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S Channel v ls Lhe brand name for mulLlple lnLernaLlonal

muslc Lelevlslon neLworks owned by S1A8 1v and lox

lnLernaLlonal Channels Channel v lndla 1v ls an lndlan
glamor muslc and enLerLalnmenL Lelevlslon channel
OfficiaI Website India
Seuklng LoAfuqs!, Premkamath, execuLlve
vlce-resldenL und generul munuger, Chunnel [v], suys,
a^ ^esea^Uh highlighteu the faUt that U[nsae^s ase Tv Uhannels as a
s[a^Ue [f ^eU^eati[n t[ spenu [nly pe^ Uent [f thei^ tie in a uay, while
8 pe^ Uent [f thei^ tie is spent hanging [at with f^ienus anu sp[ases.
u[ing al[ng with this finuing, we th[aght [f taking the b^anu Ul[se^ t[ [a^
ta^get aauienUe -- the y[ath -- by laanUhing |vj Sp[t Caf & Ba^.
S suge of Lhe CHANNLL v webslLe
(l) your use of Lhe WebslLe us ermlLLed ls solely for your ersonul,
noncommerclul use
(ll) you wlll noL coy or dlsLrlbuLe uny urL of Lhe WebslLe ln uny
medlum wlLhouL Lhe Comunys rlor wrlLLen uuLhorlzuLlon
S lnLellecLuul ProerLy RlghLs
1he conLenL on Lhe WebslLe, Lhe LexL, sofLwure, scrlLs, gruhlcs,
hoLos, sounds, muslc, screen shoLs, vldeo clls, demos, muslc und edlLorlul
conLenL, lnLerucLlve feuLures und Lhe llke (ConLenL) und Lhe Lrudemurks,
servlce murks und logos conLulned Lhereln (Murks), conLulns rorleLury
lnformuLlon und muLerlul LhuL ls owned by Lhe Comuny undjor lLs llcensors,
und ls roLecLed by ullcuble lnLellecLuul roerLy und oLher luws
S Physlcul slgnuLure of Lhe owner of Lhe coyrlghL or Lhe
erson uuLhorlzed Lo ucL on behulf of Lhe owner of Lhe
S WurrunLy Llsclulmer
Je agree LhaL Lhe use of Lhe webslLe shall be aL your
sole rlsk 1o Lhe fullesL exLenL permlLLed by law Lhe company
lncludlng lLs afflllaLes and each of Lhelr respecLlve offlcers
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or lmplled ln connecLlon wlLh Lhe webslLe and your use Lhereof
S iitati[n [f iability
ln no evenL shall Lhe company lLs offlcers dlrecLors employees
represenLaLlves or agenLs be llable Lo Lhe Subcrlber for any dlrecL lndlrecL
lncldenLal speclal punlLlve or consequenLlal damages whaLsoever resulLlng
from any oI the Iollowing :
Lrrors, mlsLukes, or lnuccurucles of conLenL
Personul ln|ury or roerLy dumuge, of uny nuLure whuLsoever,
resulLlng fromyour uccess Lo und use of Lhe webslLe
Any bugs, vlruses, Lro|un horses, or Lhe llke, whlch muy be
LrunsmlLLed Lo or Lhrough our webslLe by uny Lhlrd urLy
Any errors or omlsslons ln uny conLenL or for uny loss or dumuge of
uny klnd lncurred us u resulL of your use of uny conLenL osLed,
LrunsmlLLed, or oLherwlse mude uvulluble vlu Lhe webslLe
S lL hus oslLloned lLself us u Chunnel for Lhe [aZY
aZV[aZY at heart"
S Chunnel [v]'s oslLlonlng loneered u ZasceZt f[r m
[f y[ath catare cenLered uround Lelevlslon, muslc
und Lhe urbun mlddle-cluss uudlence

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