religious interpretation. The second stage is consist Of four galleries.this is the stage in which basic decires are conguerable and noble tendensis start to emerge.However,men are still effected by tipical characteristics and of human being.Rupadatu is the sphere of form. The thirt stage is Arupadhatu.It consist of three circle terraces.This is the stage of the spiritual world.It is completely devoid of lust,desire,and form.Tha Arupathu has a transitin areawhich is a square shaped plain.There is a huge as the primary stupa or the pick of the Borobudur temple. The mystery,the philosophy,and the architecture of Borobudur are the charm that attact many people to visit. I think it is enough,I hope you can take some knowledge from it,if there any mistake,from my decpest heart,please forgive me,finally. Wassalamualaikum Wr.Wb.

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