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1hlerry Slgne

!eanneLLe novakovlch
AsslgnmenL #3
WhlLe aper
Montrea| Needs a New 8r|dge
CrlLlcal componenLs of MonLreal's Champlaln 8rldge are nearlng Lhe end of Lhelr useable llfe cycle
uecades of road salL have weakened presLressed concreLe plllars and abuLmenLs 1he cracks ln concreLe
sLrucLures are causlng a cacophony of publlc ouLcry
MonLreal we have a problem
MonLreal ls a young clLy compared Lo slmllarlyslzed Luropean clLles AlLhough lL was founded ln 1642 lL
Look nearly anoLher Lwo hundred years for MonLreal Lo be lncorporaLed as a clLy ln 1832 (1) 1he 1967
World lalr commonly referred Lo as Lxpo 67 caLapulLed Lhe clLy lnLo modernlLy 1he rapld consLrucLlon
boom wlll have drasLlc repercusslons 40 years laLer
CuL wlLh old ln wlLh Lhe new
1he Champlaln 8rldge was compleLed ln 1962 lL currenLly has 10 years lefL ln lLs usable llfe cycle (2)
Meanlng afLer 60 years of operaLlon lL wlll be deemed unsafe for moLorlsLs desplLe a 100 year llfespan
deslgn lL ls lmperaLlve a new brldge be bullL wlLhouL delay ConsLrucLlon of a replacemenL sLrucLure ls
esLlmaLed Lo lasL 10 years Lylng nlcely Lo Lhe end of Lhe currenL brldge's llfe cycle AnoLher elemenL
addlng Lo Lhe perfecL Llmlng ls Lhe redeslgn of Lhe 1urcoL lnLerchange a dlrecL llnk Lo hlghways 13 20
and 40 locaLed Lhree kllomeLres norLh Seamless lnLegraLlon wlll be easler Lo achleve as a slngle large

I|gure 1 Ma|ntenance of Champ|a|n 8r|dge p|||ars
Source wwwf||ckrcom
I|gure 2 Worker on Champ|a|n 8r|dge
Source wwwf||ckrcom
1hlerry Slgne
keeplng Lhe currenL Champlaln 8rldge ln operaLlon enLalls cosLs esLlmaLed beLween 1823 mllllon dollars
annually (3) ln order Lo keep Lhe currenL brldge ln operaLlon for 30 years Lhe llfe cycle cosLs are
ldenLlcal Lo malnLalnlng lL ln servlce for Lhe nexL 13 years and bulldlng a replacemenL brldge ln 2020 1he
advanLage a new brldge brlngs ls LhaL lLs rlsks Lo publlc safeLy and securlLy are lower Lhan Lhe rlsks
assoclaLed wlLh Lhe currenL brldge
A beLLer mouseLrap
8aLher Lhan anoLher brldge Lhere are suggesLlons Lo bulld anoLher Lunnel slmllar Lo Lhe Louls
PlppolyLeLa lonLalne unforLunaLely Lhe cosLs are hlgher Lo bulld a Lunnel as well as Lhe planned
malnLenance uependlng on Lhe consLrucLlon meLhod chosen LwlnLube or quadLube underwaLer
versus underground cosLs are esLlmaLed beLween $13703780 mllllon compared Lo Lhe $830910
mllllon requlred for a new brldge (4)
1here ls also anoLher lssue aL hand lf Lhere are Lwo Lunnels llnklng Lhe souLh shore Lhere wlll only be
Lwo brldges remalnlng LhaL can welcome exploslve radloacLlve Loxlc or oLher dangerous maLerlals
1hey are Lhe Mercler 8rldge and Lhe !acquesCarLler 8rldge 1he vlcLorla 8rldge belongs Lo Lhe Canadlan
naLlonal 8allway and allows cars Lo Lravel on parallel spans buL Lhose spans and Lhe approaches are noL
deslgned for large vehlcles Lhus cannoL be lncluded as a vlable soluLlon
1o avold Lhe rlsk of sLrucLural collapse none of Lhe prevlously menLloned maLerlals are ever allowed Lo
be LransporLed vla Lunnel (3) Lven less so lf lL passes under waLer lmaglne Lhe unLhlnkable happenlng
Lhe rlsks assoclaLed wlLh drownlng hundreds of moLorlsLs ls Loo hlgh ls lL prudenL Lo have Lhe Mercler
8rldge ln Lhe wesLern parL of Lhe lsland and Lhe cenLrally locaLed !acquesCarLler 8rldge monopollsed by
Lrucks? no 1he followlng are only a few of Lhe expecLed ouLcomes from chooslng a Lunnel soluLlon
O lncreased denslLy ln hlgh Lrafflc areas along Lhe downLown core
O AcceleraLed wear of Lhe road lnfrasLrucLure leadlng Lo Lhe spans creaLed by Lhe lncreased Lrafflc
O Longer deLours for merchandlse requlred Lo reach Lhe SouLh Shore lead Lo lncreased fuel
consumpLlon and resulLlng ln greaLer alr and nolse polluLlon
O lncrease ln Lhe number of manhours wasLed ln Lrafflc [ams
8eglonal lssue
SafeLy ls lmporLanL We do noL need Lo repeaL a Lragedy such as Lhe de la Concorde 8rldge ln order Lo
avold paralyslng Lhe mosL lmporLanL brldge ln Canada we musL acL now CLherwlse Lhe economlc
lmpacL wlll be severely pre[udlclal Lo noL only MonLrealers buL also Lo manufacLurers of Lhe reglon LhaL
need Lo shlp Lhelr goods Lo forelgn markeLs
Loslng Lhe Champlaln 8rldge Lo a Lragedy would creaLe chaos 1he publlc LranslL sysLem ls unable ln lLs
currenL formaL Lo cope wlLh any moderaLe lncrease ln users 1he Longueull MeLro sLaLlon leadlng Lo
1hlerry Slgne
8errluCAM ls already near capaclLy 1he 81L's busses wlll requlre a long deLour vla Lhe !acquesCarLler
MonLreal cannoL be clrcumvenLed lL ls unreasonable Lo deLour aL Salaberrydevalleyfleld more Lhan
40km away from MonLreal [usL Lo cross Lhe waLer 1hlngs are looklng up however lor Lhe wealLhy
hellcopLers are an alLernaLlve unforLunaLely lL ls noL a pracLlcal soluLlon for Lhe 136 000 cars and Lrucks
uslng Lhe Champlaln 8rldge every day (4)
We musL acL now
!udlclous plannlng Lhrough a consorLlum of archlLecLs clvll englneers and sLakeholder overslghL
commlLLees musL begln Lhls year We can no longer afford Lo walL for more feaslblllLy sLudles and pray
noLhlng Lraglc happens ln Lhe mean Llme We need a new brldge now
MonLreal ls known worldwlde for lLs communlLy of lnnovaLlve deslgners arLlsLs and archlLecLs We have
Lhe perfecL opporLunlLy Lo endow Lhe clLy wlLh a slgnaLure sLaLemenL Comblnlng Lhe arLful Lo Lhe useful
wlll add llLLle Lo Lhe overall expense of a new brldge whlle addlng a greaLer sense of clvlc prlde and
approprlaLlon WlLh any luck we wlll see an lllumlnaLed cablesLayed brldge wlLh composlLe lf Lhe bean
counLers have Lhelr way we may end up wlLh elLher a canLllever brldge or worse Lhe sLald and borlng
presLressed concreLe box glrder

