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A staple Iood made Irom Ilour or meal mixed with other dry and liquid ingredients, usually
combined with a leavening agent, and kneaded, shaped into loaves, and baked.
How many types oI bread can you name? White bread, wheat bread, French bread, bagels, rye bread, pita
1. ather your ingredients and equipment. Flour bread board and grease your pans (and bowl, iI
not using rapid yeast.)
2. With a wire whisk, mix sugar, salt, rapid yeast and some Ilour
. n a saucepan, bring liquids and butter to 120 to 130 degrees F. or until small bubbles Iorm
around edge oI pan.
. radually, add warm liquid mixture to Ilour mixture. Combine with an electric mixer Ior 2
minutes on medium.
. With a wooden spoon, gradually add enough Ilour to Iorm a soIt dough. (Be careIul not to over
add Ilour.)
. n lightly Iloured bread board, knead dough until smooth and elastic. About 8 to 10 minutes.
. Cover dough with lightly greased plastic wrap and let rest Ior 10 minutes. (I using Active Dry
yeast, at this point, the dough is placed in a greased bowl. Turn over to grease entire dough ball.
Cover with greased plastic wrap. Let rise Ior one hour or so in a warm and draIt-Iree place.)
. Divide dough according to recipe directions. I shaping into a loaI, roll out dough into rectangle.
Starting at short end, roll tightly like a jelly roll. Pinch seam and ends. Place in pan seam side
down. Cover with lightly greased plastic wrap.
. Let dough rise in pan(s) Ior an hour in a warm, draIt-Iree place.
10. Bake dough Ior required amount oI time.
11. #emove Irom pan to wire rack. I loaI unseeded, brush with melted butter. Cool slightly beIore
lL ls a good ldea Lo bake only one loaf aL a Llme so LhaL any fallures wlll noL depleLe your supplles/ Make
a noLe of rlslng Llmes raLlo of waLer Lo flour and Lhe resulLlng LasLe when you ad[usL Lhe measuremenLs
of your lngredlenLs/

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