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Key words
Islam –submission
Muslim – one who submits
Koran – written words of God
Hadith – record of the life of Muhammad

Muhammad – last and greatest prophet of Islam who restored the faith of Abraham and

5 pillars
Shahada (Muslim creed) there is no God but God and Muhammad is his prophet
Hajj (pilgrimage) – Muslims make a concerted attempt to visit Mecca sometime in their
Zakah- giving of alms
Salah – prayer 5 times daily
Sawn fasting during the month of Ramadan

Haram- Serious offense, includes some sexual crimes like adultery (sex with someone
other than your wife) and fornication (sex outside of marriage) but also theft and robbery

Sharia Law- Civil code developed to govern Islamic societies

Paradise- at the end of life there is a period of judgment where the amount of good you
do is weighed against the amount of bad you do. Those who do more good than bad will
enter paradise but the final judgment is God’s

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