I|gure 3 narp des|gn cab|estayed Iro|se 8r|dge |n
8rest Irance Source http]]commonsw|k|med|aorg
I|gure 4 narp des|gn cab|estayed De|ta onds 8r|dge |n Lugene
Cregon Source wwwobeccom

1hlerry Slgne
1 MonLreal PlsLory by key uaLe" lmage MonLreal wwwlmLlorg/monLreal/hlsLolrephp Web
26 Sep 2011
2 Anderson W vlcLor AssessmenL of Lhe Champlaln 8rldge" uelcoo for 1be Iocpoescottlet ooJ
cbomplolo 8tlJqes loc 22 Mar 2011 Web 12 CcL 2011
3 Anderson W vlcLor 1he luLure of Lhe Champlaln 8rldge Crosslng" uelcoo for 1be Iocpoes
cottlet ooJ cbomplolo 8tlJqes loc 22 Mar 2011 Web 12 CcL 2011
4 1herrlen !eanClaude refeaslblllLy SLudy Concernlng Lhe 8eplacemenL of Lhe LxlsLlng
Champlaln 8rldge" 8cu coosottlom for 1be Iocpoescottlet ooJ cbomplolo 8tlJqes loc
24 leb 2011 Web 12 CcL 2011
3 Cuebec Plghway SafeLy Code 1ransporLaLlon of uangerous SubsLances 8egulaLlon source
8SC c C242 s 622 1sL par subpars 1 Lo 8 ulv xl 43
6 Wlklmedla Commons ltolse 8tlJqe 8test ltooce Web 18 CcL 2011
7 Cregon 8rldge Lnglneerlng Company uelto looJs 8tlJqe oqeoe Oteqoo Web 18 CcL 2011
hoLo Sources
1 hLLp//wwwfllckrcom/phoLos/marLlndubeneL/3743379370/
2 hLLp//wwwfllckrcom/phoLos/gulllaumepelleLler/3080263483/
3 hLLp//commonswlklmedlaorg/wlkl/llleonLe_dell27lrolse__8resL!C?uselangfr#fllellnks
4 hLLp//wwwobeccom
All lmages are under CreaLlve Commons llcense

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