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A BRIEF INTRODUCTION TO NEW TESTAMENT GREEK WITH VOCABULARIES AND EXERCISES BY ~ SAMUEL G. GREEN, B.A., D.D. Ka SEVENTH IMPRESSION, 913 KEY TO THE EXERCISES BY SAMUEL W. GREEN, M.A. Revised Edition 1912 This book was published before 123 A.D. and iS therefore in the public donain in the United States of Anerica. Please check your own national copyright Laws. This digital edition was created by Robbie Janes Losee Specifically for release into the public donain. Distribution by any means, electronic or otherwise, is strongly encouraged! You nay use this book however you like - you have ny full pernission. May it ever be our goal to more fully understand the Word of our Lord, without which there would surely be »o hope for the human race. A BRIEF INTRODUCTION TO NEW TESTAMENT GREEK WITH VOCABULARIES AND EXERCISES BY THE LATE SAMUEL G. GREEN, B.A., D.D. Author of Handbook to the Grammar of the Greek Testament? ‘ Handbook to Old Testament Hebrew, etc. SEVENTH IMPRESSION, Tendon THE RELIGIOUS TRACT SOCIETY 4 Bouverre STREET AND 65 Sr. Pavi’s CHURCHYARD Tgt3 5, ed THE request has frequently been made by teachers and students who have used the author’s Handbook to the Grammar of the Greek Testament for a Primer or Sum- mary which might serve as an introduction to the larger work, and as an easy help to beginners in the language. The following pages are designed to meet the demand. The Primer contains an outline of the Grammar, both in Etymology and Syntax, sufficient for the earlier stages of the study, with graduated Exercises from the hegin- ning, and the needful Vocabularies. The rules of Syntax are given, for the most part, as they are wanted for the Exercises ; and the most important of them are sum- marised in order at the close of the book. It is recommended that, as each section is mastered, the Exercises should be carefully written, and the accom- panying Vocabulary committed to memory. For the most part, a Greek word once given is omitted in the succeeding Vocabularies; while at the end a general Vocabulary to all the Exercises, Greek-English and Eng- lish-Greek, is given. References, where it seemed neces- sary, are made throughout to the further explanations of the Handbook, the study of which, especially in the Syntax, should follow the use of this Primer. The examples in the Exercises are mostly taken from the Gospel of St. Luke and the Epistle to the Philippians, in order to concentrate the learner's first Greek Testa- ment studies on specific portions of the sacred book, It is recommended that this Gospel and Epistle should first be read, after the Primer has been mastered. 3

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