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1hlerry Slgne

!eanneLLe novakovlch
AsslgnmenL #2
1echnlcal uescrlpLlon

8eg|nner's Gu|de to
n|gh erformance Dr|v|ng Lducat|on

1oday's cars can be decepLlvely qulck 8egular famlly sedans rouLlnely ouLperform even lerrarls from
[usL 23 years ago lL's lmporLanL Lo know how Lo avold geLLlng lnLo Lrouble 1haL's where Plgh
erformance urlvlng LducaLlon (PuL) schools sLep ln

Some mlghL conslder drlvlng ln MonLreal Lo be an exerclse ln hlgh performance drlvlng ln lLself Saylng
so would be mlsleadlng 1o clarlfy Lhe Lerm defenslve drlvlng ls more approprlaLe slnce you never know
whaL Lo expecL from Lhose around you especlally MonLreal cab drlvers 1he reallLy on a closed clrculL ls
qulLe dlfferenL

WhaL ls an PuL

LeL's sLarL wlLh whaL an PuL ls Plgh erformance urlvlng LducaLlon ls a graduaLed lnsLrucLlon where
sLudenLs learn Lo explore Lhe llmlLs of Lhelr drlvlng ablllLles ln a safe sLrucLured and supervlsed
envlronmenL SLudenLs learn Lo navlgaLe a race Lrack ln a LheoreLlcal seLLlng followed by pracLlcal
coachlng exerclses ln a vehlcle lL ls not a
race lL ls an occaslon Lo learn Lhe baslcs
aL low speed and as Lhe proper raclng llne
ls progresslvely adopLed Lhe sLudenL plcks
up speed wlLhouL abuslng Lhe drlver
passenger and vehlcle

1here are boLh local and lLlneranL schools
LhaL speclallse ln lmprovlng drlver sklll A
hlghly renowned one ls Lhe !lm 8ussell
8aclng School aL ClrculL MonL 1remblanL
locaLed noL far away ln Lhe beauLlful
LaurenLlans 1hey speclallse ln boLh
professlonal race Lralnlng and lmprovlng
defenslve drlvlng Lechnlques
Pere l'm seen followlng my lnsLrucLor's dlrecLlons negoLlaLlng a curve
whlle cllpplng Lhe apex aL Sanalr

Many auLomoblle enLhuslasL clubs are selzlng Lhe opporLunlLy LhaL Lralnlng ln speclallsed slngle seaL race
cars ls beyond Lhe budgeL of mosL novlces Members can parLlclpaLe ln full Lrack days organlsed by Lhe
club A race Lrack (or closed clrculL) ls renLed volunLeer lnsLrucLors and flaggers are presenL and Lhere ls
always an ambulance should Lhe unLhlnkable happen and a person geLs ln[ured

1hlerry Slgne

MandaLory requlremenLs Lo parLlclpaLe ln an PuL vary from one car club Lo Lhe nexL however mosL
wlll ask LhaL parLlclpanLs have Lhe followlng wlLh Lhem as a mlnlmum
O Iehlcle Lechnlcal lnspecLlon sheeL
recenLly slgned by a quallfled mechanlc
sLaLlng car ls safe
O LlLher an open faced or full faced
helmeL LhaL ls SnLLL approved SA2010
(or M2010)
O 8eglsLraLlon llcense and lnsurance
O ConverLlbles should have approved roll
bars (ln case of a rollover nogglns are
kepL lnLacL)
O Large plasLlc Lubs Lo sLore all loose
lLems from lnslde Lhe vehlcle lncludlng
maLs Cus pens spare Llre colns hula
dancers and doggle bobble heads


Plgh speed drlvlng schools are safe evenLs conducLed on a closed Lrack
under close supervlslon by experlenced lnsLrucLors SLudenLs wlll learn
Lo handle and conLrol Lhelr own vehlcle aL speeds noL normally aLLalned
on Lhe hlghway SLudenLs wlll Lhus be ready Lo face real llfe emergency
slLuaLlons arLlclpanLs wlll have Lhe chance Lo explore Lhelr capablllLles
as well as Lhose of Lhelr vehlcle Pere's Lhe besL parL aL no Llme are
sLudenLs ever pushed Lo go beyond Lhelr comforL Lhreshold Powever
wlLh each consecuLlve lap Lhe drlver bullds on successes and consLanLly
lmproves and by consequence ends up compleLlng a lap more qulckly
Lhan by mlsLreaLlng Lhe car
rlor Lo embarklng on Lhe Lrack lL ls lmperaLlve Lo know Lhe rules governlng proper Lrack eLlqueLLe
1hey are Lhere for everyone's safeLy ?ou'll dlscover whaL Lhe dlfferenL flags mean all safe passlng
zones Lhe day's schedule and more


rospecLlve sLudenLs wlll experlence Lhe followlng Lyplcal PuL Lrack day
1 1he reglsLraLlon and Lechnlcal lnspecLlons
2 1he lnsLrucLors' meeLlng
3 1he drlvers' meeLlng uo not mlss lmporLanL general lnformaLlon
abouL Lhe Lrack ls glven and heeded
4 novlce and lnLermedlaLe sLudenLs recelve Lwo classroom sesslons
per day on vehlcle dynamlcs and drlvlng Lechnlques lallure Lo
aLLend Lhe classroom leads Lo revocaLlon of Lrack Llme
3 Lach sLudenL ls palred wlLh an lnsLrucLor and recelves
approprlaLe feedback LhroughouL Lhe enLlre Lrack sesslon as well
as lmmedlaLely afLer

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