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C1 CalculaLe Lhe number of kllomeLers Lravelled ln Mlleage 8ecord

1 CreaLe Lhe formula fleld named kllomeLer
2 lormula reLurn Lype ls number (62)
3 Add Lhe formula as glven ln below plcLure

C2 CreaLe a formula fleld on Mlleage Cb[ecL Lo show Lhe selecL conLacL address lnformaLlon on Lhe
Mlleage ob[ecL


1 CreaLe a formula fleld ConLacL Address
2 8eLurn 1ype ls 1exL
3 SelecL Lhe Advanced lormula Lab
4 SelecL Lhe Mlleage from llrsL Colum
3 SelecL Lhe ConLacL from Lhe second column
6 SelecL Lhe Malllng sLreeL ln Lhe Lhlrd column

lormula for Address ls as below

Q3. Show address of selected contact in the mileage object in the google Map.


1. Create formula field "Show Address" as HyperLink
2. Formula should look like below

Contact__r.MaiIingStreet & BR() & Contact__r.MaiIingCity & ', ' & Contact__r.MaiIingState & ' '&
Contact__r.MaiIingPostaICode &
HYPERLINK('' & Contact__r.MaiIingStreet & ', ' & Contact__r.MaiIingPostaICode,
'CIick to Map')

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