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All my life I have been surrounded by a warm, close-knit community.

I have always held my family and friends extremely close to me. I live in a small community in a small town where everyone generally knows each other in one way or another. This town is my home and where I feel most comfortable, but ever since I was a little girl I have wanted to break away and see what else life has in store for me. My dream was always to leave my town after high school and move to a bigger city and see what else is out there. My whole life I have gone through small private schools and have experienced what it is like to be around just a small group of individuals. I am very grateful that my parents decided to put me through private school due to private school offering a better education. Although I am very grateful to them I always wondered what it would be like to go to a big school and meet new people everyday. I love meeting new people and over the years I have become very curious on what else is out there for me to discover. I want to discover new people and cultures and see how people of different cultures interact with one another. Going to college will give me a chance to see people of all different nationalities and perspectives. My parents have always pushed me to pursue my dreams and go after what I want and they have always encouraged me to do better. At times I felt like they were being too pushy but I realized that they were doing so for my benefit.

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